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Author Topic : Since it is Quiet, tell us what you do with dogs in RL
 Clwyd Cockers
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10/21/2022 10:19:22 AM reply with quote send message to Clwyd Cockers Object to Post   

Hi all,

It is still quiet so let’s all share what we do with our dogs, in real life.

If you are playing and you have no dogs, that’s ok too.

Let’s get all off us die hards to weigh in.

I will start.
I have 2 American Cockers who were bred in the US but enjoy living with me in BC Canada.

Robbie, my 10 yr old, is now in Tracking. He has a couple of titles in Rally O but I stopped Rally training at the beginning of the pandemic and focused on Tracking. During recovery from his 2nd CCL surgery, he earned his Novice Trick title. NTD.
He has had several bumps on the road since he started in Nov 2018 but is entered in a Tracking Test on Nov 6, if we get in. He is more than ready to get his TD.

Emmy is 5 and was a confirmation failure in Washington state so her breeder gave her to me.
Emmy was a wild Child…she is better since she is older.
I discovered quickly (after 3 groups of 5 weeks of obedience) that obedience wasn’t for her.

She is excelling in Nosework and has a Level 2 SD title with CWAGS and has a Scent Detection Open title with the Canadian Kennel Club.

That’s it.
Now, it is your turn.

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10/21/2022 12:50:06 PM reply with quote send message to Tarot Object to Post

I showed Afghan Hounds on the east coast in very tough competition in the 70s (with an occasional Basenji and Wolfhound). Then I showed Afghans in the Denver area in the early 90s. I had a few litters in both eras.

I gave up my dogs in the late 90s (which I totally regret) to move with my ex. Over the years following I always had a dog, various breeds.

When I moved to my current location about 17 years ago I got my first small dog, a Shih Tzu. Wow, what a revelation. First dog I have had that lived to please me. She is now 16 years ago and on a downward slide.

I go to an occasional dog show but to be honest, after how many years (24-25) it's still very hard for me to be around the Afghans I miss them so much and I miss the whole ambience. I am friends with many of them on Facebook, including people I knew in the 70s, and people I had only heard of by reputation.

This game makes me still feel involved in some peverse way. I wonder sometimes if any of the Afghan people here may be people I know or know of. LOL. Tarot is my real kennel name.

That's my story...
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10/21/2022 1:10:48 PM reply with quote send message to Carolyn Object to Post

IRL, we have 4 Standard Wirehaired Dachshunds. 2 reds, 2 wild boars. We only have one we are actively showing at this moment. All are Canadian Champions, two are Grand Chsmpions.

We also have Newfoundland Dogs though not currently as our sweet boy passed from cancer in July. We have shown Newfs over the years though our last sweet boy wasn’t shown.

I have played SD off and on since 2003! Yep, that long.

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10/21/2022 8:42:59 PM reply with quote send message to Wickised Object to Post

I own Mudi in real life, in addition to playing with them here.

My oldest Mudi, Lonya, was imported from Hungary to the US almost 14 years ago. She was my main agility and flyball dog for many years, and a UKC champion. I bred her twice and kept a puppy from each litter. She was the first Mudi to get the C-ATCH title in CPE agility. She's a black merle, with a natural bob tail.

From the first litter I kept Wicked, who just turned 10. He dabbled in flyball and FastCat (first Mudi to get the BCAT title!) and is still my primary agility dog. He also is a UKC champion. He's black merle with a full tail.

From the second litter, I kept Erised, who turned 8 last month. She is more sensitive soul than the others, but plays flyball and is a UKC champion. She's brown merle with a full tail.

Wicked was bred twice, his first litter was a singleton male and I own him (we repeated so the owner of the female could get a pup, which she did). His name is Mahomes and he's 2. He's currently playing flyball and running agility (we're still working on teamwork there! LOL) He also has done some FastCat and dock diving and has a couple of points in AKC conformation. He's a yellow male with a full tail.

I've played the game off and on for years, under various kennels/breeds. This one has been fun working towards bringing back the dominant colors and getting them showable (I still don't keep many dilutes or fawns to keep from getting stuck where we were when I started).
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10/21/2022 11:18:00 PM reply with quote send message to PixelPups Object to Post

I have Belgian Tervuren, an older retired girl who used to do agility, and a one year old girl. The one year old needs one point to finish her CH, and we are working on tracking (aiming for a TD in February I hope!). We're also doing obedience classes and some foundation agility. There may be herding too. Oh yeah, we will do nosework at some point but I'm busy enough right now lol.
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10/22/2022 8:03:01 PM reply with quote send message to CoffieDog Object to Post

I have a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. He is an AKC champion and also has titles in dock diving, coursing ability, rally, and trick dog. I showed him to all his titles. He is now retired and is 10 years old (but still acts like a crazy puppy? lol).

I have been looking for a show quality Smooth Fox Terrier puppy for the last year but have had bad luck. I've gone through multiple waitlists/breeders and no puppy ever turns up for me in each litter so far which has been disappointing. But I found a new breeder and am staying on their waitlist for a couple upcoming litters so fingers crossed one will come out for me finally! I miss showing so bad and am eager to start again with a new pup!
 Clwyd Cockers
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10/23/2022 10:14:58 AM reply with quote send message to Clwyd Cockers Object to Post

CofieDog, I wish you the best of luck in getting you new pup.

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10/23/2022 4:03:22 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

I have been training and trialing, and instructing in dog obedience since 1984. All keeshonds, hence why this kennel is all keeshonds. LOL.
I am currently having a break, as my current dog is 13 years old, and well and truly retired.
Hoping to get back to obedience in the future, especially as now I am retired also and can spend more time on my favourite "sport".
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10/23/2022 9:44:07 PM reply with quote send message to Llanelli Object to Post

I originally started in Shelties at 13 in 4-H. At 16, I got my first Welsh Springer. We did incredibly well; we were number one junior in our breed, got dozens of variety and NOHS placements, and put quite of few letters at the end of his name. Unfortunately, that lovely dog passed last month.

I know own two WSS and co-own/bred about half a dozen others. My girl is 23 months and finished quickly. She gets her final OFA tests next month (she prelimmed good) and then will have a brief campaign for a few months before we hope to have babies and maybe bird dog camp. My boy is 9 months and just getting started??The shelties are still kicking at my parents’ house and we show at occasional local specialties or in rally
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10/24/2022 12:03:03 AM reply with quote send message to Tarot Object to Post

Congrats to all you people still showing. I am just so freaking jealous. After all these years (25) I sill miss it like crazy and always will.
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10/24/2022 9:39:08 AM reply with quote send message to DetroitKennel Object to Post

It’s so interesting to see what everyone is doing with their dogs! Especially considering my current *big accomplishment* is I have finally convinced my 10 year old rescue rat terrier mix that breakfast time is NOT 3 am. He will occasionally try and push it earlier but has pretty much resided himself to the fact that it is actually 6am. Definitely a win in my book!
Greatly respect all of you who are achieving sporting and confirmation titles! I’m sure it’s an insane amount of hard work and dedication. Congratulations!
 Clwyd Cockers
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10/24/2022 11:11:30 AM reply with quote send message to Clwyd Cockers Object to Post

Lianelli, Real WSS are another favourite breed of mine having grown up with a WSS mix. Randy saved my life when I was little, about 4. He lead my Dad to the ravine that I fell into.

I don’t see them often here. I did meet a lovely girl last week who is an amazing Tracking dog.

 The Odd Dog
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10/24/2022 2:15:07 PM reply with quote send message to The Odd Dog Object to Post

I remember when I showed Afghans in the Denver area in the 90s there was a guy who won everything with his WSS. I believe his name was Johnson? Can't remember now. But he was unstoppable.
 Stormbringer Retrievers
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10/25/2022 11:57:53 AM reply with quote send message to Stormbringer Retrievers Object to Post

I used to be a professional retriever trainer, training/breeding labradors for hunt tests, AKC field trials and hunting. Currently I am owned by two chocolate labs out of field trial lines that let me duck hunt with them
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10/26/2022 12:22:59 AM reply with quote send message to Meadowly Object to Post

I started showing Afghan hounds when I was 13 both in junior showmanship and in the breed ring. I still show from time to time, but not as much as I'd like to! It was my childhood dream to be a professional handler. For now I can just pretend on ShowDog... but maybe one day I can realize that dream!

I grew up with Maltese at home, and they'll always hold a place in my heart-- I love a dog with lots of coat and little regard for humanity, I guess!
My 17 year old Maltese just passed this year- I was raised with him, so in a way, his departure felt like losing a sibling. He was the absolute worst dog to ever live, and I miss all four pounds of him every single day!

Now that I'm in university full time and living in an apartment, I just have a Scottish fold cat!
My plan is to eventually buy a Chinese Crested to show once I'm in a more permanent living situation. I've heard they're like "mini Afghans." We'll see if it's true!
[P.S. If anyone has experience with Cresteds please let me know! I'd love to talk and learn more about them happy :) ]

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10/26/2022 12:59:34 PM reply with quote send message to Tarot Object to Post

Gosh Meadowly, did you ever show in the same areas I did? Maybe I know you on Facebook. LOL. What bloodlines did you have?

I too always wanted a CC. I actually got one, a rescue I named Pony. I loved him dearly but he was the neediest dog I have ever owned. I live on the Washington coast and the climate is just terrible for them. Eventually I had to find a home for him because he was so extremely needy that he screamed any time I was not holding him and I was getting complaints. If I ever got another I would definitely get a puppy, not an adult. But yes, in my heart, I want another, a tiny horse or a mini Afghan. Many Afghan breeders have them I notice.
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10/28/2022 7:36:31 AM reply with quote send message to Interlude Object to Post

I have a rescue Aussie mix that I am working on training to be a therapy dog. When we're not working on that, she's content to be a family dog and snuggle with us on the couch when we watch TV or go for long walks around the neighborhood.

We are also working on possibly rescuing a 2nd dog soon.

It's funny, when I initially joined back in 2003 as a high school student, I always assumed that at this point in my life I'd be showing real life Tollers. I do still want to do that eventually, but at this point I'm happy to be involved in rescue and therapy dog training.

Also, if I were to tell my 18 year old self that I'd have 2 human children at this point, my past self would never believe it. I was so sure I was never going to have kids LOL.
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10/31/2022 3:49:45 PM reply with quote send message to ambertal Object to Post

I spent fifteen years producing German Working bloodline Rottweilers. I had the last direct son & daughter (littermates) of the ONLY thirteen-time SchH III champion in the world.

Been out of dogs for almost twenty-two years now. But the itch doesn't go away!
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11/2/2022 10:49:36 AM reply with quote send message to bsgk3 Object to Post

I adore *watching* all types of shows, but have never shown. I rescue hard case pit mixes (which seem to be just about all that's available in local shelters).

I had a pit/lab mix that was a bait dog. She was my walking buddy, and became a national cover dog for my walking club. I lost her last year at a ripe old age.

I have a pit/American bulldog mix that was a bait dog as well. He's been treated for heart worms, and is mostly deaf, missing an ear, with a hole in his elbow that reopens often. He's sweet, but has no spatial awareness. Imagine an 80 pound Scooby who thinks he's a lap dog, but doesn't realize he's all elbows! laugh :D He's a little on the dense side but is starting to respond slowly to hand signals.

I got a pit/Beagle(?) mix that came from a hoarding situation. The backyard breeder bred her every cycle since she became viable (she's about 5). She has some sort of PTSD, as it has taken months to get her to look directly at us, as well as potty train. Since getting her, she's been treated for kennel cough, giardia, heart worms, and recurrent yeast and urinary infections. She's also battling pica. As she's coming out of her shell, we're happily discovering a little sassiness in her personality.

All my dogs are spayed/neutered, and will be solely companion dogs. I would like to work with both of them to get their Canine Good Citizen (CGC) designation, but it seems that's going to be awhile....
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11/2/2022 1:58:52 PM reply with quote send message to Tarot Object to Post

Wow, you are an inspiration. I can't even imagine what those dogs have suffered. Pitties are such a maligned breed. You are an amazing person. The world needs more people like you.

 Clwyd Cockers
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11/3/2022 10:01:21 AM reply with quote send message to Clwyd Cockers Object to Post

posted by Tarot
Wow, you are an inspiration. I can't even imagine what those dogs have suffered. Pitties are such a maligned breed. You are an amazing person. The world needs more people like you.


I am with you, Tarot.
Wow is right.
I did Cocker rescue here in BC Canada for 16 years but compared to the above, it was a cakewalk.

We have a couple of very ethical Bully Rescues here.
HuggaBull and Bully Buddies.


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Did you know?
A specialty show is a dog show which reviews a single breed, unlike other dog shows, particularly conformation shows, which are generally referred to as "all-breed" because they are open to all breeds recognized by the sponsoring kennel club.