All Samoyed Kennels

Rank Username Contact Last Visit
1 Anakie send a message to Anakiesend message Not Listed
2 WishMaker send a message to WishMakersend message 14 hours ago
3 Cardinal Kennels send a message to Cardinal Kennelssend message 5 hours ago
4 Jimbos Pad send a message to Jimbos Padsend message 6 hours ago
5 tiny_paws send a message to tiny_pawssend message 18 hours ago
6 Udogsrun send a message to Udogsrunsend message 19 hours ago
7 XiZang send a message to XiZangsend message Not Listed
8 Lacasadelanieve send a message to Lacasadelanievesend message 17 days ago

Did you know?
A conformation dog show is not a comparison of one dog to another but a comparison of each dog to a judge's mental image of the ideal breed type as outlined in the individual breed's breed standard.