GCH Zimbrel Grey Skies UD

Call Name: (B8G1x11G2x9G3x9G4x2)
Registration: #18743390
Birthdate: 3/27/2024 9:35:43 PM (207 days old)
Breed: Caucasian Mountain Dog
Sex: Altered Female
Owner/Breeder: Zimbrel
Finished By: Zimbrel (4/22/2024)
GCH Finished By: Zimbrel (5/5/2024)
COI: 8.31%     Generation: 132
Ration: Pet House for Show Dogs

Genetic Quality [99.35]
Head Forequarter Hindquarter Gait Top Neck & Back
9.8 10.0 9.7 10.0 10.3
Coat Size Temperament Show Shine Feet
10.0 10.0 10.0 20.0 9.7

Health, Obedience, and Training Quality
Show Obedience Condition Muscle Tone Coat Condition
20 20 20 20
Pedigree of GCH CH UD Zimbrel Grey Skies
Cellery Man Icon
Cellery Traffic Man
Cellery Small Fish
Siberian Hiltop Road
Cellery Muffin Man
Siberian Greyscale
Siberian Gun Metal
Generation 132
Siberian Nikota
Siberian Red Line
Siberian Sheera
Siberian Red Moon Rising
Cellery Traffic Man
Siberian Revita
Siberian Grey Shade
Gold GCH
Show Stats
Finishing Date 4/22/2024
1st in Class 5
Best of Breed 81
Best in Group 11
Best in Specialty Show 1
Best in Show 8
Breed Beaten 502
Group Beaten 3,157
All Beaten 7,016
Grand Points 345
Earnings $1,907

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April 2024 Showdog.com World Cup
DNP · 4/30/2024
GaylanStudio8 All-Breed 24-05-06
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