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Topic Author Replies Last Post
open topic Ch Fantazee Pure Ice has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 1/2/2025 12:43:41 AM
open topic Ch Fantazee Kingdom Of Ice has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 12/20/2024 12:47:01 AM
open topic GCH Fantazee Lawless Raider has earned the title of Bronze Grand Champion. admin 0 12/6/2024 12:44:50 AM
open topic Ch Fantazee Hells Knight has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 11/28/2024 12:47:29 AM
open topic Ch Fantazee Lawless Raider has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 11/10/2024 12:46:30 AM
open topic GCH Fantazee Ice Kingdom Empress has earned the title of Gold Grand Champion. admin 0 10/31/2024 12:35:12 AM
open topic GCH Fantazee Snow Sultan has earned the title of Silver Grand Champion. admin 0 10/7/2024 12:47:57 AM
open topic GCH Fantazee Snow Sultan has earned the title of Bronze Grand Champion. admin 0 9/11/2024 12:49:06 AM
open topic GCH Fantazee Ice Kingdom Empress has earned the title of Silver Grand Champion. admin 0 8/27/2024 12:50:06 AM
open topic Ch Fantazee Snow Sultan has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 7/28/2024 12:49:28 AM
open topic GCH Fantazee Ice Kingdom Empress has earned the title of Bronze Grand Champion. admin 0 7/20/2024 12:49:15 AM
open topic Ch Fantazee Ice Kingdom Empress has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 7/1/2024 12:45:22 AM
open topic GCH Fantazee Lawless Moon Queen has earned the title of Bronze Grand Champion. admin 0 6/1/2024 12:45:16 AM
open topic Ch Fantazee Lawless Moon Queen has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 5/8/2024 12:48:13 AM
open topic CH RoyalPaw`SavingGrace has earned the title of Bronze Dam. admin 0 5/4/2024 4:54:59 AM
open topic CH RoyalPaw`CutiePieAri has earned the title of Bronze Dam. admin 0 4/28/2024 4:55:01 AM
open topic CH Captiva Indian Outlaw has earned the title of Bronze Sire. admin 0 4/28/2024 4:55:01 AM
open topic Ch RoyalPaw`Lovebug has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 4/22/2024 12:48:49 AM
open topic Ch RoyalPaw`Valentino has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 4/10/2024 12:48:08 AM
open topic Ch Fantazee Kyntara has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 3/9/2024 12:49:07 AM

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Judges are generally certified to judge one or several breeds, usually in the same group, but a few "all-breed" judges have the training and experience to judge large numbers of breeds.