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Author Topic : Ironic
 Blue Twist
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10/8/2021 4:19:59 PM reply with quote send message to Blue Twist Object to Post   

If a kennel asks for help with bloodlines and someone steps up to help, but original kennel refuses to help anyone; how ironic is that?
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10/8/2021 4:23:42 PM reply with quote send message to Mauvais Object to Post

Happens all the time. I helped someone in my breed many years ago, they turned around after I had taken a break and wouldn't share dogs that went back to my lines. The game needs new people who want to help each other.
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10/8/2021 6:19:15 PM reply with quote send message to Kutz Object to Post

Agree 100%.
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10/8/2021 11:44:07 PM reply with quote send message to DoggyPanache Object to Post

Well I, for 5, am willing to help anyone with any of my breeds in

Aldeberan: Cavs, Komondor, Pugs, SPoodles
DoggyPanache: Shih Tzu, Cockers, IWS, GSD
Fingerprint: Dalmatians, Pointers
Tarot: Afghan Hounds
Xizang: Boxers, Newfies, Tibbies

Some breeds I only have 1 or 2 but if I can help I will.
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10/9/2021 12:37:12 AM reply with quote send message to Object to Post edit post

Me too!

If you want into any breed I have, just ask! I can usually spare at least one or two, or half a dozen.

And . . .
Anyone who knows they are going to be gone for a while, please name and put at stud any boys.

Unless you are sure you will be back, put some or all the girls for sale without approval!

This is especially important if you have a less popular/recovering breed. I recently started to help with an almost extinct breed - there were 4 or 5 old, old studs available with high SOP. An old player came back briefly and placed some old girls up for sale and one player bought them all. They breed each once or twice. They did not seem to be willing to share the pups (FH'd a number of them), then went Basic leaving a new generation of high SOP's in limbo and unavailable to the rest of us. It was very disappointing.
 Blue Twist
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10/9/2021 8:28:26 AM reply with quote send message to Blue Twist Object to Post

I will help out anyone too. Kerry Blue Terriers need new FRIENDLY, SHARING breeders. There are 3 or 4 of us now that will share. There are some nice pups for sale right now. Also Scottish Deerhounds and Irish Wolfhounds welcome new people. Most of us are friendly and helpful too.
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10/10/2021 9:44:12 AM reply with quote send message to Wickised Object to Post

I vary how much time I spend on here (some months I only breed, others I'll actually show too LOL) but your post reminded me that I hadn't put my boys up for stud for a bit. When I went back and looked, it had been over a month, so thanks for the "sportmanship" reminder!
 Bourne Acres
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10/10/2021 12:20:59 PM reply with quote send message to Bourne Acres Object to Post

So, I recently added Dachshunds to my group. It's kind of a two pronged project. There are a number of traditional colours that have all but disappeared and the short haired variety seems to consist of one male that I now have, SOP about 19.

Anyone out there have any SH Dachsies they can get their hands on that have higher SOP and/or are of traditional colours (non dapple, none dilute)? They can be old as long as they are breedable . . .


 Bourne Acres
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10/10/2021 12:24:44 PM reply with quote send message to Bourne Acres Object to Post

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Studs - Yes. If there are few working on a breed it's easy to forget to put them up but doubly important to do so - especially if you are leaving for whatever reason or length.

Oh, and I had noticed that the Kerry breed has opened it's doors! Good show! If we want the game to survive we must make it welcoming to new, and returning players.

Last edited by Bourne Acres on 10/10/2021 12:28:27 PM
 Black Raven Kennels
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10/30/2021 11:14:26 PM reply with quote send message to Black Raven Kennels Object to Post

This happens far too much. I've taken up some of the less popular breeds in hopes of bringing them back, only to be screwed over when others come back with higher sop dogs and refuse to work with those who have been struggling to get anywhere from starters and can't find any high sop studs alive.

We all started out the same way, it doesn't hurt to help each other. Not ALL less popular breeds have this issue though. I will always share my dogs, I do forget to put them at stud so I try to keep up with that.
 Austintown Kennels
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10/31/2021 7:18:31 PM reply with quote send message to Austintown Kennels Object to Post

I am always willing to help this kennel as well as Cardinal Kennels, Grove Kennels, Mahoning Kennels, STL Kennels, TR Herders, TR Hounds, TR Kennels, TR Sport, and Winthrop Kennels.

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11/6/2021 10:18:31 AM reply with quote send message to BarStar Object to Post

posted by Austintown Kennels
I am always willing to help this kennel as well as Cardinal Kennels, Grove Kennels, Mahoning Kennels, STL Kennels, TR Herders, TR Hounds, TR Kennels, TR Sport, and Winthrop Kennels.

Are you newer to the game? We used to have a player in Ridgebacks who used TR as a kennel name. I think Timber Ridge was the kennel.

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11/6/2021 11:32:45 AM reply with quote send message to XiZang Object to Post

Wait, you are the one who keeps beating my Afghan Hounds? Dang it. I should have known.
 TR Kennels
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11/6/2021 7:16:16 PM reply with quote send message to TR Kennels Object to Post

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I am pretty new. Mid June of this year. I played Trophy Horse from almost the beginning until the end. Dabbled in Showhorse and am one of the few cuuently playing Showrabbits.

I miss Trophyhorse.

Last edited by TR Kennels on 11/6/2021 7:19:46 PM

Last edited by TR Kennels on 11/6/2021 7:21:29 PM

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In multi-breed and all-breed shows, the winners of all breeds within the kennel club's breed Groups then compete for Group placements.