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Author Topic : Breeds with Active Source Breeders
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11/11/2021 9:21:21 PM reply with quote send message to Sadiera Object to Post   

Are there any breeds that have an active group of source breeders? Thinking of trying it, most of the breeds I used to play (besides ECS) are at 100%, which is no fun.

Thinking maybe Brittanys, GSP, GWP.. others?
 Azawakh Inc.
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11/11/2021 11:52:16 PM reply with quote send message to Azawakh Inc. Object to Post

When you say "Source Breeder", do you mean true source to source- or do you mean source to current sop breedings?
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11/17/2021 6:53:48 AM reply with quote send message to Sadiera Object to Post

I mean true source breeding. I have a kennel of dogs in the 98’s-99’s.

The breeds i started in are all at 100’s, which seems pointless to me. So looking for a breed that has active source breeders to show against.

I just got my first litters of Gen 1 Brittanys (on Alt kennel) but still open to other breeds.
 Grenich Road
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11/17/2021 8:43:24 AM reply with quote send message to Grenich Road Object to Post

I'm in Bloodhounds and I currently have 2 lines, a Source line, and a high SOP line. I started with just source dogs, but there were a few existing studs that had 90+ SOP that I bred with to get my current line. So, not really "true" Source x Source, but I currently have dogs in the 30's pushing into the 40's. Not a ton of showing activity, but I run my high SOP dogs occasionally. The high SOP line is in the high 90's and it comes from hidden/ghost studs and a previous bloodhound breeder that sold me a pair of 700+ day old bitches. I tried Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs and Kooikerhondjes in one of my other kennels, but I am just not patient enough for true source breeding.
 Little River Kennel
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11/17/2021 9:56:09 AM reply with quote send message to Little River Kennel Object to Post

I’m working on Bloodhounds but I’m not doing strictly source since I was sort of struggling with it. But I’m using Grenich as my leaning post wink ;)
 Grenich Road
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11/17/2021 7:16:47 PM reply with quote send message to Grenich Road Object to Post

Bloodhounds have a great little community, for sure!
 Caulfeilds Kennels
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11/17/2021 7:31:42 PM reply with quote send message to Caulfeilds Kennels Object to Post

Sadiera, true Source breeding takes YEARS.

I have been source breeding in this kennel since forever.
My dogs are not near show quality,

I love it.
It is not for the faint of heart and not for the uncommitted.

aka Clwyd Cockers/Rossett Spaniels
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11/18/2021 2:57:30 PM reply with quote send message to Carolyn Object to Post

I am currently doing a Source breeding project.
Breeding Source to current SOP.
The project has a goal.

Newfoundland Dogs have been locked with 10.2 in Head for a number of years.
My goal is a head stat of 9.9, 10 or 10.1 in a finishable SOP dog.

I am on generation 7 from Source now and it is still going to take months.

I will persevere.

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11/22/2021 12:12:47 PM reply with quote send message to Object to Post edit post

Yeah, my youngest show quality ECS are Gen 157. That’s about 13 years with a wider pool of dogs.

Replies in this thread : 8

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Did you know?
The figure 8 exercise requires the team to heel in a figure 8 pattern either on or off leash. Generally two of the ring stewards will assist the judge with this exercise by acting as "posts", standing 8 feet apart, that the team walks around to form the loops of the figure 8.