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Author Topic : Various small glitches
 Secret Place
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5/22/2023 3:49:56 PM reply with quote send message to Secret Place Object to Post   

I kinda don't see the point in reporting stuff, when I can't even get a response about a MAJOR issue. ANyway, there are some weird things happening. Points being awarded to three dogs at shows; best opp being given to second place class dog; auto food selected constantly has to be redone (it is not working unless I click on this food for that run every day); auto puppy food selection not working (it does not change); random switching back to other kennels in my family account when I was working on another one.
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5/22/2023 5:17:59 PM reply with quote send message to XiZang Object to Post

 Comet Poodles
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5/22/2023 7:30:42 PM reply with quote send message to Comet Poodles Object to Post

Where is this food issue happening for you, on the Bulk Feeding Tool page? I've never had issues with that in particular.

The random kennel flipping used to happen a lot but that hasn't happened for me in a while.
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5/23/2023 7:18:15 AM reply with quote send message to Ghostmane Object to Post

Could it be an issue with the default food you have selected? Took me a bit to figure out that's what was going on on my end.

No idea with the other stuff, never had those issues personally. It is unfortunate though, I know people have mentioned Jeff is sort of doing minimal maintenance on this site.
 Secret Place
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5/24/2023 9:37:31 AM reply with quote send message to Secret Place Object to Post

posted by Ghostmane
Could it be an issue with the default food you have selected? Took me a bit to figure out that's what was going on on my end.

No idea with the other stuff, never had those issues personally. It is unfortunate though, I know people have mentioned Jeff is sort of doing minimal maintenance on this site.

"minimal maintanence" lol while we give him our money every month. I will not share what I think of that. I put this note here in forum so others can see there are some issues developing. With just "minimal maintenance" nothing can be done, but at least we know what is going off the rails.

I set my default food on the bulk feeding tool. I created 1777 for both puppy and adult and yes they have different names. The set puppy ration does not work AT ALL for me. I can fix it by reselecting from the bulk feeder every time dogs turn 14 days or a litter is born, but the bulk feeder is not changing rations automatically as it should. It is little things going wrong. When I first came back a few months ago, I wanted to do some source breeding and the first source dogs I bought at high expense ($1500 each) had no color. When they were bred, their offspring also had no color so I had to fh a bunch of dogs. I have sent texts to Jeff every time. I recently accidentally deleted my MANAGER kennel and have sent multiple notes to admin with ZERO response. Yep, my dumb error but still, I can't manage my family account. My philosophy now is, oh well but it WILL have an effect on my renewal.
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5/24/2023 10:21:01 AM reply with quote send message to Solanin Object to Post

posted by Secret Place
When I first came back a few months ago, I wanted to do some source breeding and the first source dogs I bought at high expense ($1500 each) had no color. When they were bred, their offspring also had no color so I had to fh a bunch of dogs.
Could someone explain the issue with "no colors"? Every time I've seen a dog who doesn't have a color on display in a table, when you click the page, they always have the color there. I've yet to find a dog that does not display color on its page even if they aren't displayed on the tables. This could be a simple HTML/CSS error. I've yet to see it cause any glitches or issues so to me these are purely cosmetic and not worth tossing the dogs for.
 Secret Place
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5/24/2023 2:07:00 PM reply with quote send message to Secret Place Object to Post

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posted by Solanin
posted by Secret Place
When I first came back a few months ago, I wanted to do some source breeding and the first source dogs I bought at high expense ($1500 each) had no color. When they were bred, their offspring also had no color so I had to fh a bunch of dogs.
Could someone explain the issue with "no colors"? Every time I've seen a dog who doesn't have a color on display in a table, when you click the page, they always have the color there. I've yet to find a dog that does not display color on its page even if they aren't displayed on the tables. This could be a simple HTML/CSS error. I've yet to see it cause any glitches or issues so to me these are purely cosmetic and not worth tossing the dogs for.

No one could explain it to me. I was told "it happens sometimes" but it cost my early kennel $1500 for that source dog and then all it's offspring. Apparently, it happens, but no one knows why? clearly the why's a glitch. In my case, the source dog literally had no color and it produced offspring with no color. No matter where I clicked, what page I looked it, no color. Period. I was told it was not the first instance of that.

Last edited by Secret Place on 5/24/2023 2:09:00 PM

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