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Author Topic : Addressing the 100 SOP issue.
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1/7/2024 2:04:55 PM reply with quote send message to gaylanstudio Object to Post   

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With many breeds showing 100, I think perhaps it is time for a minor adjustment. It is impossible to tell which 100.0 to keep except by showing it and I don't think I am the only account that is chronically over limit partly/mainly due to this issue. It means I can't show, I can't breed. Really I can't do anything but look at all those pretty numbers.

I have three thoughts on how this issue could be addressed:

3: Add another decimal to the display. This is a temporary fix and has been done before.

2: Increase the point at which we "are over" - ie raise the limit from 30 to 40 for paid accounts. This is a limited fix (unless the numbers are drastically changed) and will have less value to those with large litters (easier to keep all three Boston Terriers than 10 GSDs per litter).

1: Adjust the age at which dogs count toward the kennel limit.
This would be my preferred method. Dogs can start showing at 14 days - this is more or less based on the time scale and I don't think we want to fiddle with this realism. So what if we raise the age at which dogs count? Give us time to show these youngsters as this is the only way to evaluate those 100's. Start the counting at 28 days giving us two weeks to enter and evaluate those 100's.

Last edited by gaylanstudio on 1/7/2024 2:09:30 PM
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1/7/2024 9:42:46 PM reply with quote send message to Tarot Object to Post

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Another thing is that with dogs with only 1 or 2 colors, once they reach 100 it's really not much fun anymore.

Re the solutions you suggested, I like the not having them count until 28 or 30 days. I prefer 30 days because they can't be bred till then so it makes sense.

I also like adding another decimal.

Not thrilled about increasing to 40 dogs because I have enough trouble dealing with 30.

Good thinking and good discussion.

Last edited by Tarot on 1/8/2024 2:36:58 PM
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1/7/2024 10:59:29 PM reply with quote send message to gaylanstudio Object to Post

Thanks Tarot.

I had thought about 30 days but figured 28 made sense too. We start showing at 14 days (2 weeks) so I thought 2 weeks of showing was a consistency. It gives you at least 14 shows to see what order your pups are consistently placing. I'd be perfectly happy with 30.
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1/8/2024 2:36:04 PM reply with quote send message to Fingerprint Object to Post

posted by Tarot
Another thing is that with dogs with only 1 or 2 colors, once they reach 100 it's really not much fun anymore.

Re the solutions you suggested, I like the not having them count until 28 or 30 days. I prefer 30 days because they can't be bred till then so it makes sense.

I also like adding another decimal.

Not thrilled about increasing to 40 dogs because I have enough trouble dealing with 30.

Good thinking and good discussion.

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1/8/2024 2:37:39 PM reply with quote send message to Fingerprint Object to Post

No Message.
 FlyingHigh Champions
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1/14/2024 1:09:09 PM reply with quote send message to FlyingHigh Champions Object to Post

1: Adjust the age at which dogs count toward the kennel limit.

This would be my preferred method too!

Dogs can start showing at 14 days - this is more or less based on the time scale and I don't think we want to fiddle with this realism. So what if we raise the age at which dogs count? Give us time to show these youngsters as this is the only way to evaluate those 100's. Start the counting at 28 days giving us two weeks to enter and evaluate those 100's.

This kennel handles two "100 breeds" with a third nearing that point and being a "rescue" breed as well.

This is a very frustrating - makes you want to just throw in the towel!

Sanction Matches!
Alternatively, perhaps add classes for "Junior Puppies" 7 to 14 days that don't actually compete for breed/opposite - just male, female, Best Junior Puppy. In real life we have matches where we can show these babies although in real life these matches are mostly for training.
 Point Break
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1/14/2024 6:02:49 PM reply with quote send message to Point Break Object to Post

I've had several 100 SOP breeds but didn't keep them long as they are all usually Handler heavy breeds, and if you aren't the first one to enter, you will get the worst handlers.

It is then hard to see actually which ones to keep even with handlers.

I used to sponsor 10 No Handler specialty shows just so I could enter my dogs to see if they were worthy.

We shouldn't have to do this. 100 SOP breeds are not fun. JMHO!!!

I also wish we could sponsor No Handler ALL-BREED Conformation shows.
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1/14/2024 8:27:22 PM reply with quote send message to OnPoint Object to Post

Adding additional decimals would be helpful to even lower SOP breeds.
Don’t need more dogs, just need to know which of my 6 100.0 puppies are worth keeping on and sessioning
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1/15/2024 11:03:55 PM reply with quote send message to Object to Post edit post

Adding decimals will help for a while. However, if I am not mistaken Admin has already stated that he is not willing to do that. In any case, eventually we will be right back in the same position.

Creating a "Junior Puppy, Under 14 Days" class, handlers not permitted, no points, no prizes, would give us a way to grade these puppies, with - I'm guessing here - a minimum of effort for Admin.

This does not reveal anything to us that wouldn't be revealed in time anyway. What it does is give us a way to trim the ranks with something better than "spin the bottle".
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1/18/2024 10:56:48 PM reply with quote send message to PixelPups Object to Post

Even keeping the dogs longer to show and see which are the "better" 100 SOP dogs feels pointless to me. I suppose show placements and all-time breed rankings are a goal for some, but beyond that it doesn't feel like there is anywhere to go or any significant headway to make. The dogs all look alike!

I'd kinda like to see a "Showdog 2" complete startover made available. If people really want to keep their old kennels on Showdog it would still be there, but a new "world" where all the breeds start over would be even better than adding another decimal point to me. There's probably not enough player base to make 2 games worth feasible but I can dream LOL.
 Shady Glen Shepherds
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1/28/2024 12:16:06 PM reply with quote send message to Shady Glen Shepherds Object to Post

This is exactly why I have all “source dogs” in all 15 of my kennels. I session the ones I’m keeping with the possibility of showing in obedience and once in awhile, if I’m up late at night, in my less popular breeds I’ll throw them in a show that has no entries for that breed. I am having way more fun starting at “ground zero” than I was with high SOP dogs.
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2/1/2024 5:34:48 PM reply with quote send message to OnPoint Object to Post

Is Admin even active with this game anymore? I feel like back in the day issues like this were addressed, and plans were made (rollbacks, etc) so people stayed engaged in the game
 Clwyd Cockers
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2/1/2024 5:41:55 PM reply with quote send message to Clwyd Cockers Object to Post

posted by OnPoint
Is Admin even active with this game anymore? I feel like back in the day issues like this were addressed, and plans were made (rollbacks, etc) so people stayed engaged in the game
Yes, Jeff just posted the other day. I’m sure he is here more often than we know.

 Clwyd Cockers
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2/1/2024 5:43:22 PM reply with quote send message to Clwyd Cockers Object to Post

Jeff has said in the past, there will be no Reset.
 Maui Breeze
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2/9/2024 12:58:54 AM reply with quote send message to Maui Breeze Object to Post

posted by Clwyd Cockers
Jeff has said in the past, there will be no Reset.
Assuming a bit here, but does that mean the game is essentially dead and just living out its life as is until it’s no longer economically viable?
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2/9/2024 12:32:58 PM reply with quote send message to XiZang Object to Post

Maybe kind of which is upsetting.
 Clwyd Cockers
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2/9/2024 3:11:46 PM reply with quote send message to Clwyd Cockers Object to Post

Maui Breeze…who knows.
Life without Showdog would be…different and a bit sad, for me at least. Many of us have been plodding along since the beginning.
I only took a break when I was in hospital, many years ago.

I hope he knows it would be a huge loss.
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2/10/2024 8:26:39 PM reply with quote send message to Object to Post edit post

Well, as I suggested earlier, what would seem to be a fairly simple programming change could address this 100 issue.

Think about it . . .
I've shown "100" litter mates. Under one judge one will seem to do better than the others and under a different judge different dogs will seem to do better. If you then look up the judges' preferences
and one judge has a "very high" for head and the other judge has a "very high" for hind quarter, you might assume that the dog that places better under the first judge has a "truer" 10 head than the others and the one that does better under the second judge has "truer" 10 HQ.

If we can hang on to those 100's long enough to show them a few times under various judges . . .

If I am on the right track with this, the same skill could be used with 99's and 98's too.

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2/16/2024 3:04:39 AM reply with quote send message to SnappedOn Object to Post

1 easy fix, if all dogs over 50 sop suddenly died
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2/16/2024 5:32:48 AM reply with quote send message to CzarinaTerriers Object to Post

posted by SnappedOn
1 easy fix, if all dogs over 50 sop suddenly died
That would literally erase lines some people have taken close to a decade to create. Not a good solution, any SOP adjustment would have to be a resent like the prior one, but Jeff has already states that will not happen and we have to be happy with what we have which is fine. There still are some breeds that are very low SOP across the board people can join if they like the challenge of lower SOP. Silky Terrier is one.
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2/16/2024 2:53:10 PM reply with quote send message to XiZang Object to Post

Oh hell no. I have been here since 2007 and that would devastate me.

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Additional points may be awarded to the Best of Winners, or a class dog that goes Best of Breed or Best of Opposite Sex, again depending on the number of dogs competing