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Author Topic : Free custom banners
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Posts : 118

1/31/2024 2:35:01 PM reply with quote send message to Zoetic Object to Post   

this post has been edited 6 time(s)

If you want one please message me.

-semi professional
-will fit on your kennel page
-easy to put on
-can save it and keep it forever

happy :)

Last edited by Zoetic on 3/14/2024 12:28:05 PM
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2/26/2024 9:43:43 AM reply with quote send message to Zoetic Object to Post

 Little River Kennel
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2/27/2024 1:45:30 PM reply with quote send message to Little River Kennel Object to Post

I'd love to take you up on it!

My breed is GSD and the kennel name - as you see - is Little River Kennel. As far as a theme, I would love something woodsy, maybe a little rustic?
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2/27/2024 2:44:21 PM reply with quote send message to Zoetic Object to Post

Thank you happy :)
I will begin working on it tonight.
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2/27/2024 7:31:03 PM reply with quote send message to Zoetic Object to Post

Hope you like.
I can resize it too if you want, just PM me.

I did a cooler and warmer toned one to pick one or any.

happy :)
Thanks again for the order.
Background is from Pexels,
Dog is from Pixabay
Done on Affinity Photo, 1h
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2/27/2024 7:34:55 PM reply with quote send message to Zoetic Object to Post

No Message.
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2/27/2024 7:36:21 PM reply with quote send message to Zoetic Object to Post

Sorry, I can't seem to edit any of my posts except the original one. sad :(

I had to resize it because the image hosting site resized it a bit which made it blurry!

No need to credit as they are on the image happy :)
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2/27/2024 7:37:05 PM reply with quote send message to Zoetic Object to Post

Ok maybe the big one isn't that blurry, lol sorry! Well at least you have options now
 Little River Kennel
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Posts : 1,000+

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2/29/2024 11:37:19 AM reply with quote send message to Little River Kennel Object to Post

I love it!! Thank you so much!!

Replies in this thread : 8

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