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Author Topic : So many Questions,1 day old puppies...need breeds,help
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4/20/2017 9:06:07 AM reply with quote send message to ~*Angel*Dreams*~ Object to Post   

Since I've been away for quite awhile,this is something that's new to me.So I'm trying to understand now,puppies settle and their SOP is available within 1 day old,is this correct? a few other questions maybe someone can help me understand,after you breed how long till the litter is born? I'm so confused since it's not 10-13 days for a litter to settle I'm wondering what else that's different now.I've noticed a few new things like Grand Champion and Platinum Champion which I'm very uninformed about.Also there's very old posts in a lot of the forums does that reflect less of the very active players at this time?Which brings me to the next issue:I've set up a family sub.,now after adding my 2 sentimental kennels what do I do with the remaining 2 kennels?(I also created a new kennel for one breed,Shih4me,but atm there's only 2 kennels listed playing Maltese which was my main breed back when,so I've msgd. both inquiring about stock.No replies yet.I used to play many breeds and am looking for anything active,with some excitement like possible Show,or at least Group placement,people who're helpful is big.But prefer a Toy breed but not a must since there's probably very few,so even the big,beautiful breeds,I had tried Danes for awhile so anything goes!On a side note,anyone wanting source dogs,are welcome to mine as soon as I've opened the remaining kennels! Sorry for writing a book here and huge thanks to anyone? who'll reply/assist! Barbara
 Blitz Kennel
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4/20/2017 11:47:21 AM reply with quote send message to Blitz Kennel Object to Post

Puppies now settle as soon as they're born. happy :)

When you breed a bitch, she will whelp 5 days and 2 hours after you bred her.

The GCH is the next title you get after you attain championship for your dog. To get your GCH you need 25 points, 3 majors under different judges, and your dog needs to beat another champion in at least 3 different shows. Then, after that you can get bronze GCH (100 GCH points), silver GCH (200 GCH points), gold GCH (300 GCH points), and Platinum GCH (400 GCH points).

The active pool has definitely gone down, but there is still some activity. happy :)

As for a new breed, it's not a toy (actually on the other end of the spectrum) but I'm in Caucasian Mountain Dogs and they are a blast! There are 4 active kennels but we spread the entries out over all shows. Litters are ... huge. laugh :D I think our highest SOP is 96.4 ... but I could be way off base with that number. We take group placements and a couple judges give us BIS (one prefers the owner to handle!) We are always willing to get people started out right in the breed! happy :)

Some kennels are active but do not post. Most will reply to messages you send, but a few do not.

I hope that covers y0ur questions!
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4/20/2017 12:48:10 PM reply with quote send message to Ugglans Object to Post

Welcome back! happy :)

Have a look at English Cocker Spaniels when looking for a new breed. They're great! I currently have more nice bitches than I need, and I would be happy to get you started.
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4/20/2017 10:03:19 PM reply with quote send message to Alibi Object to Post

Welcome back!

Another new thing is the judges have preferences now, so if you click on their names you'll be able to see what they like, some like dogs over bitches or vice versa, some prefer no handlers, some are very political, etc.

Puppies are settled the moment they are born, no more waiting! Saves on food bills for sure.

I'd like to suggest collies, Shelties and English setters for breeds for you. Good amount of competition, friendly players, and gets show and group placements.
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Posts : 87

Basic User
4/21/2017 8:06:25 AM reply with quote send message to ~*Angel*Dreams*~ Object to Post

wow,so lots of changes! I will have to figure out the extra's with showing as I start getting back into it.I will pm each of you so maybe I can find something that interests me with all of the suggestions.I will open the other 2 kennels and post back afterwards so you'll all know it's me! Again with how little people are posting and answering messages I'm very appreciative for your replies! Thank you and you'll be getting a message from me soon! I miss having something excited to do on here!
 Hitari Kennels
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4/21/2017 8:09:21 AM reply with quote send message to Hitari Kennels Object to Post

I sent you a few messages regarding getting you going with some Maltese.
 Landry Kennel
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4/22/2017 2:56:03 PM reply with quote send message to Landry Kennel Object to Post

Both Chihuahuas and Rat Terriers have group placements and are pretty cool breeds.
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4/25/2017 8:42:08 AM reply with quote send message to AmazingAngels Object to Post

Thank you everyone! I'm slowly still researching all the changes here.I noticed there's no high SOP thread,at least that I could find.So now to find what each breeds highest SOP you've really got to dig around.I really want a couple breeds that's producing 10's. Also I'll still do some more Toy Breeds but with it being less active those aren't popular it seems.Thank you to everyone who's helped me.Here's a list of my 2 old kennels then 3 new ones:
Btw,I only online short spurts being wheelchair bound I'm only able to sit up on the PC 1 hour each morning! Sincerely,Barbara
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4/25/2017 2:17:13 PM reply with quote send message to gaylanstudio Object to Post

I usually start with the current top dogs on the breed info page for highest SOP.
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4/25/2017 4:55:38 PM reply with quote send message to XiZang Object to Post

this post has been edited 1 time(s)


Oops, looks like it hasn't been updated since December. Bummer.

Last edited by XiZang on 4/25/2017 5:08:44 PM
 Cherokee Hills
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4/25/2017 11:16:49 PM reply with quote send message to Cherokee Hills Object to Post

The high SOP for Maltese is my 88 guy.
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4/26/2017 1:42:17 PM reply with quote send message to Grays Object to Post

I have 8 breeds over 10 kennels. At the 99.5 level Aussies, German Shepherds, and Standard Poodles. All have a chance of having a 100 this year. If you are interested let me know.
 Fawn Fun
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4/30/2017 11:16:18 PM reply with quote send message to Fawn Fun Object to Post

We could really use some new blood in Pugs. We almost lost fawn color and it is just recovering . Good quality pups. I am willing to sell top breeding stock to committed kennels. Please check us out.
 Imperial Afghans
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5/2/2017 7:41:51 PM reply with quote send message to Imperial Afghans Object to Post

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I'm helping keep manchesters going in the game and would help you out with them when I get some litters. Welcome back and good luck with whatever you choose!(In my Squeaky318 account)

Last edited by Imperial Afghans on 5/2/2017 7:42:50 PM
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5/3/2017 2:22:47 AM reply with quote send message to Object to Post edit post

Hello Angels I too am in a wheelchair and spend far too much time hospital. I was able to acquire an iPad pro which I can use in bed reclining and it is large enough of me so see the full page. I am low vision so need LARGE print. If it is at all possible for you to get a tablet it will make life online so much more comfortable. My Pug kennels give me a wonderful break from my daily round of pills , infusions and beeping pumps. It used to be real pugs and all the joy and exuberance that goes with the breed. Now I eagerly await the birth of digital pups and wake up in the middle of the night to check out digital dog shows.If you can get a tablet you may find that it will allow you a longer time to escape into a digital dog world. I have 5 pug kennels and would be very happy to sell top breeding stock. I always have great pups available and all the best studs are available to all breeders. SD makes a wonderful escape from an all to real medical existence. I am not very computer savvy but SD does not need me to be an expert and I have the fun of breeding better Pugs without adding unwanted real dogs to an over populated world. All Pluses and no minuses.
 Comic Operetta
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5/3/2017 2:33:08 AM reply with quote send message to Comic Operetta Object to Post

My post came out basic user which In am not . I messed up some how, too typical . Sorry Angel however you get back to SD It is a wonderful way to occupy many hours. The best to you.
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Basic User
5/3/2017 5:18:17 PM reply with quote send message to ShihU4me Object to Post

Thank you so very much everyone who's been so helpful! I unfortunately can't hold onto many tablets,I only able to even type by clicking with a mouse on a onscreen keyboard.I am thinking I'll msg. you about possibly giving Pugs a try in one of the kennels I listed above.Ywo other things I'm thinking I'd like to try any breeds which get regular Group and some Show placements,and a few breeds with 99.75 sop's and above.They probably aren't the same,lol,but I do still have a couple near empty kennels! I can be msgd here or at the kennels I listed above! All assistance is super appreciated right now. Fire away ! Sincerely,Barbara
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5/3/2017 9:32:13 PM reply with quote send message to gaylanstudio Object to Post

Comic, your posts come out as the mysterious Basic probably because you timed out. It happens to me a lot - I can be very long-winded at times (lol).
 Comic Operetta
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Basic User
5/5/2017 1:14:43 AM reply with quote send message to Comic Operetta Object to Post

Thanks for the reason for basic.
Hello Barbara I will be most delighted to sell you top breeding stock my Kennels are: Comic Operetta: Different Drummer : Early Hours : HeadsUp Pugs : PugUp; Comic Operetta : and Fawn Fun. I was using them to develop different traits and keeping Comic Operetta for the premier kennel. I am just getting mixed litters with both fawn and black pups. The fawn are still of a slightly lower quality but they are coming up. I am hoping to breed a 95.0 line so sorry no higher right now than 1 brilliant male pup 94.90 but things are going well with the lines . There is one other breeder who is really giving me a run for the top so there is health and serous competition and we would welcome a new breeder to spur us on to better pugs. I hope you will join us . SD keeps me occupied during many long hours in bed and it is most portable for me when I am in hospital. I handle the weight of the tablet by resting it on a small boudoir pillow and i have a round bolster for under my knees with the foot of the bed raised slightly and the head up. It took my a while and lots of frustration to find what worked . I hope you can find ways around you physical issues to make online life easier.
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5/5/2017 10:41:23 PM reply with quote send message to TinyTerrorsII Object to Post

American Eskimos get regular group placements and definitely need new blood. I've put a couple broods for sale and you can message my Enterprise kennel for any offers or info on the breed.
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5/12/2017 4:10:25 AM reply with quote send message to Marquetry Object to Post

Some breeds are up to 5-6 even 7 10s. I saw a Great Dane that's a 99.8. Getting close to time for another adjustment?

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The Kennel Club (UK) system, which is also used by the Australian National Kennel Council[1] and in other countries, is considered the most difficult to earn a title under.