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Author Topic : What is the point of this?
 Lanakila ACDs
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4/2/2020 9:50:09 PM reply with quote send message to Lanakila ACDs Object to Post

I’m just scratching my head...wondering why there are 40 entries in this show? This happens regularly’s very strange. I don’t get why someone would want to spend that much in entry fees lol.

In the old days, when everything actually worked, this would make the point schedule sky high. But now, there are entries like this every day, and month after month it only takes 4 and 4 for a major.

I guess there’s no point to this post...I just miss the days when the game made sense, I guess!
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4/3/2020 2:34:57 PM reply with quote send message to XiZang Object to Post

I agree 100% and so do my other 4 kennels. But I can't give up, will never give up.
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4/3/2020 3:46:17 PM reply with quote send message to Marquetry Object to Post

I think the "major counter" in the program is still working. In Boxers, the count for a bitch major is 7, so it's not just stuck on 4. In real life shows, the determination of the count is also based on number of majors, not just total entries. So if you're only getting one show a day with a major, maybe the count isn't as affected as you might think.
 Dogs of Show
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4/5/2020 10:17:25 AM reply with quote send message to Dogs of Show Object to Post

posted by Lanakila ACDs

I’m just scratching my head...wondering why there are 40 entries in this show? This happens regularly’s very strange. I don’t get why someone would want to spend that much in entry fees lol.

I think it's because money is now easier to come by its effected how people play. As a result people can afford to chuck tones of dogs into shows, pay excessive handler fees, don't need to sell dogs or put their dogs up at stud. Back in the old days you had to budget and manage your money better so it restricted you more.
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4/5/2020 3:31:48 PM reply with quote send message to Object to Post edit post

I agree to some extent however I don't think reverting back to the old days of tight finances is the answer.

One thought I have been mulling for awhile is instead of getting between 48 and 58 sessions (if we are buying the full additional 10) it could be brought down to maybe 15 to 25 - the number can be debated.

The next thing I would do is open up the sessions market such that we can buy as many (or some limit to be debated also) but most importantly, to be able to buy on the spot.

For example: I have 3 new litters. They were larger and/or had more showable members than I expected and I find myself short 15 sessions. I can purchase those additional sessions at the moment. The next day I have sold some of these pups or decided some were not as good as I thought - I only need an additional 9 more sessions. Or, as usually happens, I have messed up and sessioned dogs I did not mean to do and find myself 3 short.

Let the total number of sessions per day be 58 but essentially make that purchase decision based on current need not anticipated need the day before.

Change the financial situation to a set Daily Salary out of which dogs must be fed. The rest is discretionary - buy sessions, enter shows, buy new dogs - all while staying within budget as best we can.

I definitely would not go back to a "tight money" situation - it stifles the competitive process.

In a sort of related thought, I think we need to give more thought to how we deal with those pups that we offer for sale. It is bad policy I believe to be selling old-boy, unsessioned pups to new folks. They are starting clueless. We all realize that late started, undernourished dogs take a long time to get show ready. By the time they are ready some of these newbies will have lost the early enthusiasm and dropped out. Can we afford to loose these potential players?

Start thinking like good responsible real breeders and not like high volume puppy mills!

Stepping off my soapbox now.
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4/5/2020 3:33:32 PM reply with quote send message to gaylanstudio Object to Post

That was my soapbox by the way. I tend to be a little long-winded at times . . .
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4/6/2020 3:13:15 AM reply with quote send message to BlaznHot Object to Post

Well they win every time so whatever they're doing whether it's luck or sheer's working.
 Black Raven Kennels
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4/6/2020 12:16:57 PM reply with quote send message to Black Raven Kennels Object to Post

posted by BlaznHot
Well they win every time so whatever they're doing whether it's luck or sheer's working.
One of those kennels do not always win in the breed they have with me. I've tried to explain how the schedule of points works for class entries so they don't skyrocket, but didn't matter.
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4/6/2020 5:15:46 PM reply with quote send message to BarStar Object to Post

Its a no handler show. So a lot of folks would just prefer to stick their dogs in and let the best dog win...

There is no excessive handler charge on dogs with no handlers selected.

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4/6/2020 5:18:20 PM reply with quote send message to BarStar Object to Post

posted by BlaznHot
Well they win every time so whatever they're doing whether it's luck or sheer's working.
They could just be breeding better dogs than the rest of the crowd.

Recently when I dabbled in Aussies, I always bred my stuff into Tarren's line and did well.

 Dogs of Show
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4/7/2020 10:46:40 PM reply with quote send message to Dogs of Show Object to Post

I do think the amount of sessions should be looked at. Wasn't the increase ment to be temporary? A basic kennel for example use to get 5 sessions, now it's 20, the highest session/salary setting was 12 sessions for premium players.
This is where all the extra money comes from. If that was fixed back down to a realistic number (as after all a session is ment to be equal to a hours work and there is only 24 hours in a day if you don't sleep or do anything else) to be more realistic the login bonus would still help those who have budgeting issue's of need to save up and would then encourage people to sell and stud dogs again.

I just feel the game has lost some of its realism now we can effectively do two solid days amount of work (so 4x the amount) in the one day and money is no object.
when I've been looking at joining new breeds I've noticed now even in the more popular breeds that use to have tones of dogs for sale some have few to none anymore, I guess because players don't need to sell now as no one needs to think about money. Just find it sad.
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4/7/2020 11:42:03 PM reply with quote send message to BlaznHot Object to Post

posted by BarStar
posted by BlaznHot
Well they win every time so whatever they're doing whether it's luck or sheer's working.
They could just be breeding better dogs than the rest of the crowd.

Recently when I dabbled in Aussies, I always bred my stuff into Tarren's line and did well.


Fair point. It's so hard to tell now that basically everything in Aussies is 100.00 SOP so now you're kinda stabbing in the dark.
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4/8/2020 8:26:32 AM reply with quote send message to BarStar Object to Post

With the decrease in membership, I seriously do not think the session amount should change.

We need entries for breeds to stay remotely competitive. Less sessions would kill it.

 Lanakila ACDs
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4/9/2020 11:06:59 AM reply with quote send message to Lanakila ACDs Object to Post

I don’t think the amount of sessions should change...I think that’s been a positive change in the game for serious players to be able to session and show several nice dogs. I just think the major counter needs to be working properly. It gets frustrating when you are in other small entry breeds whose numbers are very high for majors. I have Plotts in another kennel. I didn’t enter any shows in March. I am the only breeder in that breed. Yet the number needed for a major remains at 7 bitches for 3 points.. That’s ridiculous. And here are Aussies with huge entries and majors every day, yet they remain at 4 and 4. I wish the system would work properly and adjust the numbers. Then maybe people wouldn’t enter 20 dogs or whatever in a show, just to boost the number of dogs defeated rankings. That’s the only reason I can see for entering this many dogs in a show.

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