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Author Topic : Banners
 AG Qarat
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Posts : 37

4/20/2023 2:54:22 PM reply with quote send message to AG Qarat Object to Post   

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May 6, 2023 - Closed for a bit

p.s. Images will be hosted in my personal account, so you don't have to save them and reupload them, though you can. I will upload also to a public account with the credits (I only use stock images or pics free for 'personal' use), which I will post with every new banner.

Last edited by AG Qarat on 5/17/2023 10:02:49 AM
 AG Qarat
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4/20/2023 2:55:20 PM reply with quote send message to AG Qarat Object to Post

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1. Imperial Afghans - done
2. BreezyOak - done
3. GGD (via PM) - done
4. Llanelli - done
5. Sora Una - done
6. Rossett - done
7. Waggs - done may 17

Last edited by AG Qarat on 5/17/2023 9:58:25 AM
 Imperial Afghans
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4/20/2023 4:09:41 PM reply with quote send message to Imperial Afghans Object to Post

KENNEL NAME: Imperial Afghans
SLOGAN?:Afghans of Quality and Distinction
BREED(S):Afghan Hound
COLORS/THEME: Purple and Gold/throne,royal fabrics
EXTRA:Sparkles/bling/glitter a plus

BREED(S):Wirehaired Pointing Griffon and Chihuahua
COLORS/THEME: autumn colors/oak tree/nature
SHAPE: rectangle

happy :) thank you!
 AG Qarat
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4/20/2023 5:27:06 PM reply with quote send message to AG Qarat Object to Post

Yay! Thanks for the orders!
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4/20/2023 9:06:10 PM reply with quote send message to Llanelli Object to Post

Kennel Name: Llanelli
Breed: Welsh Springer Spaniels
Other than that, I’m not picky! Let me know if you need pics! I have WSS in real life so I know how few stock images there are; thanks! happy :)
 Sora Una
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4/21/2023 4:02:49 AM reply with quote send message to Sora Una Object to Post

KENNEL NAME: Sora Una (translates to Sky Song, from Japanese)
BREED(S):Canaan Dog
COLORS/THEME: a Sky and music notes
SHAPE: rectangle
 AG Qarat
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4/22/2023 8:59:42 PM reply with quote send message to AG Qarat Object to Post

More gold/less white on top:

Credits listed:

Hope you like it!
Sorry, I struggled a lot with this one!
I must be out of practice. Hopefully it goes
along with what you like. The throne looked
odd and it was surprisingly difficult to
find a nice throne room/inside of a palace
picture that worked, so hope this one is ok!

 Imperial Afghans
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4/23/2023 9:29:17 AM reply with quote send message to Imperial Afghans Object to Post

Wow!!!!! Thank you SOOOO much!!!! Stunning!!!! Had problems where?!?! Inbox me how to get you your payment and THANK YOU AGAIN <3
 Rossett Spaniels
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4/23/2023 10:44:03 AM reply with quote send message to Rossett Spaniels Object to Post

Kennel: Rossett Spaniels

Breed: Welsh Springer Spaniels

Theme/Colours: Field and stream/ fall colours and green

Shape: Rectangle

Thank you SO much

 Waggs Norfolk Terriers
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4/23/2023 10:54:02 AM reply with quote send message to Waggs Norfolk Terriers Object to Post

Would love a banner!

KENNEL NAME: Waggs Norfolk Terriers
SLOGAN?: Proud To Be Associated With The Little Guys
BREED(S): Norfolk Terriers
COLORS/THEME: Blue/yellow. River if possible
SHAPE: Circle
EXTRA: Would like at least three dogs in the banner but not sure if that’s possible

happy :)
 AG Qarat
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4/27/2023 8:03:41 PM reply with quote send message to AG Qarat Object to Post

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Hopefully you like the retro style.

Credits listed here:

Last edited by AG Qarat on 4/28/2023 4:09:27 PM
 Breezy Oak
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4/28/2023 3:08:10 PM reply with quote send message to Breezy Oak Object to Post

Awesome thank you!! Beautiful work!
 AG Qarat
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4/28/2023 8:10:32 PM reply with quote send message to AG Qarat Object to Post

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4/29/2023 11:41:13 PM reply with quote send message to Squeaky318 Object to Post

Wow! another beauty!
 AG Qarat
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5/2/2023 4:53:31 AM reply with quote send message to AG Qarat Object to Post

Credits listed here-
 AG Qarat
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5/2/2023 6:55:38 AM reply with quote send message to AG Qarat Object to Post

Had to go with the "photo stack" style.
Hope you like it!

Credit listed with links here:

 Sora Una
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5/2/2023 6:59:28 AM reply with quote send message to Sora Una Object to Post

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awesome!Thank you very much

Last edited by Sora Una on 5/2/2023 7:00:20 AM
 Clwyd Cockers
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5/11/2023 10:26:09 AM reply with quote send message to Clwyd Cockers Object to Post

Your banners are lovely.

Thank you for all you are doing.

 AG Qarat
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5/11/2023 6:23:41 PM reply with quote send message to AG Qarat Object to Post

Thank you <3
I'll be finishing the last two as soon as I can.

 AG Qarat
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5/13/2023 5:57:46 AM reply with quote send message to AG Qarat Object to Post

posted by Rossett Spaniels
Kennel: Rossett Spaniels
Breed: Welsh Springer Spaniels
Theme/Colours: Field and stream/ fall colours and green
Shape: Rectangle
Thank you SO much

I hope you like it!!

Credits (all safe stock for personal use):
Font - Sweet Child Script

by reinafawn
 Rossett Spaniels
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5/13/2023 11:43:24 AM reply with quote send message to Rossett Spaniels Object to Post

OMG this is awesome!!

Thank you so much!!


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Did you know?
The second obedience title is a CDX, or "Companion Dog Excellent", which is earned through competition in the Open obedience class.