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Author Topic : SD Mentors - Need volunteers to help run
 Black Veil Brides
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10/20/2013 5:19:19 AM reply with quote send message to Black Veil Brides Object to Post   

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Hey guys,

I think it would be beneficial to bring the SD mentors back. So I'm doing it. Unfortunately I can't run the whole thing by myself so I need a go to person who can help run it during the week as I have school pressures.

- Need to have been on SD since 2006/shown large commitment to the SD community if you haven't been on since then

- Need to be nice and friendly and actually helpful

- Need to be a wide poster/ show evidence of stalking the forums

- Need to be happy working with a wide range of people and be capable of bossing (for lack of a better term) people around

Please apply on this post. I have a few people in mind who I'm hoping will apply so if any of those people do it will most likely be one of them. I have yet to decide if I will make the final decision on this or I let people vote on it.

Joined SD:
Achievements (no. of champs/grchamps/sire & dam merits/dog in the all time top whatever/whatever you think shows that you understand SD):
Premium or family (if family how many different kennels/breeds?):
Anything else you think is important/extra:

Deadline for forms is Thursday the 24th of October so I have time to get my butt together with this before school. IF a person who I feel fits the bill perfectly applies before the deadline it may close when they apply.

Any questions/anything I missed please pm me and I'll sort it straight away.

Emma happy :) Note: This is NOT an application for mentoring positions, those will be dealt with after my right hand man/organised person has been chosen

Last edited by Black Veil Brides on 10/20/2013 5:21:02 AM
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10/20/2013 8:14:32 AM reply with quote send message to †Creed† Object to Post

Ooh, I very much like this idea! Very nice! I'll go ahead and fill out an application since, well, I believe I could help. And would love to.

Joined SD: I originally joined showdog a very very long time ago (2003) as my first kennel, GreyGhost or GrayGhost (I can't remember) and I had source bred MTTs and Weims. Wasn't hard in those days since everything was just about showing source. My MTTs later moved to my Whispyhill Kennels kennel and I went on to produce many many merited dogs. I then did a double kennel along with Cashmere, whom I have not seen again in so long. I remember when Morgan got Raven (who was later named Grace) and I was supposed to get her sister but evidently that didn't work out. Gosh, I could go down a huge road about the old memories in chat and Ryan and Morgan and Nov...anyway....

Achievements: Well, I've produced a lot and I do mean a LOT of BIG, BIS, MBISS winners. I've been consistently producing top SOPs since I returned to showdog this spring. I'm more or less well known via showdog for my forum activity and I love Beach Dunes for the kind message she sent me one day. I posted that to my kennel slogan. Feel free to have a look. happy :)

Premium or Family: I'm a family. Have been for years with intermittent breaks in between. I have 15 kennels (3 families) and my breeds are quite various but I do have the tops 10 also. I'm most noted for my Amstaffs, having produced consistent top SOPs and having the number one dogs in the breed (until recently when everything took a jump). I also have Dobes, Goldens, Rotts, Boxers, Boston's, Thais, Gordons, WSS, Paps, Shibas, Shelties, Min Pins and more. Most of my breeds I am the top kennel.

Important Stuff: I'm honestly just here to have fun, this is a game after all but I have to admit that I have developed some very close bonds with friends here. My getaway and my relaxation. I volunteer often for kennel sitting and have done many. I hand over top dogs in a breed to get anyone started up. I'm just an easy to get along with, chilled out kind of person.

Goodluck with this and I am super excited to see it return! happy :)

 Black Veil Brides
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10/20/2013 11:05:06 AM reply with quote send message to Black Veil Brides Object to Post

And Creed you were the one person who I was hoping would reply. As you did and so quickly! You're chosen laugh :D.

If anyone still has any further questions or wants to get involved still please PM me as I'm sure Creed and I could always use more help laugh :D.

Will be PMing you now Creed.

 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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10/23/2013 8:01:53 PM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

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Joined SD: July 2011

Achievements: 2 GCHs, 2 Chs (one in another kennel)

Premium or family: Premium...but I'm currently in Dachshunds, Afghans, Cane Corosos, Bichon Frises, Dandy Dinmont Terriers, and Yorkshire Terriers...and have been in several others.

Anything else you think is important/extra: I used to be a mentor in Getting Started in SD when luckydogwhisperer was doing it back in early 2012. I've always like helping people and have served as mentor at my camps for two years now. I also help mentor three young writer/bird watchers on a large blog. I'm dedicated to the game and know or can easily figure out color breeding genetics (I'm a color breeding freak...I've got color breeding projects in most of my breeds).

ETA: I'm currently #2 in the Community and if I had more sales, I could easily be #1 hehe.


Last edited by Laffy-Taffy Kennels on 10/23/2013 8:02:55 PM

Last edited by Laffy-Taffy Kennels on 10/23/2013 8:03:48 PM
 Dreisaiah Hundehutte
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10/24/2013 12:15:38 AM reply with quote send message to Dreisaiah Hundehutte Object to Post

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user wiped their message

Last edited by Dreisaiah Hundehutte on 10/25/2013 11:08:49 PM
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10/24/2013 8:47:52 AM reply with quote send message to linlin23 Object to Post

I don't know if I'd be a great choice for a mentor, but if any of the mentor-ees want to join Newfoundlands or whatever other breed I happen to be working on I can try and get them some stock.
 Black Veil Brides
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10/24/2013 12:00:30 PM reply with quote send message to Black Veil Brides Object to Post

Creed has been chosen for the position. Creed or I will be making a post for mentoring positions soon, would have happened earlier but I have been struggling with family issues and work this week.

Keep an eye out happy :).

 Dreisaiah Hundehutte
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10/24/2013 2:55:04 PM reply with quote send message to Dreisaiah Hundehutte Object to Post

I clearly missed the point of this post.
 Black Veil Brides
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10/24/2013 3:07:47 PM reply with quote send message to Black Veil Brides Object to Post

posted by Black Veil Brides
Note: This is NOT an application for mentoring positions, those will be dealt with after my right hand man/organised person has been chosen

Last edited by Black Veil Brides on 10/20/2013 5:21:02 AM

happy :)

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10/24/2013 6:43:34 PM reply with quote send message to Degree Object to Post

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 Dreisaiah Hundehutte
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10/24/2013 11:43:32 PM reply with quote send message to Dreisaiah Hundehutte Object to Post

Got it...
 Black Veil Brides
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10/25/2013 1:52:07 AM reply with quote send message to Black Veil Brides Object to Post

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Did you know?
A specialty show may be regional or national. A "Best in Show" win at a national specialty show is tremendously prestigious, indicating that the winning dog or bitch triumphed at a contest which attracted entries from the most serious fanciers of that breed in the country or continent. Some specialty shows attract international entries.