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Author Topic : condition
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9/26/2018 7:28:48 PM reply with quote send message to WillowRidge Object to Post   

So I have yet to figure out how to get my dogs condition stats to increase. Is it food related? training related? I need some guidance! Thanks!!
 Just Pumi
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9/26/2018 7:42:40 PM reply with quote send message to Just Pumi Object to Post

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make a custom food- the most common being 1777

Edited to add that I use 7777- it seems to work with mine

Last edited by Just Pumi on 9/26/2018 7:44:04 PM
 Sukai Kennel
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9/26/2018 8:53:45 PM reply with quote send message to Sukai Kennel Object to Post

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how do you "make" it the 7777? I have mine on 1777

Last edited by Sukai Kennel on 9/26/2018 8:54:07 PM
 Berry Brits
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9/26/2018 10:20:03 PM reply with quote send message to Berry Brits Object to Post

7777 would have all the ration ingredients (meds, protein, fat, vitamin E) on the highest setting.

The ingredients do the following:
Medicine/Vaccines - Helps the health of your dogs
Protein - Helps the muscle tone of your dogs
Fat - Helps the condition of your dogs
Vitamin E - Improves the coat of your dogs

So condition would be most affected by the "fat" ingredient which you should set on the highest setting.

1777 is the default ration people use because it uses the lowest setting for medicines/vaccines - people do this because medicine/vaccines have no affect on the dogs (we don't have a working "health" stat) and there is no proven advantage of using 7777. It just drives the price of food up! happy :)
 Star Shiine
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9/27/2018 4:03:04 AM reply with quote send message to Star Shiine Object to Post

Condition is not training related. If your dog is on 1777 and you session for condition every day, then condition should rise most days.

Some breeds take longer than others

Though if a dog has been on Old Boy food for a long time, then it takes longer to session up condition, muscle and coat
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9/27/2018 4:05:11 AM reply with quote send message to WillowRidge Object to Post

Thanks everyone!
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9/27/2018 9:36:27 AM reply with quote send message to XiZang Object to Post

Also, be sure that at 14 days you change from puppy to adult food. I had been sessioning one of my dogs faithfully without realizing that I had not changed him to adult food and he was 28 days old. Took a while on good food to get him in condition.
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9/27/2018 11:04:03 AM reply with quote send message to Object to Post edit post

Condition - This is solely reliant on good food. Sessioning has no impact. This is the fat component.

Obedience - Training is solely dependent on sessioning. Food is irrelevant.

Coat - This is partially dependent on both food and sessioning. For best results, feed good food (the Vitamin E component) and groom for best results.

Muscle - This is also dependent on both food (the protein component) and sessioning for exercise.

If you are sessioning a dog to show, use the best food available - SuperDuper if you are Basic, 1777 is you are subscribed.

Cost of food - The price listed is "per bag". Five something is NOT the cost to feed a dog per day on 1777. The cost per day varies with the size of the dog. It cost $1.94 to feed a cocker sized breed. It's a bit more to feed a setter.

Sessions - The value of a session is usually about $5 per session. Feeding cheap food and sessioning is false economy. For most(All?) breeds, once coat and muscle get started (when they reach 15 - 18) you can actually stop sessioning and just keep them on good food. The food will get them up to 20, usually before you get the training up to 20.
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2/25/2023 8:08:51 PM reply with quote send message to Thomas’ Object to Post

Small follow up question to this conversation.

How does the condition get to a negative? I saw this on a dog for purchase (and I ended up purchasing out of curiosity and as an experiment to see how fast I can get condition up).

What causes that?
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9/18/2023 4:17:59 PM reply with quote send message to Kimoko Object to Post

usually (if not always?) low condition is due to being on a poor food, like old boy. The longer they are on it and not being sessioned, the more the stats will fall. I purchased a few dogs that were super low condition and it did take a very long time but they eventually reached all 20s.

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