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11/11/2023 5:48:23 PM reply with quote send message to Kimoko Object to Post

this post has been edited 2 time(s)

oops, sorry about the wiped messages. I hit send and didn't mean to

Last edited by Kimoko on 11/11/2023 5:48:46 PM

Last edited by Kimoko on 11/11/2023 5:50:14 PM
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11/12/2023 9:39:00 AM reply with quote send message to Kimoko Object to Post

take a look. This is ONE night of shows. The kennel prefixes are random and mostly basics, however, all the dogs entered have the same kennel name of WP.
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11/24/2023 3:14:49 PM reply with quote send message to Shelador Object to Post

posted by Black Raven Kennels
The majority of these kennels are basics. I've sent this list along with other information to Jeff's email because this is ridiculous. On top of that, the IP addresses all belong to the same person.

Last edited by Black Raven Kennels on 11/12/2023 1:26:26 AM

I think I know the kennels you are talking about.

There are 7 members in that household who all play the game, some of them are younger children.
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11/28/2023 3:29:45 PM reply with quote send message to Zoetic Object to Post

What a cool family! Lol I wish my fam all played SD with me
 Black Raven Kennels
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11/30/2023 4:15:18 PM reply with quote send message to Black Raven Kennels Object to Post

this post has been edited 1 time(s)

I've been teaching them about the game as no one else would and they've been working to reduce their entries. It isn't JUST them. They're very nice and doing their best to not overpopulate the shows.

It takes everyone showing in the breed to help reduce it, not just one family. Other kennels were dumping all entries into a single show, too. Either everyone will figure it out and count, or not.

Last edited by Black Raven Kennels on 11/30/2023 4:20:01 PM
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12/7/2023 11:18:00 AM reply with quote send message to Kimoko Object to Post

posted by Black Raven Kennels

It takes everyone showing in the breed to help reduce it, not just one family. Other kennels were dumping all entries into a single show, too. Either everyone will figure it out and count, or not.

Last edited by Black Raven Kennels on 11/30/2023 4:20:01 PM

And that is the problem with this kind of thing. It escalates. As for other people stacking, well if they can't get a major because all the shows are stacked by this group of players, what else can they do? I can't help much as I only have 2 or 3 of each breed I show. I have a malamute kennel but I can't even build a major if I enter ALL Of my dogs, thanks to this group that has created a situation where we now need 13 dogs/bitches, for a 3 pt major. Also I sure don't see evidence of them slowing it down. They have lots of other breeds. Why concentrate so hard on malamutes? And regardless of any of this, they are operating as a co op in malamutes and that is SUPPOSED to be super no no in the game, were our admin still paying ANY attention, which he is NOT.
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12/7/2023 8:18:46 PM reply with quote send message to Object to Post edit post

Okay, so what does complaining accomplish? There comes a point when it's just beating a dead horse, which is what this has become. Especially when it appears that I'm the only one who has reached out to them.

Rather than complaining about it and letting it get to me, I've figured out my strategy and clearly others have, too for this breed. Finished 3 Malamutes in Phantasm already since I did that.

When I first started back in the early 2000's, one bit of advice that always stuck with me was "breed better dogs", and it still applies today. Their dogs win without handlers too, which means their dogs are better and closer to 100 than the ones that aren't winning-with or without handlers. It's a rather valuable tool to pay attention to.

At the end of the day, it's still just a strategy game. It's not life or death. It's not worth getting so worked up over.
 Black Raven Kennels
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12/7/2023 8:18:51 PM reply with quote send message to Black Raven Kennels Object to Post

Okay, so what does complaining accomplish? There comes a point when it's just beating a dead horse, which is what this has become. Especially when it appears that I'm the only one who has reached out to them.

Rather than complaining about it and letting it get to me, I've figured out my strategy and clearly others have, too for this breed. Finished 3 Malamutes in Phantasm already since I did that.

When I first started back in the early 2000's, one bit of advice that always stuck with me was "breed better dogs", and it still applies today. Their dogs win without handlers too, which means their dogs are better and closer to 100 than the ones that aren't winning-with or without handlers. It's a rather valuable tool to pay attention to.

At the end of the day, it's still just a strategy game. It's not life or death. It's not worth getting so worked up over.
 Black Raven Kennels
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12/7/2023 8:48:39 PM reply with quote send message to Black Raven Kennels Object to Post

So what if they have other breeds? It's not your business. What breeds they have, who plays their accounts, what they do isn't your business either. It's no one's business but them and Jeff-who has other important things going on in life. The game is working, he doesn't need to babysit. My retirement couches aren't working but I let him know. If he gets to it, great. If not, I'm not going to throw a fit over it.

If you paid attention to the entries, you'd see they're sticking to one or two all breed shows rather than all five, there's more than one way to earn a major and it doesn't always require the minimum for a 3pt win.

Honestly, this has been driven into the ground. Nothing is going to happen from posting about it. Others have figured out how to play around it and to keep up with their dogs which ARE good dogs. I'm proud that my lines have helped them get to where they are. Rather see success than failure anyway.
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12/8/2023 11:51:25 AM reply with quote send message to pooh98 Object to Post

posted by Phantasm
Alaskan malamutes are so freaking high now, this is ridiculous.
Sometimes people are not given the chance as all the good shows for the whole month are filled and all handlers taken.

A dog should win on its merits alone as in the real world. That would then stop mass entry and taking up the handlers.

But then I just enter on my own. Have been loyal to Gordon’s for 10 years
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12/8/2023 11:52:05 AM reply with quote send message to pooh98 Object to Post

posted by Black Raven Kennels
posted by KOTAKAI
The surest way to destroy a breed and tank the game. I am not afraid to call out malamutes for this. All for the sake of ranking individual dogs and their own breed / overall rank. The latter two are falling because no one wants to play like that. The other day one mal kennel entered 27... TWENTY SEVEN ... of their dogs. The other thing that is going to tank the entire game and absolutely destroy breeds is a new phenomenon I keep seeing. That is where one kennel enters two of their dogs in every single show and I mean EVERY show ALL THE WAY OUT and takes the handlers. So NO ONE can compete. What exactly is the point of that? Borzoi is one doing that. I quit the breed because I literally cannot play. At this point, I am on the fence if I am going to renew next year because of these two BS tactics. There really needs to be limits on how many dogs you can enter in one show. 27 is a bit much and you know who you are!
To help lower the point schedule, entering one dog and one bitch in each show helps. I've done this in the breeds I'm in, but I don't take handlers unless I am trying to finish the dog. I also will sponsor specialties to help with that as well, but not all who do what I do, are doing it for the point schedule. We'll be seeing this behavior again in akks, and the low sops are once again not going to be allowed any shows. Even with politely asking for one or two shows, but that is why I use judge preferences to beat the higher sop kennel that does this to us. I won't be ran out of that breed like my daughter was.

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12/8/2023 11:53:30 AM reply with quote send message to pooh98 Object to Post

posted by Black Raven Kennels
posted by KOTAKAI
The surest way to destroy a breed and tank the game. I am not afraid to call out malamutes for this. All for the sake of ranking individual dogs and their own breed / overall rank. The latter two are falling because no one wants to play like that. The other day one mal kennel entered 27... TWENTY SEVEN ... of their dogs. The other thing that is going to tank the entire game and absolutely destroy breeds is a new phenomenon I keep seeing. That is where one kennel enters two of their dogs in every single show and I mean EVERY show ALL THE WAY OUT and takes the handlers. So NO ONE can compete. What exactly is the point of that? Borzoi is one doing that. I quit the breed because I literally cannot play. At this point, I am on the fence if I am going to renew next year because of these two BS tactics. There really needs to be limits on how many dogs you can enter in one show. 27 is a bit much and you know who you are!
To help lower the point schedule, entering one dog and one bitch in each show helps. I've done this in the breeds I'm in, but I don't take handlers unless I am trying to finish the dog. I also will sponsor specialties to help with that as well, but not all who do what I do, are doing it for the point schedule. We'll be seeing this behavior again in akks, and the low sops are once again not going to be allowed any shows. Even with politely asking for one or two shows, but that is why I use judge preferences to beat the higher sop kennel that does this to us. I won't be ran out of that breed like my daughter was.

Agree wholeheartedly I work full time I do not spend all day on here. Maybe 15 minutes to session and enter then I sign out
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12/8/2023 10:09:17 PM reply with quote send message to Kimoko Object to Post

posted by
Especially when it appears that I'm the only one who has reached out to them.

You are not the only person who has talked to them.

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Did you know?
A specialty show is a dog show which reviews a single breed, unlike other dog shows, particularly conformation shows, which are generally referred to as "all-breed" because they are open to all breeds recognized by the sponsoring kennel club.