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5/12/2023 5:53:20 PM reply with quote send message to KOTAKAI Object to Post

posted by CzarinaTerriers
posted by XiZang
In one of my other kennels, I started on a new breed for me. I bought the one pup that was for sale (not great quality) and eventually ended up with a couple of litters of poor quality. I contacted the only other kennel that seemed to be active in that breed, who had no pups or studs available, asking if perhaps if they had pups they would sell me one. The response was very positive, that they hadn't realize anyone else was in the breed and of course they would list pups and studs. That was over 4 months ago. Oh they have lots and lots of pups but none for sale, and only one aged stud listed despite their multitude of dogs.

At this point, much as I hate to, I am planning to get rid of this breed because there is really no future in a breed where the dominant breeder is determined to keep everyone else out.

Personally, I don't see the point in that and it was certainly not Jeff's intention when he created these sites. It is very frustrating.

Since there response was positive the first time have you tried reaching about again perhaps about a specific litter? They may have just forgotten/assumed since no further contact you were not interested? I mean I have no way to know but it seems weird that you would get a positive response if they are actively choosing to be a closed kennel… usually they will just let you know they are not planning to sell/stud or just simply not answer. Odd! A shame you may be leaving the breed.
Everyone has the right to play however they see fit. So I do not take it personally if a kennel is closed even if it does suck sometimes. Especially in breeds with few or only that breeder. I personally love when new people join my breeds and try to help out as much as I can with some pups or even a breeding age gal if I can spare one! More the marier I say! Though I do admit to be extremely forgetful when it comes to studs but I do try to put any and all boys up at 30 days… sometimes does slip through the cracks for a bit though.

Last edited by CzarinaTerriers on 3/18/2023 3:31:29 PM

yes I DID reach out again and respectfully asked if they were going to list studs since they had said they would. I got my head bit off at my waist. I will not respond to that kind of thing. I'm done here
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5/12/2023 5:58:46 PM reply with quote send message to KOTAKAI Object to Post

posted by Rhoslyn Kennels
posted by KOTAKAI
I just have one more comment and I'm done. I fh'd my klee since I do not wish to participate in the current atmosphere. Having said that, I wish to reiterate here that several source players politely asked for help and were rebuked. Personally, I very respectfully asked for help and was told it was coming. When a week later nothing happened, I asked again, thinking maybe they forgot . The response I got bad was venomous. So no, I will not be expecting anything more than spiteful ugliness to ensue in the future. If it seems like a lot of complaints occur in one breed, rather than dissing the last person to complain, maybe we should consider that there might be an issue since multiple players have reached a boiling point. My end point has been reached and I did what I had to do. On to something else now.
In an earlier comment you said that you were ignored now you are saying that you received a 'venomous' response. Not dissing but cant dont understand how it can be both?

when I first came back I was ignored when I queried people. I'm getting tired of being attacked here for simply stating what is happening. As for being angry, how would you feel if you posted about this>>>I WAS THE OC HERE. And had to see some of what has been said here. Sure maybe "they" are pissed at having had to deal with some OTHER commentary NOT from ME. And yet I am the one called out for causing trouble. Yes I'm angry. This has ruined months of work. It has ruined the game for me. ANd yet y'all think I'm the bad guy?
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5/12/2023 5:59:18 PM reply with quote send message to KOTAKAI Object to Post

posted by Rhoslyn Kennels
Wow such anger towards someone who only made a few suggestions. I actually feel sorry for the high sop kennels after reading that.

Last edited by Rhoslyn Kennels on 5/12/2023 4:15:15 PM

 Black Raven Kennels
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5/12/2023 6:29:58 PM reply with quote send message to Black Raven Kennels Object to Post

For the record, the high sop kennels ran off my daughter from the breed. I tried explaining that yes she has mental health problems, but that didn't matter. While health doesn't excuse anything, they were nasty as hell. So every win over them makes me smile and always will. This is a nasty breed, however, the Loser's Club (low sops) always help out anyone who ventures in. Our shit stinks and we know it, we don't pretend otherwise. I've been sick of this for the longest time but won't leave because that is what is wanted.
 Dreisaiah Hundehutte
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5/13/2023 11:38:23 AM reply with quote send message to Dreisaiah Hundehutte Object to Post

I kinda wonder if the person(s) involved in closing off their AKKs and the alleged mean responses has their own mental health issue. The average person doesn't create this type of issue just for fun, most especially when it's been brought up on occasion or publicly announced and a sort of "club" has been formed against them.

SD is so anonymous that I'm always reminded to be aware that we have no idea who anyone is, their background, what is going on in their lives or mind and their reasons for things.

Closed kennels is just one of the downsides about the game that isn't outright against the rules. Like someone said above, things that Jeff probably didn't mean to happen.

The nice thing is that from breed to breed, they're all the same gameplay, just the breed name and pic if they have it is different. I'm not in my favorite breed IRL because it's annoying to play on here. Some of my favorite breeds to play in I don't even really like IRL. That definitely ameliorates the situation when breeders choose to have closed kennels and have significantly better dogs than the rest.

 Black Raven Kennels
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5/13/2023 12:37:21 PM reply with quote send message to Black Raven Kennels Object to Post

The Loser's Club is to help each other and anyone who wants to try the breed. That's all. Named that because that's what we were called.
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5/13/2023 3:37:15 PM reply with quote send message to XiZang Object to Post

posted by Solanin
posted by XiZang
My biggest issue (in one of my other kennels) is the COI. I breed as much as I can but I have several breeds in that kennel so am limited in the number. There is only 1 public stud available and I have already overbred to him. I need to dilute my line but doesn't look like it's going to happen. I guess I will just keep breeding and eventually maybe some other dogs will join the party.
I've come across that with a few of my smaller breeds, especially Bloodhounds. But was luckily able to get help from another kennel. Not so much with Boxers. There's really nothing in circulation so I just keep adding source dogs and breeding them with some better SOP dogs I was able to snag lol. Any way you could do that? It would mess with the SOP but in the long run you'd open up the lines.

Actually I am doing that with Afghan Hounds, trying to bring back a color, breeding source and current back and forth. That might be an option. It's hard to get motivated though.
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5/13/2023 5:35:00 PM reply with quote send message to MoonKennels17 Object to Post

this post has been edited 1 time(s)

Yeah I refuse to give up on Klee Kai's. The high SOP kennels were also super nasty to me. Agro right out the gate upon my first message to them. It has become increasingly difficult to deal with them as they put 1 dog and 1 bitch into every single show. I just wanted to get a gray Klee Kai grand champion and then move on to a different breed. But I can't. I haven't been able to get a Klee Kai grand champion in years since the high sop kennel came back. But always willing to help out new breeders! Getting my SOP pretty high now!

Last edited by MoonKennels17 on 5/13/2023 5:38:05 PM
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5/13/2023 7:08:44 PM reply with quote send message to Kimoko Object to Post

posted by MoonKennels17
Yeah I refuse to give up on Klee Kai's. The high SOP kennels were also super nasty to me. Agro right out the gate upon my first message to them. It has become increasingly difficult to deal with them as they put 1 dog and 1 bitch into every single show. I just wanted to get a gray Klee Kai grand champion and then move on to a different breed. But I can't. I haven't been able to get a Klee Kai grand champion in years since the high sop kennel came back. But always willing to help out new breeders! Getting my SOP pretty high now!

Last edited by MoonKennels17 on 5/13/2023 5:38:05 PM

You (Moon) and forever yours have been great to me. I quit because when I vented here I basically got strung up and tarred and feathered just because I am angry about unfair tactics. So I did NOT quite klee because of that person. I quit because some of these responses were attacks on me. I've been in the hospital for four days with a GI bleed and Im in no mood.
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5/13/2023 7:09:32 PM reply with quote send message to Kimoko Object to Post

posted by Kimoko
posted by MoonKennels17
Yeah I refuse to give up on Klee Kai's. The high SOP kennels were also super nasty to me. Agro right out the gate upon my first message to them. It has become increasingly difficult to deal with them as they put 1 dog and 1 bitch into every single show. I just wanted to get a gray Klee Kai grand champion and then move on to a different breed. But I can't. I haven't been able to get a Klee Kai grand champion in years since the high sop kennel came back. But always willing to help out new breeders! Getting my SOP pretty high now!

Last edited by MoonKennels17 on 5/13/2023 5:38:05 PM

this is my other kennel, but I am or was Kotakai. You (Moon) and forever yours have been great to me. I quit because when I vented here I basically got strung up and tarred and feathered just because I am angry about unfair tactics. So I did NOT quite klee because of that person. I quit because some of these responses were attacks on me. I've been in the hospital for four days with a GI bleed and Im in no mood.

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