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7/8/2013 8:28:02 PM reply with quote send message to Lilliput Object to Post

I am also flattered you think I'd be good at making such a list, but don't see how it would help. i also think that as a non-neutral party, even if I tried to do it in a non-biased way, people would question my bias.
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7/9/2013 4:19:37 AM reply with quote send message to mettlevant Object to Post

just curious as to the ulterior reasons the older players seem to be so completely against the concept of buying sd digi$! having played other games where digi cash does give some advantage.however there,s a strong strategy element in the others that can overcome that advantage!i,d like too suggest that admin might consider allowing struggling players some choice in this debate.
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7/9/2013 5:03:20 AM reply with quote send message to Airyah Object to Post

posted by Everkai
posted by Airyah
I think too much people are focusing on the negatives of being able to buy showdog money with real money as opposed to the positives..

Can someone post a post that lists all the negatives and positives? Degree? Lilliput?

Maybe the ones who want it are focusing to much on the positives rather than the negatives...Degree is right. The negatives, in the end, outweigh by a lot.

I disagree. I believe that newer players who quickly go into debt without realising the course of their actions and how difficult it is to get back out of debt would benefit by this. Sure, you can say that the point of the game is to learn how to manage your money, but everyone falls into trouble when they first start out. I'm sure all of you when you first started on showdog quickly lost money and went into debt. The only way to help would be to get more money right? As opposed to waiting months before their daily salary finally got them out of it. And who wants to upgrade a kennel who's in debt? You can't do anything with it, so there'd be no point. I do understand the negatives, but I think it could also have a positive effect on the game and in my own opinion, think it would draw more people into the game.
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7/9/2013 5:18:10 AM reply with quote send message to mettlevant Object to Post

on the other hand allowing said players to buy the digi dollars would benefit the company behind showdog to make improvements to the3 game!
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7/9/2013 6:58:43 AM reply with quote send message to Shutterfox Object to Post

I can't keep lurking here hahaha!

Airyah, I have to agree with you. When I signed up this kennel, I was new to SD and while I read the rules and help section, it takes a learning curve to understand how the game works. My first dog purchase was a decent/average bitch for $1,000! I don't know if my reasoning was that she had to be really great compared to the others that were only $100 or what. But it wasn't until like a week or two later that I discovered that wasn't the smartest thing to do. People make mistakes, especially newbies, even when they read the help center.

When you're just starting out, there's a lot to learn. Guess I learned the hard way! To this date, I have not had more than $800 in my account. I'm currently negative, but am pulling up my balance by practically not playing. I am only showing one dog at a time and my kennel full of a highly competitive breed is really suffering those consequences of lack of improvement to keep up.
 Just About Farms
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7/9/2013 7:20:41 AM reply with quote send message to Just About Farms Object to Post

I say NO. I play some games on Facebook where you can buy game cash and it is a really big advantage for those who are able to afford to pump a lot of money in the game and they are able to get to the top very easily.

One thing I have always liked about this game is that it is fair to all. Your success is based on your game skills and a little bit of luck, not on how big your pocketbook is.
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7/9/2013 7:58:33 AM reply with quote send message to Everkai Object to Post

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posted by Just About Farms
I say NO. I play some games on Facebook where you can buy game cash and it is a really big advantage for those who are able to afford to pump a lot of money in the game and they are able to get to the top very easily.

One thing I have always liked about this game is that it is fair to all. Your success is based on your game skills and a little bit of luck, not on how big your pocketbook is.

Agreed. I'd be one of those who could afford a little bit, but I have other things that I'm investing in.

It doesn't take months and months unless you got yourself DEEP into debt, and if you're to blind to realize that you're going DEEP into debt, then I'm sorry.

My other kennel went into debt up to 500-600 about two or three weeks ago. I REALIZED this. I NEVER stopped showing. I kept breeding and showing, and now, I'll even take a screen shot, I'm about to hit 3k.
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7/9/2013 7:59:57 AM reply with quote send message to Everkai Object to Post

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posted by Everkai
posted by Just About Farms
I say NO. I play some games on Facebook where you can buy game cash and it is a really big advantage for those who are able to afford to pump a lot of money in the game and they are able to get to the top very easily.

One thing I have always liked about this game is that it is fair to all. Your success is based on your game skills and a little bit of luck, not on how big your pocketbook is.

Agreed. I'd be one of those who could afford a little bit, but I have other things that I'm investing in.

It doesn't take months and months unless you got yourself DEEP into debt, and if you're to blind to realize that you're going DEEP into debt, then I'm sorry.

My other kennel went into debt up to 500-600 about two or three weeks ago. I REALIZED this. I NEVER stopped showing. I kept breeding and showing, and now, I'll even take a screen shot, I'm about to hit 3k.

Even in this kennel, I'm source breeding. I've had no pup sales or anything of that nature, I've even purchased source dogs. I'm now at 3k also.
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7/9/2013 8:22:50 AM reply with quote send message to Degree Object to Post

posted by mettlevant
just curious as to the ulterior reasons the older players seem to be so completely against the concept of buying sd digi$!

Ulterior reasons? Hm, we like the challenge and don't want to buy our way through the game? Is that bad?
 Canyon View Kennels
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7/9/2013 11:13:05 AM reply with quote send message to Canyon View Kennels Object to Post

posted by Degree
posted by mettlevant
just curious as to the ulterior reasons the older players seem to be so completely against the concept of buying sd digi$!

Ulterior reasons? Hm, we like the challenge and don't want to buy our way through the game? Is that bad?

Others that have gone into debt (as many mentioned, newer players) want to enjoy the game and keep playing, without spending months to "get back in the game," is that bad?

Because someone has fallen into debt and would like to put a little money into their account to keep going, a lot of you are making it sound like their horrible people! Villifying them like they're going to dump hundreds of dollars to somehow conquer SD, and that is the only outcome that would happen. Because someone didn't properly manage their kennel, and many of you have stated you are now or have been in the red, shouldn't be a deterant and reason for some to leave, and it is. It's a fact I've seen many times, and the breeds I've been in have suffered because of it. People get overwhelmed with the thought of digging out of a hole (which could ne done and has been done), now everything is left stagnant and excitement for the game leaves, so they give up and leave. I'm willing to bet that's why 85% or more of newer players vacate.
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7/9/2013 11:32:22 AM reply with quote send message to Object to Post edit post

No, that's not bad at all. I just do not think this is the solution for those users. Their kennel mismanagement is their business.

My problem is with those users that are not in the red that will use this feature to continue to monopolize shows and certain breeds.
And believe me you, there are people willing to dump a great amount of money into a feature like this. I play several online games where people buy pixels for thousands of USD (Neopets, anyone?).
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7/9/2013 11:32:55 AM reply with quote send message to Degree Object to Post

The above was me, sorry.
 Canyon View Kennels
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7/9/2013 12:06:11 PM reply with quote send message to Canyon View Kennels Object to Post

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posted by
No, that's not bad at all. I just do not think this is the solution for those users. Their kennel mismanagement is their business.

My problem is with those users that are not in the red that will use this feature to continue to monopolize shows and certain breeds.
And believe me you, there are people willing to dump a great amount of money into a feature like this. I play several online games where people buy pixels for thousands of USD (Neopets, anyone?).

And there are people that have played for years that have a healthy bank roll that monopolized things here already. There are limits on what someone can sell a dog for and on stud fees, I doubt that would change. As far as closing kennels, already happens. Buying better dogs then everyone else, that also already happens. Show monopolizing already happens. I think perhaps maybe those issues are something you need to address with admin even if this isn't enacted if those are problems you have.

Again, I think it's a bit premature and negligent to believe that Jeff wouldn't enact some safe guards against what you're proposing if this was introduced.

Last edited by Canyon View Kennels on 7/9/2013 12:09:18 PM
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7/9/2013 12:11:32 PM reply with quote send message to Object to Post edit post

I recently came back after 4 years away with a new account. I pretty well breezed through most of my money trying to settle on a breed or 2 or 3.
I love this game because it's a thinker. Unfortunately trial and error takes money when starting out. There is not the same amount of action as there was years ago. Studs rates are way down to 50 and 25 so it's almost needless to keep males as a "newbie". Too bad I didn't figure that out quickly enough. I FH'd dogs more than sold for sure. I had to reacquaint myself to the feeding system.
Anyway, why not when monthly payment comes around get a $500 dollar booster shot at least till there are more players again.
If buying money is offered and I think it should be, it should be very limited. Maximum 500 or 1000 a month? I buy money/energy on a couple FB games. Not a lot but if I want to keep playing an addictive game I will spend a few bucks to do it.
It will be profit for the developer who has made really nice changes and added the colors which makes the game even more challenging. I will not open a second account or family account. I like the convenience of having all the breeds I want to play on one page. I know I can eventually make a profit in my kennel, but it will be months. Selling my dogs is not an appealing facet of "what do I do today". Thanks for listening.
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7/9/2013 12:24:14 PM reply with quote send message to Degree Object to Post

Funny that you negligent to describe my concerns when I feel the same about those burning holes into their SD balances.
 Canyon View Kennels
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7/9/2013 12:42:11 PM reply with quote send message to Canyon View Kennels Object to Post

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posted by Degree
Funny that you negligent to describe my concerns when I feel the same about those burning holes into their SD balances.
There are people that unknowingly are going into debt thinking a daily salary is going to help. People thinking stud fees and sellng of quality pups will help. It's not negligence on their part, it's ignorance of the game. What feed to use, how to session and when and how to sale sessions. The Help page offers a simple guide to the game, but it's trial and error and investing time in the game. AGAIN, newer players aren't aware (a FACT since I've spoken to a few on and off during the years in different breeds and kennels) of these things until really immersing themselves and dedicating time.
Losing these people in that trap is not exactly what I call "funny."

Last edited by Canyon View Kennels on 7/9/2013 12:44:10 PM
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7/9/2013 12:47:45 PM reply with quote send message to Degree Object to Post

That's right. Investing time in learning how to play will avoid these conversations.

What I fail to understand is how your balance is my problem. I play independently and I don't rely on puppy sales and stud usage. I've figured out method and Im not that bright, lol, so its not impossible.
 Canyon View Kennels
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7/9/2013 12:58:41 PM reply with quote send message to Canyon View Kennels Object to Post

posted by Degree
That's right. Investing time in learning how to play will avoid these conversations.
Isn't that what I've said? But new players fall into debt without getting the time to learn and are discouraged by no funds.

What I fail to understand is how your balance is my problem. I play independently and I don't rely on puppy sales and stud usage. I've figured out method and Im not that bright, lol, so its not impossible.
Good for you. I applaud you for that. But I can ask you the same question. How is my balance your business or problem? Just how I choose to obtain my money is my business, whether it be through selling pups, banners, careful management or purchasing SD funds. Some aren't as bright as you, and would like to continue to play.
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7/9/2013 1:07:27 PM reply with quote send message to Degree Object to Post

Some users finances are my problem because they are in debt and want to effect my gameplay with this suggestion of SD money?

And please, don't ask me how because I've already stated my position.
 Welsh Corgi Kennels
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7/9/2013 1:20:44 PM reply with quote send message to Welsh Corgi Kennels Object to Post

Canyon, if you open your eyes and read what I typed, then you should notice something.

If someone new to the game got themselves that DEEP into debt, then it is their FAULT and we should not REWARD them with an easy way out. Sorry you feel different on the issue, but I see where you're coming from, but in the end, going into debt CAN BE PREVENTED.

Like I've said MANY TIMES, I have a SOURCE BREEDING ACCOUNT. I'll posting a screen shot of my transactions. CAN you explain that to me? how I've been GETTING money and still able to spend money? I'll post the same with this account also.

With Everkai source Ibizan Hounds, I have purchased SIX DOGS. That would bring my total from 2.5k down to 1.9k. As you will see in the transaction, with good management I have raised my bank now to $2,661.25. I have NOT had ANY puppy sales of any nature, or other dog/stud money incomes.

Everkai bank account:

Other half of transaction (I even left some of the top transactions in the second so you could so I'm not lying.)

So...tell me again how source breeders will benefit? I seem to be hitting it off just fine with good management. YOU can do the same, I promise. It's not that hard at all.

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A specialty show may be regional or national. A "Best in Show" win at a national specialty show is tremendously prestigious, indicating that the winning dog or bitch triumphed at a contest which attracted entries from the most serious fanciers of that breed in the country or continent. Some specialty shows attract international entries.