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 Welsh Corgi Kennels
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6/29/2013 6:08:40 PM reply with quote send message to Welsh Corgi Kennels Object to Post

posted by Shadowmere Kennel
posted by Flavia
I would like to see this feature enabled. I am in a breed with very few users and my game account is usually between $500-100. I'm lucky to sell one or two dogs in a month. When my money is gone I can't show. I have to not session dogs and sit around and hope someone buys one of my dogs so I can enter shows again.
That's where money management comes in, it you forever homes all those dog on your retirement couch and put males your not showing on to cheap old boy food, that would make a big difference to you outgoing bills,
then you have other things like only keeping a few top quality males rather than lots of males, not seasoning/showing too many dogs at once etc

Exactly what's said here. I'm always in a rare breed and I always have more than 1k. No puppy sales. Ever.
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6/29/2013 11:52:26 PM reply with quote send message to Leidenschaftlich Object to Post

I almost say no; however, I lost thousands in my cattery seemingly within a couple weeks after taking months to build it back up, which almost makes me not want to play anymore. I would definitely buy money on SC.
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6/30/2013 7:40:47 AM reply with quote send message to Flavia Object to Post

Thank you for the tips everyone. I've been working on things suggested in my kennel in the last couple days.

Well the upside to it would be an added income to Jeff's household. I would buy SD cash.
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7/1/2013 10:23:53 AM reply with quote send message to Everkai Object to Post

We loose strategy when we add this feature... I like it and I don't. Money is a big part of this game..
 House of Wolves Kennel
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7/3/2013 8:18:03 AM reply with quote send message to House of Wolves Kennel Object to Post

I will admit I voted yes, but after reading the comments my first thought was maybe the "yes" was premature. I would still like to see something available, perhaps for those who have site loyalty (1 or more years in the game, premium etc.) that may or may not have hit financial crisis and are at risk for their kennels going bankrupt.

We've talked about money for FHing puppies in the past, while it seems like a good idea on the surface there is always the abuse that would come from it. People who would breed litters only to FH them, and of course the source breeders (who wouldn't purposely be abusing it) who FH quite a bit more than others because they're keeping the cream of the crop for generation improvement. If there was an FH payout I'd hope it was extremely cheap and limited to X amount a month, maybe not to exceed the $250 that TH does.

I'd love to see something there to help the Rare Breeds or the Source Breeders, yes strategy is part of the game but what these breeders are doing is saving the breed. If you look at RL efforts to do so there is always a huge monetary loss, but there is also a lot of gain on the pet selling side. If the economy of the game would change, I'd love to see something implemented where Rare or Source kennels got an additional stipend for their efforts to save a breed. It isn't easy what they do, it's hard work and time consuming and can take years to really get where they want to go.

And I love the Starter Shop idea, it's nice to get the free starters however it's hard for source breeders to track down users willing to sell them and even then they may not get the coat/color they're looking for.

Anyway back on topic. happy :)

If we did allow the purchase of SD cash I'd like to see it with limitations like this:

Site Loyalty - One or More years on SD
Premium Feature - Perhaps just for Premium members, not hating on the basics at all but they have a breeding limitation and it should be easier for them to manage their cash flow.
Going Bankrupt - Obviously, it should be something for those who actually need it not those that are just a little in the red.
Have to have made changes to prevent bankruptcy - Sorry but if you don't make any effort to save yourself I don't think you should be able to use a life preserver like this.

Anyway those are my two cents. happy :)
 Welsh Corgi Kennels
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7/3/2013 10:00:49 AM reply with quote send message to Welsh Corgi Kennels Object to Post

OR what if we only have the FH payout for rare breed accounts? Since they're most likely source breeding?

Bad idea?
 Cloudpointe Kennels
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7/3/2013 10:22:31 PM reply with quote send message to Cloudpointe Kennels Object to Post

Why not allow it and if people think it makes the game too easy then they don't have to use the option. I mean why are people getting upset that the game would become "too easy" when it's simple enough for them just to not buy any themselves. So what if it makes the game easier for some people, they would have that option if they want to and it doesn't impact anyone else but themselves.

Therefore I am voting yes on this. It will eliminate people leaving the game because they go into debt and that increases our competition in the long run. I've had to leave a kennel before because it went into debt and just wait it out for it to get back to having money and it's a slow process because I don't sell sessions and such.
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7/3/2013 10:31:00 PM reply with quote send message to Everkai Object to Post

posted by Cloudpointe Kennels
it's a slow process because I don't sell sessions and such.
Then isn't that your fault?
 Canyon View Kennels
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7/3/2013 11:39:10 PM reply with quote send message to Canyon View Kennels Object to Post

I voted yes. When you have a breed that is rare it's very difficult. Selling sessions and dumping dogs on old boy helps, yes, but sometimes it's not enough. People want to compare it to real life, but it's a game. Also in RL, there are many, many options to earn money. On here, unless you make and sell banners, have an in demand breed that can get $100 of dollars for breed fees and puppy sales, you are very limited. In RL, you can charge handling fees for professionally handling dogs in the ring. You have a seperate income or two (depending if you are a married team) outside of showing dogs. Unless you're a professional handler/groomer/breeder, showing dogs is more of a "hobby/past time" than a career, and comparing a SIM to RL too is crazy. This game is a hobby/past time, and those who choose to purchase SD coinage in my opinion shouldn't be looked upon as poor money managers or trying to get a leg up on the rest. If that is the case, in RL, professional handlers shouldn't be able to used, and people shouldn't borrow money or use their hobby as a write off on their taxes. That's my two cents.
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7/4/2013 12:05:20 AM reply with quote send message to Lilliput Object to Post

I have a rare breed. It's not that hard. You can sell sessions, or get salary. By managing the number of dogs in your kennel, your rations, and how many dogs you show it is very possible to make money even in a nearly dead breed. It doesn't happen quickly, and you're unlikely to get rich, but money management is part of the way the game works. I too get inpatient, overtax my kennel, breed or show too much and lose money. But that doesn't mean that if played wisely, you can't keep a positive or even growing balance!

To the people who say making the game easier has no affect on the other users- yes, it does affect other users. If you can buy your way out of debt, or to a higher balance, that gives your kennel an advantage- you can breed more and possibly better dogs, sponsor more shows, up your prestige etc. Money buys a lot of things in this game, and those that have more, have an advantage. I'd rather they earned it fairly in the game through good strategy, which is an indicator of a strong player, rather than bought their way to a higher status. It takes a lot of work to have a top winning kennel, either in the breed or in the game. Allowing users to buy funds, will take away the even playing field and give some an unearned advantage.
 Canyon View Kennels
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7/4/2013 12:23:00 AM reply with quote send message to Canyon View Kennels Object to Post

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No offense, but there is an option on stud dogs and pups to choose who breeds to your dogs and who buys them. Therefore, by using those features, you could hypothetically stop those who you believe are "cheating" by buying SD money. I don't hear this complaint in RL. So and so got a loan to purchase that dog! Isn't that that persons business? If they're buying better bred dogs doesn't it #1 improve the breed, and two raise the bar for the rest of the players in that breed, with or without a large balance? I thought that was the goal was to improve the breed.
So wait, you can choose to buy more kennel room for dogs, but can't purchase SD funds to maintain those new kennel runs? Some can make money on selling high priced dogs, breed fees and selling manipulations and banners, isn't that an unfair advantage to the rest? Perhaps Jeff should make it where there is no market for dogs and dog sales and breed fees are set on an amount and no choices are given? That's what SD funds ultimately would be a choice. Utilize it or don't.

Last edited by Canyon View Kennels on 7/4/2013 12:24:37 AM
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7/4/2013 4:00:38 AM reply with quote send message to Degree Object to Post

Look, I barely sell dogs as it is and usually don't have many studs up. I figured out a balance to keep my SD cash flow comfortable and make sure I wouldn't fall into debt. This gives me the opportunity to make better decisions. Did I do that by maxing out my kennel to 30+ dogs and sinking deeper into debt?

This game is about making decisions. Handlers, good type, breedings, puppy naming, choosing a breed, entering this show over this show, weighing the pros and cons of judges... deciding to play smart or suffer financially for it.

This is really the bottom line.

Also, to the rare breeders and source liners, that's there choice to play that way. I don't think anyone should be given an advantage of this capacity because they want to "save a breed."
 Welsh Corgi Kennels
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7/4/2013 8:14:08 AM reply with quote send message to Welsh Corgi Kennels Object to Post

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posted by Lilliput
I have a rare breed. It's not that hard. You can sell sessions, or get salary. By managing the number of dogs in your kennel, your rations, and how many dogs you show it is very possible to make money even in a nearly dead breed. It doesn't happen quickly, and you're unlikely to get rich, but money management is part of the way the game works. I too get inpatient, overtax my kennel, breed or show too much and lose money. But that doesn't mean that if played wisely, you can't keep a positive or even growing balance!

To the people who say making the game easier has no affect on the other users- yes, it does affect other users. If you can buy your way out of debt, or to a higher balance, that gives your kennel an advantage- you can breed more and possibly better dogs, sponsor more shows, up your prestige etc. Money buys a lot of things in this game, and those that have more, have an advantage. I'd rather they earned it fairly in the game through good strategy, which is an indicator of a strong player, rather than bought their way to a higher status. It takes a lot of work to have a top winning kennel, either in the breed or in the game. Allowing users to buy funds, will take away the even playing field and give some an unearned advantage.

I too, do great in a rare breed. In both kennels, one is a source breeding kennel, I'm getting PAYED more than I am SPENDING. It is possible, because so many of us are doing it.
 Welsh Corgi Kennels
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7/4/2013 8:17:30 AM reply with quote send message to Welsh Corgi Kennels Object to Post

posted by Canyon View Kennels
Utilize it or don't.

Last edited by Canyon View Kennels on 7/4/2013 12:24:37 AM

IF we don't use it when it's there, then our kennel will suffer from all the players who don't want to play the game fairly like we do. I know that if I fall into debt I would not use the feature because I use strategy, I don't cheat myself out of the red, which I did to myself if I'm there. It wouldn't be fair to those who can't afford it or people like me, who like I said, use strategy.
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7/4/2013 8:45:34 AM reply with quote send message to rhondacline Object to Post

Instead of the ability to purchase SD money, I would prefer to see a "bonus" system implemented; bonuses awarded based on achievement.

X amount for finishing a champion - or if you prefer x amount for finishing every X champions.

X amount for a GCh or again, maybe people would prefer x amount for finishing X grand champions.

X amount for completing an obedience title
(which might also encourage more participation in obedience?)

X amount for an AOM
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7/4/2013 10:38:48 AM reply with quote send message to Shutterfox Object to Post

While I'm all for a good debate and I respect your strong views, I think all of this is getting blown to immense proportions. There are always going to be people who disagree.

As it stands in the poll, the majority favors not buying SD money. While I personally believe it would help SD to have this feature, I understand the grave concerns that other members have. I have very much enjoyed reading everyones responses and points of view, save for a few posts of backlash.
 Summerwind Kennels
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7/4/2013 10:47:57 AM reply with quote send message to Summerwind Kennels Object to Post

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posted by Shutterfox
While I'm all for a good debate and I respect your strong views, I think all of this is getting blown to immense proportions. There are always going to be people who disagree.
I agree with this, and I am also standing by my earlier vote of No to this.

I want to say though, that there is another thread on ways to increase activity in the game and change the ways show payouts and introducing in-game incentives. I think that if these issues are addressed and changed, and there are more ways to make money in the game on a regular basis while at the same time creating more activity in the game, then perhaps the idea of "needing" to buy showdog money will be rendered a moot point. I know that Jeff is aware of these suggestions and the thread and has said that once the layout switch is over these things will be discussed.

I mean if there are ways for kennels to make money in the game, then I don't see that there would really be a need to purchase said money.

Last edited by Summerwind Kennels on 7/4/2013 10:48:56 AM
 Canyon View Kennels
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7/4/2013 12:17:22 PM reply with quote send message to Canyon View Kennels Object to Post

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posted by Welsh Corgi Kennels
posted by Canyon View Kennels
Utilize it or don't.

Last edited by Canyon View Kennels on 7/4/2013 12:24:37 AM

IF we don't use it when it's there, then our kennel will suffer from all the players who don't want to play the game fairly like we do. I know that if I fall into debt I would not use the feature because I use strategy, I don't cheat myself out of the red, which I did to myself if I'm there. It wouldn't be fair to those who can't afford it or people like me, who like I said, use strategy.

With all do respect, how would it effect you if I decided to purchase SD funds? Couldn't it be apart of someone strategy for someone with a extremely anemic balance to bring them in the black so they could add to the breeding and showing pool, adding higher quality dogs to the show ring bringing more majors? The little source breeder bringing in new line and/or color? I don't get it. If people are happy playing SD with money management, I applaud you. But why stop and villifying those who needs an added boost? On another thread someone is returning to SD after leaving and is discouraged at their paltry balance. Why not give that person a chance to add to their account and help their kennel back up and going? Again, you can buy kennels to keep more dogs, is that not an advantage? Someone able to keep dog without the fear of having random one stripped from their kennel. Yet, no go on letting someone bring some added money in to help in a time of crisis? I understand the reasons behind people not wanting to implemented it, but with so many breeds needing help, this could be a big help. I know I'd reopen my other kennels if I could add some money to get back up to buy new pups. Seems like a great opportunity lost in my opinion.

Last edited by Canyon View Kennels on 7/4/2013 12:19:23 PM

Last edited by Canyon View Kennels on 7/4/2013 12:20:08 PM
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7/4/2013 2:29:00 PM reply with quote send message to Lilliput Object to Post

People who have left for a period of time and have a negative balance DO have an option- they can ask for a reset. They lose all their previous work, but get to start fresh with a positive balance, at no cost to them.
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7/4/2013 4:49:48 PM reply with quote send message to Leidenschaftlich Object to Post

posted by Welsh Corgi Kennels
posted by Shadowmere Kennel
posted by Flavia
I would like to see this feature enabled. I am in a breed with very few users and my game account is usually between $500-100. I'm lucky to sell one or two dogs in a month. When my money is gone I can't show. I have to not session dogs and sit around and hope someone buys one of my dogs so I can enter shows again.
That's where money management comes in, it you forever homes all those dog on your retirement couch and put males your not showing on to cheap old boy food, that would make a big difference to you outgoing bills,
then you have other things like only keeping a few top quality males rather than lots of males, not seasoning/showing too many dogs at once etc

Exactly what's said here. I'm always in a rare breed and I always have more than 1k. No puppy sales. Ever.

Who the hell is going to pay to play this game and then not play it because you can't pay for anything?

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Did you know?
In the American Kennel Club, a dog needs 15 points to become a Champion, with each win gaining anywhere from zero to five points depending on the number of dogs competing and the area where the show is held.