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6/27/2013 8:25:06 PM reply with quote send message to Purrs_Port Object to Post

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As one who's recently gotton sucked in again this kennel, (was doing Border Terriers years ago) but had let this kennel go basic, I am one with a stable balance here, see how long that lasts though laugh :D . My other kennel, Guiding Senjis, where I do Basenji, has been -5,000 before and came back in the black with careful play. Now it's -6,000 trying to breed, sell of FH dogs keeping minimal in kennel, I will be back. Did find a way to enter shows which DOES slow recovery. I voted no to the use of real money, I think strategy is the key part of the game.
Which it should be.

I have played games that had option to buy things for real money, and did purchase some but think it leans to a younger group as in kids that get cards and such from grandparents, aunts and such.
By the way I don't mean that as negative as it may have sounded. There are mature kids, and immature kids. On other sites involving real money seemed to attract immature people, adults and kids, leading to a gimme level which caused issues sometimes.

Strategy is attracts different people, and it keeps me here.

By the way Jeff I LOVE the new layout. Yes get frustrated sometimes, there is a learning curve. But doesn't flare my major panic levels, maybe because I see it as strategy game not real money.

Last edited by Purrs_Port on 6/27/2013 8:29:18 PM
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6/27/2013 9:15:00 PM reply with quote send message to Everkai Object to Post

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posted by Manday Kennels
posted by admin
Pretty self explanatory question. Should we allow users to buy showdog money with real money?

I say yes because breeders who are breeding breeds that do not win big would benefit from this because they cannot make alot of money and I know alot of them say they manage their kennels on a very tight shoe string. It would also allow for higher show payouts and for more show sponsorships.

Then why, in my other kennel, am I above 2k and in a very non popular breed..?

Purrs Port said "I think strategy is the key part of the game.
Which it should be."

Which is a GREAT quote. This is a game, like many of you pointed out, and all the games on Facebook are TRYING to suck in your money. That's why it costs "coints" or whatever to buy all the pretty things. I don't play those games because they're childish and they are a money milker. I don't even like playing iphone apps because they do the same thing. Showdog is the only game that really doesn't milk your money from your pocket. It's a strategy game. If you can't play a strategy game then go to the games on facebook. I'm not trying to sound rude, and I'm not trying to start a fight at all. I'm just trying to understand something. What kind of game is showdog if we add this? A feature for people who mess up and for people who can afford this? Being a premium on dA and having 2 showdog account and yet ANOTHER account on another site, I'm not to fond to have to pay more just to get ahead in the game (if I need to.) I know I don't have to.

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6/27/2013 9:17:28 PM reply with quote send message to Solimar Object to Post

I would also be for cutting the max kennel balance down to 15k or so.

There really isn't much need for a kennel to have 25k in the bank.

This would also help remove some of the show sponsorship and judge picking issues.

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6/27/2013 9:23:13 PM reply with quote send message to Everkai Object to Post

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Honestly, like I said, IF it's added, there needs to be a limit. No buying the whole economy on one account..Like the above poster, no one neeeeds 25k laying around.

I think I'm going to stop posting..I don't want anyone to take my posts the wrong way.

Last edited by Everkai on 6/27/2013 9:28:48 PM
 Dead Until Dark
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6/27/2013 9:40:55 PM reply with quote send message to Dead Until Dark Object to Post

I hate to be this person-- but if an option to buy SD cash with real money is added, I probably wouldn't be around much longer. (as a come and go player of the last 8+ would sadden me no doubt)

It has been my experience that while I enjoy different games, games that require real money input (aside from a subscription fee) very quickly turn into you can only succeed if you put real money into the game, which I am not willing to do.

I pay $5 a month, but as a recent grad who is going back to school, $5 a month is really all I am willing to put into any game. and mostly its for the nostalgia-- otherwise I am not one to pay for games.
 Moonshine-Hollow Hounds
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6/27/2013 9:53:55 PM reply with quote send message to Moonshine-Hollow Hounds Object to Post

Part of the point of the game is to manage your kennel in a way that you make money, so to me, letting users buy cash kind of defeats one of the main goals of the game
 Guiding Senjis
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6/28/2013 12:11:15 AM reply with quote send message to Guiding Senjis Object to Post

posted by Dead Until Dark

It has been my experience that while I enjoy different games, games that require real money input (aside from a subscription fee) very quickly turn into you can only succeed if you put real money into the game, which I am not willing to do.

I pay $5 a month, but as a recent grad who is going back to school, $5 a month is really all I am willing to put into any game. and mostly its for the nostalgia-- otherwise I am not one to pay for games.

I so totally agree.
Everkai don't stop discussing it sad :( can have different concerns and opinions, I agree MAYBE ability to do it with strict limits might help, just as DUD said it does usually snowball the wrong way.
 Barbary Coast
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6/28/2013 12:49:49 AM reply with quote send message to Barbary Coast Object to Post

I have a family account of which 4 kennels are not even playing currently as I don't have the time due to my RL to actively play and they have all very negative balances. This kennel has also fallen behind...yes I could cull heavily and shortly move back up...BUT I have noted that the sales/stud services have not been there for awhile like they used to be. Could be just the breed could be lack of players. If one wants to do any trait or source breeding it will eat up your fund quickly. While buying showdog dollars would be a quick fix, especially in my situation I think looking for more ways to increase money within the game would be a better solution. I have not had time to read all the threads, but I know there are probably some wonderful points made. I also think that if Trophyhorse allows you $250 to horsepool a horse then maybe $25 for a puppy that you FH would help the kennels., especially those working with rare breeds, color kennels or just trait breeding non show quality dogs to try to infuse a trait that is being lost.
Yes there may be people breeding litters for $ but if you have 5 pups and want to keep one for yourself then at least you have $100 to raise that pup up to show age where it has a chance of earing some cash, and if you are feeding the top food to it that is almost %6 per day, plus 3 sessions valued at $15, you are spending over $20 a day to get a pup ready to show so that little amount won't go far, but it is something, rather than FH as quickly as you can before they eat.

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6/28/2013 1:11:10 AM reply with quote send message to Everkai Object to Post

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posted by Barbary Coast
if Trophyhorse allows you $250 to horsepool a horse then maybe $25 for a puppy that you FH would help the kennels.
The only problem with this is a bitch on here will produce 3 to 10 (or larger) puppies, while a horse on trophy horse will produce ONE foal every other month (if you want the bred bonus of not breeding a mare/filly every month.)

Trophy horse also does not let you get out of debt once you're in. the ONLY way to make money on there is auctions, private treaties, studs, and winnings. (which, just telling everyone, it's freakin hard to win a stakes race. you have to have the best brood and best stud offspring. allowances give you crap money.) It's hard.

Edit: then again, if it's a low fee I can see it helping source breeders such as myself out, even though I'm doing fine anyways.

Idk. that could be abused also.

Last edited by Everkai on 6/28/2013 1:13:30 AM
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6/28/2013 1:52:47 AM reply with quote send message to Vitae Object to Post

I could see maybe a 5$-10$ FH payout. But I know in some of my breeds there might be 2 puppies worth keeping out of a litter of 12. So that would be $100 right there, it could definitiltey be abused, but I could see it helping rare breed players and source breeders out.

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6/28/2013 2:14:06 AM reply with quote send message to Lilliput Object to Post

I also vote no. I like this game because it involves strategy. Allowing people to buy their way through, will only dumb down the game, and allow those with money to advance not on merit, but on how deep their pockets are.
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6/28/2013 6:35:03 AM reply with quote send message to Mirage. Object to Post

I got into debt pretty quickly when I opened this kennel, but after being careful with money I now have over $10,000 in the bank. Its a strategic game, so you should have to use strategy to get money too. What would it be like if we could buy yourself points or GCH points? No 'point' at all. happy :)
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6/28/2013 6:49:33 AM reply with quote send message to Kalynda Object to Post

posted by Solimar
I would also be for cutting the max kennel balance down to 15k or so.

There really isn't much need for a kennel to have 25k in the bank.

This would also help remove some of the show sponsorship and judge picking issues.


Why is the max balance so high? Have to agree that cutting the max balance would solve alot of the issues I see coming up time after time.

Good idea Will
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6/28/2013 5:57:47 PM reply with quote send message to PPvallhunds Object to Post

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I wouldn't like this option, as the game is ment to be based on real life and money management is one of those things.
I thought this game is ment to be a strategy based game, being able to buy money means you don't need to use strategy at all. You mess up oh well no need to lurn from it and play differently just buy some Money and do it all over again.

But the biggest reason is you will get a devide between players who can afford to by sd money and are willing to buy it and people who can't or not willing to. The people who buy money will be able to breed more, show more, session more, put up dog for sale and stud less or never as they don't need the money. Which will put players at a disadvantage to the player who can afford to buy money.

for people in dept why not have it so they can pay to reset there balance (like the kennel reset but only effecting there balance back to the starting amount)

Last edited by PPvallhunds on 6/28/2013 6:08:19 PM
 Summerwind Kennels
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6/28/2013 6:46:09 PM reply with quote send message to Summerwind Kennels Object to Post

posted by PPvallhunds

for people in debt why not have it so they can pay to reset their balance (like the kennel reset but only effecting there balance back to the starting amount)

Last edited by PPvallhunds on 6/28/2013 6:08:19 PM

This isn't a bad idea, in fact it's the first "buying money" option I've remotely cared for.

I'm still opposed to the buying SD money, as I just think it takes away from the game a ton, strategy wise. I also agree with what someone posted about this not becoming like those FB games and such, that just require people to keep spending money (I know that's not the plan) but I think it would be better to keep the tone of SD a little more elevated.

Especially if we really are going to have a discussion regarding the cash flow situation and possibly implementing better ways to make money in the game by actually participating in the game. So if there are better and new ways for players to make money in the game then perhaps this "buying" money is a moot point.

I also don't see what the max. balance has to do with anything, if it was lower there would still be people not able to make money and still in debt. Those that have money would still have money, more would be at the max. amount if we lowered it than if it's left where it is.
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6/28/2013 7:46:46 PM reply with quote send message to Everkai Object to Post

posted by Summerwind Kennels
posted by PPvallhunds

for people in debt why not have it so they can pay to reset their balance (like the kennel reset but only effecting there balance back to the starting amount)

Last edited by PPvallhunds on 6/28/2013 6:08:19 PM

This isn't a bad idea, in fact it's the first "buying money" option I've remotely cared for.

I'm still opposed to the buying SD money, as I just think it takes away from the game a ton, strategy wise. I also agree with what someone posted about this not becoming like those FB games and such, that just require people to keep spending money (I know that's not the plan) but I think it would be better to keep the tone of SD a little more elevated.

Especially if we really are going to have a discussion regarding the cash flow situation and possibly implementing better ways to make money in the game by actually participating in the game. So if there are better and new ways for players to make money in the game then perhaps this "buying" money is a moot point.

I also don't see what the max. balance has to do with anything, if it was lower there would still be people not able to make money and still in debt. Those that have money would still have money, more would be at the max. amount if we lowered it than if it's left where it is.

I'm going to be mean and veto this also. If they got themselves in debt they need to get themselves out.
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6/28/2013 9:46:09 PM reply with quote send message to Makavelis Object to Post

posted by Kalynda
posted by Solimar
I would also be for cutting the max kennel balance down to 15k or so.

There really isn't much need for a kennel to have 25k in the bank.

This would also help remove some of the show sponsorship and judge picking issues.


Why is the max balance so high? Have to agree that cutting the max balance would solve alot of the issues I see coming up time after time.

Good idea Will

Can someone explain what issues this would resolve? I happen to be one of the players that's really good with money (rl & here) and tend to have more then enough money in my accounts. And because of that I try to sponsor shows, offer plenty of contest and take on rare breeds. No I don't need $25,000 to do that but just want to know what reasons there are for me not to have that.
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6/28/2013 9:47:37 PM reply with quote send message to Makavelis Object to Post

posted by Summerwind Kennels
posted by PPvallhunds

for people in debt why not have it so they can pay to reset their balance (like the kennel reset but only effecting there balance back to the starting amount)

Last edited by PPvallhunds on 6/28/2013 6:08:19 PM

This isn't a bad idea, in fact it's the first "buying money" option I've remotely cared for.

I'm still opposed to the buying SD money, as I just think it takes away from the game a ton, strategy wise. I also agree with what someone posted about this not becoming like those FB games and such, that just require people to keep spending money (I know that's not the plan) but I think it would be better to keep the tone of SD a little more elevated.

Especially if we really are going to have a discussion regarding the cash flow situation and possibly implementing better ways to make money in the game by actually participating in the game. So if there are better and new ways for players to make money in the game then perhaps this "buying" money is a moot point.

I also don't see what the max. balance has to do with anything, if it was lower there would still be people not able to make money and still in debt. Those that have money would still have money, more would be at the max. amount if we lowered it than if it's left where it is.

I agree with all said here.
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6/28/2013 10:09:34 PM reply with quote send message to Flavia Object to Post

I would like to see this feature enabled. I am in a breed with very few users and my game account is usually between $500-100. I'm lucky to sell one or two dogs in a month. When my money is gone I can't show. I have to not session dogs and sit around and hope someone buys one of my dogs so I can enter shows again.
 Shadowmere Kennel
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6/29/2013 4:04:01 PM reply with quote send message to Shadowmere Kennel Object to Post

posted by Flavia
I would like to see this feature enabled. I am in a breed with very few users and my game account is usually between $500-100. I'm lucky to sell one or two dogs in a month. When my money is gone I can't show. I have to not session dogs and sit around and hope someone buys one of my dogs so I can enter shows again.
That's where money management comes in, it you forever homes all those dog on your retirement couch and put males your not showing on to cheap old boy food, that would make a big difference to you outgoing bills,
then you have other things like only keeping a few top quality males rather than lots of males, not seasoning/showing too many dogs at once etc

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Did you know?
The figure 8 exercise requires the team to heel in a figure 8 pattern either on or off leash. Generally two of the ring stewards will assist the judge with this exercise by acting as "posts", standing 8 feet apart, that the team walks around to form the loops of the figure 8.