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 CS Astronomical
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7/15/2015 4:21:15 PM reply with quote send message to CS Astronomical Object to Post

Hey Drake! I've got a female to breed to your 9.7 FQ male tomorrow...

Sorry I can't help you out with the low SS girl. There's just no room at the inn!
 Drake Creek Meadows
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7/17/2015 6:30:47 PM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Best of luck with the litter, hope that 9.7hq passes along nicely. happy :) Also, completely understandable about the space issue as I deal with that very same issue all the time. Really wish someone had taken her, but I guess I will go ahead and breed her myself and just FH her after the litter so she doesn't go to waste.

Also, anyone else thinking of using Sunset Sea as a stud, you only have a few days left to do so as he will be FHed for space; act quickly.
 Drake Creek Meadows
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7/27/2015 2:38:00 AM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Hmmm... where is everyone? This thread used to be so lively, and now it completely dropped off the page. Come on guys chime in, I like hearing from everyone. happy :)

Anyway, I went ahead and decided to go ahead and wait until the end of the month to update the averages. My busy scheduled kept me away so much that, that just makes more sense. I hoping that two months of progress will show up more on the averages than one month usually does.

Anyway, just want to show off this guy:

Not the highest SOP or the best rating overall, but highest SOP in my kennel by far, and a rating of 11.45. Can't wait to show him. ^^

And time for a little brag:

This guy's low showshine is a real shame, but not unexpected from his parents. With a rating of 11.6! he is the single highest dog I have ever rated, and other than his low showshine he is gorgeous, and the result of dedicated pedigree building towards balance. He is going to be a first rate stud for sure.

Anyway, don't be strangers guys, I'm sure there are things you want to report.
 CS Astronomical
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7/27/2015 5:42:09 PM reply with quote send message to CS Astronomical Object to Post

been fairly busy myself with work and personal life, haven't been spending nearly as much time on here. Trying to sort out some of my other kennels.

Brags? I got a 9.6 TNB out of my TNB line, curious to see if it passes on when she's old enough.

And very happy with Raven's show career and Nevermore's stud success.

Would like to hear what everyone else has been up to! I know we've got some new folks in the breed...feel free to introduce yourselves!
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7/29/2015 4:11:55 PM reply with quote send message to Object to Post edit post

CH ALNJ Everythings Big In Texas is 30 days old today and up for stud.

Tex has a 96.65 SOP with the following stats:
Head 9.8
FQ 9.5
HQ 8.9
Gait 10.4
TNB 9.3
Coat 9.7
Size 9.8
Temp 9.6
SS 20
Feet 9.6

I am exercising my option to list his stud fee @ $100 even though he hasn't achieved GCH yet (he only finished he his Championship this am.) I am sure he will get his GCH easily, will be very popular stud and besides this kennel is in the negative numbers moneywise, lol
 Rosa Nera
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7/29/2015 4:13:39 PM reply with quote send message to Rosa Nera Object to Post

Ugggh, I timed out typing that. LOL

That was me, Rosa Nera obviously.

Direct link to Tex
 Drake Creek Meadows
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7/31/2015 2:47:19 AM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

It's the end of the month and as promised I have finally gotten around to punching all those numbers in:

Her are the results for this month:

Head: 9.7 +0
FQ: 9.4 +0
HQ: 9.1 +0
Gait: 10.4 +0
Tnb: 9.1 +0
Coat: 9.6 +0
Size: 9.8 +1
Temp: 9.5 +0
Feet: 9.5 +0

Wow, I would be lying if I said I'm not shocked with this result. Two months and the only thing that's markedly improved in the breed is size? I fear that mals have began to stagnate, either that or what's out there in the ring is not an accurate representation of where the breed is, but I'd find that hard to believe. The formulaic average increases to 10.4.

To better see the trends for improvement in the breed here are the un-rounded charts:

Last month:

Head: 9.67
FQ: 9.36
HQ: 9.07
Gait: 10.38
Tnb: 9.05
Coat: 9.57
Size: 9.74
Temp: 9.52
Feet: 9.46

This month:

Head: 9.70
FQ: 9.41
HQ: 9.11
Gait: 10.37
Tnb: 9.13
Coat: 9.58
Size: 9.77
Temp: 9.53
Feet: 9.50

Looking at it like this you can see that everything has improved, but not by much, not by enough to be reflected in the average.

Maybe this months crop of pup will improve the breed more than those of the last couple months have. Here's to hoping we see overall improvements. happy :)

That makes the new ring average 95.95% and the new lowest finishable SOP should reasonably be adjusted to 95.75%. A dog with all these traits would be 96.15 for the curious.

Oh yes CS, being busy, understand that completely, been a pretty hectic last couple of months around here too. Still like to catch up with you guys when I can, but don't feel obligated to come on here and post, just do it as often as you feel like it. happy :)

9.6 tnb? Wow, that's really impressive! Tnb has typically been the worst trait in mals and you have caught it right up with coat and feet. I've noticed that as a whole mals don't really have particularity weak traits anymore, which is awesome. ^^ I like to see all the traits being at the level of one another, it be nice to see more overall balanced dogs.

Also, yes; congrats on all the show success of your dogs lately, they are gorgeous. happy :)

Oh and, Huge congrats to SKL for their 2nd in show at the SDWC tonight! laugh :D That is amazing! ^^

Stanza, man-- I'm really trying to save money, but that boy; he's just too tempting. razz :p I will be sending a girl his way hopefully it turns out to be a good investment. happy :)

Also, I lowered most of my stud fee's today guys, so go check them out if you want. happy :)

Anyway, I don't have anything to report other than that so I'll just stop writing now, but seriously guys, don't be strangers. happy :)
 CS Astronomical
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7/31/2015 9:21:43 PM reply with quote send message to CS Astronomical Object to Post

Thanks Drake! That is surprising... I know I am trying to show about 12 dogs right now and my cutoff for showing is 96.15 or so, even though I know dogs lower than that could finish I just don't want to clog up the shows any more than that. I would have thought the traits would have jumped up at least a little higher, but I guess they are not consistent across the board within the breed yet. I definitely think we are heading in a good direction, and I am certainly getting a lot more dogs with all traits between 9 and 11. Will just keep doing what I'm doing and see where it goes!

Congrats to SKL, that is an awesome accomplishment! Good luck to all tomorrow at the Nationals!
 CS Astronomical
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8/1/2015 6:06:52 AM reply with quote send message to CS Astronomical Object to Post

And congrats again to SKL for the sweep!!
 Drake Creek Meadows
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8/3/2015 10:44:20 PM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Whoa, a 96.15% cut-off for showing? That's quite high; you must be having a very good run of dogs with breeding. My personal breeding program no averages a rating of 11.0 or .6 above average. SOP is not a consideration for me, only rating; the higher the better. My current top rated dogs both are 11.6 have yet to see anything higher, but there may be, because I also don't go around running every mal in the game. Sop wise I believe my ring average is about 96% now, so pretty much right where most of the rest of the breed is. Still wish I'd have better luck with SOP. Anyway, I agree that the breed is moving in a great direction toward balance, the proof is in how well mals have been doing against all breeds, but also in the fact that all the top kennels are about level with each other results-wise. Though I'd see SKL's and your dogs are doing the best out there right now.

Congrats on all your success late SKL, your dogs are awesome! ^^
 CS Riverflow
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8/4/2015 11:41:48 PM reply with quote send message to CS Riverflow Object to Post

been getting some pretty good dogs but breeding too much (yes I"m addicted) and limited on sessions and kennel had to draw a line somewhere! It was either do that or open another kennel-but didn't want to do that, or drop the trait lines (which don't necessarily show). It still kills me to FH finighable dogs, but there just isn't enough space to go around!
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8/12/2015 5:00:26 PM reply with quote send message to CirclingSky Object to Post

Congrats to all for specialty wins last night!

Also wanted to mention my low SS boy who is up for stud. I'm going to give him another week or so to see if he can pick up more points, then FH. He did produce some nice dogs with 20SS in the litters I bred, will be curious to see how they produce since his adjusted SOP is 96.8. If anyone is interested his link is below.

Hope everyone is well!
 SKL Kennel
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8/16/2015 9:52:08 PM reply with quote send message to SKL Kennel Object to Post

Thanks everyone for the congrats! I have been out of town, and have some massive cleaning to do lol!

My cut off for showing has increased dramatically. My new pups have to be 96.3% or higher. Unless they are for trait breeding 96.15% to keep... I FH way too many nice pups... If anyone needs high Sop broods let me know... I am thinning the kennel a bit.

Good luck to everyone!
 Drake Creek Meadows
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8/21/2015 2:45:44 AM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Your dogs have been doing awesome SKL, I'm a fan of you line. ^^ Look forward to seeing you around more; it seems like everyone is less active. I know I am. Looks like our schedule of points fell back to normal though, so that's good. happy :)

Anyway, I have a kennel update to post:

Firstly, I must brag a little, and thank CS for putting their amazing boy Darn it SS for stud. Introducing the lovely Drakes Stars Align (I'm sure CS can appreciate that name wink ;) ):

I had to do a triple take with this girl to make sure I was seeing her SOP correctly. Nearly leaped for joy! AT 96.8% I believe she is the highest SOP mal in the breed, which would make this the first time that I've had such a dog since coming back to the game. happy :) Her rating is a chart busting 11.85!! Absolutely there is no dog I've ever seen that can match this, well except her low showshine half-sister that is... but at 1.45 point above average she officially has more potential than any dog I've ever bred on this game, even the great At Last the time's Come laugh :D, absolutely can't wait to see what she can do in the ring! The only downside is that she is female, so committing to a complete campaign means it will be a really long time before I get to breed her, which is a shame, but a warranted sacrifice.

At any rate, you guys should breed to CS's boy Darn it SS before it's too late. He's definitely a proven stud that can produce pups with higher ratings than his own an at an incredible 11.7 rating he is an absolute steal for the $25 stud fee. I was very impressed with both litters all around.

Her gorgeous half-sister who also boasts that glorious 11.85 rating, making it officially not a fluke:

Also have some pups for sale from these litters that I want to post here in hopes of finding these beauties a home:
96.25%/20ss, 11.4 rating Exceptional (AAA)
96.15%/20ss, 11.3 rating Exceptional (AAA)
96.25%/20ss, 11.25 rating Exceptional (AAA)
96.05%/19.5ss, 11.25 rating Exceptional (AAA)

Oh and one more announcement:

Dimensional Rift is now up at stud:

At a rating of 11.6 this boy is not to be missed for the low, low price of $25. He boasts an impressive pedigree, and is dripping with potential as a stud. However, like all low showshine dogs that I keep for breeding he will only be available for a limited time.

Anyway, that's all I have to report for now, been slow about everything as of late. Still, I hope to read more from everyone; you've all been very quite this thread has been dropped off the first page for over a week. -.-' Don't be strangers guys. happy :)
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8/22/2015 7:43:00 AM reply with quote send message to CirclingSky Object to Post

That is an absolutely beautiful puppy Drake! Love her name too!!

And reintroducing her sire, CH!!! CirclingSky Darn It SS- With 17.5 SS, finished today (still can't believe it-the lowest SS I've heard of finishing, at least in a competitive breed without manipulation!)

He's earned the right to stick around for a while, and I'll keep his fee at $25.

And congrats to Rosa Nera for winning the specialty last night!
 Drake Creek Meadows
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8/22/2015 10:32:16 PM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Thanks CS happy :), and huge congratulations on finishing your boy! laugh :D

I will never be challenging you for his title that's for sure razz :p, that's outstandingly impressive, and if he can do so well with such low showshine it not only helps wipe away the showshine stigma on this site, but also makes me even more excited to see what my girl can do. ^^

This sends a good message about low showshne dogs everywhere, and it makes me happy. happy :)

Glad he will be sticking around, because I will definitely have at least a couple more girls paying him a visit. wink ;)
 Drake Creek Meadows
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8/25/2015 1:37:40 AM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Darn it SS has outdone himself again happy :) , introducing Drakes Perpetual Motion:

Her SOP wouldn't have been the best even adjusted, and the low showshine is a real bummer, but I'm not giving her a special mention for any of the obvious reasons that people do. I point her out because with a rating of 12.05!!! she literally blows away any dog of any time frame I have ever rated a chart busting 1.65 points ahead of the average; this is unprecedented, just a smidgen from being perfect. Tempted to show her, but most likely won't. Absolutely can't wait to breed her though! Also, it's official, there are no flukes, there is magic in Darn it SS, that boy can do no wrong as a stud. Never have I seen another dog pop out so many pups with chart busting ratings; dogs so far over the average are actually really rare, but his pups are averaging 11.3, crazy.

Anyway, enough about that, I also want to announce a couple new studs I put up today:

Drakes Darkest Before Dawn:
96.5%/20ss, red and white, $100 11.45
Very strong linage, unproven stud, but has tons of potential as a stud for balance

Drakes Racing the Sun:
96.3%/20ss, sable and white, $100 11.35
He is sable, and has a nice high SOP to go with it, his weakness in tnb is not shared by most of his pedigree, he is an unproven stud, but one with many ingrained strong points.

Also, this is the last call for Dimensional Rift and Capture the moment, both will be FHed tomorrow, so act quickly if you want to use them. The latter of the two has been proven with a fantastic litter, the former is dripping with potential.
 Rosa Nera
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8/25/2015 3:18:01 AM reply with quote send message to Rosa Nera Object to Post

this post has been edited 2 time(s)

Thanks CS. And congrats on your boy finishing. Don't know if I would even have tried to show him.

Congrats Drake. Beautiful girl, and you deserve her for taking the chance on Darn It SS. (I may have to send a girl over there, when I get one open for breeding.)

I haven't been posting lately. Heck, I have barely been playing, too busy with a real life sculpture I have been working on for my husband.

I would like to introduce my 96.80 girl = ALNJ My Best And Brightest

(Sorry Drake wink ;) And they have the same birthday!)

Last edited by Rosa Nera on 8/25/2015 3:18:40 AM

Last edited by Rosa Nera on 8/25/2015 3:19:49 AM
 Rosa Nera
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8/25/2015 3:30:26 AM reply with quote send message to Rosa Nera Object to Post

Oh WOW... Congrats KIANYA!

I was taking a look at Tex's pups (he has never produced a keeper for me sad :( ) and saw your new girl

Oh well, Drake... we were only tied for top SOP for 5 days. LOL
 CS Astronomical
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8/25/2015 6:15:55 AM reply with quote send message to CS Astronomical Object to Post

Congrats to all on the sea of blue puppies-hopefully I can catch up again soon! Nice to see a 9.8 coat on Kianya's puppy too-hadn't seen one yet!

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