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 Tenacity Kennel
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12/15/2015 1:46:53 AM reply with quote send message to Tenacity Kennel Object to Post

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Thank you!!

I just wanted to let everyone know about my new stud:

Spunky Storm Trooper 96.5 Red and White $50

Last edited by Tenacity Kennel on 12/15/2015 5:03:57 PM
 Drake Creek Meadows
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12/17/2015 9:35:29 PM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

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Oh man, look at me, I call other people out for being too quiet then I do it razz :p, lol. There just aren’t enough hours in the day, I vote on slowing the earth’s rotation to lengthen the day, that’d fix it. ;P

Anyway, no problem Tenacity, I’m just glad I could get one of them sold, had to FH the other which wasn’t ideal, but oh well, it happens. I’m sure everyone has to FH awesome quality pups all the time in this breed. It’s just a matter of too many dogs and not enough demand. If I sell even a single pup a month I feel like it’s a victory. happy :)

I haven’t bred that elusive 97% mal here yet either, but I’m crossing my fingers and toes that it will come out of my next set of litters. Lately I haven’t got anything to be excited about SOP wise, but by my ratings everything I breed has been nice and high, so nothing to complain about here I guess. Best of luck with your trait breeding, with any luck you should get the breeds first 10 HQ in the showline; I’ll be rooting for you. happy :)

Congrats on your gorgeous 96.8% girl and for finishing you first homebred mal! That’s always a great feeling, hopefully that will be the first of many to come for you. ^^ Hope you can breed that 97% pup, always awesome to see people doing well in the breed. happy :)

As for tightening decimals; there is no exact science for that I’m afraid. However, through experimentation I have found that dogs that do particularly well in shows have tight decimals, and that is among the hidden factors that gives them a leg up above similar peers in the show ring. Line breeding on such dogs heavily seems to produce favorable results, even if the pups that are popping out don’t have as high of showshine as it seems they should, the more important thing is that they rate high. The other way I work toward tightening decimals is to breed on strengths carefully dog by dog to build a four generation pedigree for a future pup that has that well cemented down. The only downside to doing that is you might end up cementing a trait a little too well to where it won’t come up any higher in sequential breeding even if it never drops, however this is rectified by simply out crossing from time to time. One way to know for sure if the decimals are well tightened in a particular line is to observe what a stud or bitch is passing on when bred. If they pass on their best traits very consistently from generation to generation than the decimals are very tight if the pups are all over the place that they are not. If you bred a dog that has never passed on its best trait to a single pup than that’s an indication the decimals on that trait are very week. The dogs you really want to breed for are the ones that consistently improve their best traits in their pups, that’s a sign of the elusive near perfect decimals. Manipulating pedigrees is the preeminent way to achieve that as an end result.

Like I’ve said, to breed effectively one cannot simply think of it in terms of the present, they must be setting up for the future. Think two, three or even four generation ahead at all time. You are not just breeding a single pup; you are building a four generation pedigree for a future pup. Sometimes you have to sacrifice having that high SOP pup in the present to have that showstopper a month down the road, but breeding like that is worth it. Some people try to get that next highest SOP pup as fast as possible, but sometimes breeding like that can actually set your program back, loosen up you decimals and cause throwbacks to start popping up in droves somewhere down the line and long breeding droughts. Not to say breeding until your line is stale is really much better though, it’s important to know when and how to outcross to keep everything moving forward and not being set back.

Avoiding breeding too many short curve dogs into your line helps in the long run to get that top campaigner everyone strives for too. Anyway, hope that helps, sorry I can’t share any formulas with you as I have yet to device any, since I haven’t found away to predict decimals with high enough consistency yet. Seriously though, try comparing dogs in the pedigree of the dogs in question, it really is the best method I’ve found.

Congrats Tenacity! And he beat out save a dance too, that’s quite impressive. happy :)

As for my kennel; I’ve kind of been neglecting it a bit as of late, but at least it hasn’t got out of control, everything is nice and sorted. happy :) Stars Align’s final show is tonight, so that’s kind of bitter sweet, hope she does well. The good news however, is that I will finally get to breed her. ^^ She’s been very fun to show; a little bummed that she never got a BISS, but she did manage to get a BIS, so it’s all good. Light it up just entered the ring recently, so I look forward to seeing what she can do out there once she builds some experience. I expect that she will be succeeding Stars as my next top campaigning bitch. In other news, I’m really happy to see that Everyday I’m Shufflin’ finished his GCH, that makes him the lowest showshine mal I’ve every GCHed and possible the lowest showshine mal GCH; another point in the favor of showshine being less important than people think. happy :) Did I mention that his offspring prove his tight decimal value as the POLs are all amazing? Other than that, I’ve lowered the prices of a bunch of studs in my kennel and here is my latest stud:
Drakes It’s Electric:
96.7%/20ss, red and white, 11.85 Supreme, Unproven stud, $100
Has high range head 10.2, and low range gait 9.7 which is a rare combination on a single dog. Also hails from the temperament branch of my line and should sire high temp pups with tight decimals particularly in that area. Is most likely a long curve, should pass that along to all prospective pups. Bred for overall balance, need to be paired with high tnb bitches for best results.

Sounds like you have a lot of fun things planned for this holiday season Tenacity ^^. I too have a lot going on this time of year. I just got back a couple days ago from a trip out of state to an early Christmas party, so that was a lot of fun, not really sure why they do it this early, but I’m fine with that because I wouldn’t be able to attend closer to Christmas anyway. Starting on the 22nd we’re going to have a lot of people coming over to my place to spend Christmas. There’s a lot of setting up get done for that, but I’m looking forward to that greatly, our get-together’s are always so much fun. laugh :D Before that I’m going up to my friend Eric’s place in Flagstaff, for our traditional winter wonderland horse camping trip. Horses, friends, breathtakingly beautiful snowy trails covered in fresh, soft powder snow, a giant bonfire under the starts, what’s not too love? Except the cold, that’s the only part that’s kind of bad about it. It’s only two days and one night though, so that’s what I’ll be doing this weekend. That will also be my one and only chance to see snow this year, so I’m looking forward to that too. It’ll be the closest I come to having a white Christmas. Also, of course I will be attending the Tempe Block Party fireworks on New Year’s Eve this year with my brother, cousin, our friends and their families, and that’s always a guaranteed good time.

Anyway, I want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Years. ^^ Hope you guys all have a lot of fun this holiday season, because that what it’s for is too have fun with friends and family. laugh :D

Last edited by Drake Creek Meadows on 12/17/2015 11:56:55 PM
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12/19/2015 1:07:59 PM reply with quote send message to Xi-Chi Object to Post

It's such a busy time of year. Is anyone out there right now frantically searching for the perfect gift? I'm about to head out to do that right now so I will not judge.

This is going to be the first year that I get to share the holiday cooking with other people. Normally I get stuck cooking 4 dinners and a huge breakfast/brunch type of deal every year. This year my son and his wife are having Christmas Eve dinner, and my mother is taking Christmas day brunch. This means I only have 3 dinners to do this year so I'm pretty excited about this!

I keep wondering when I'm breeding my Mals if I am missing something under the surface here. Thanks for explaining the decimals to me, Drake. That helps. I gather that I'm not doing too badly at this because while I haven't bred the coveted 97.0 pup yet, I do seem to be steadily increasing in the quality of the dogs I am producing. Last month I was producing 96.70 - 96.75 pups and this month I am producing 96.80 - 96.85 pups. I don't think my decimals are very tight because I'll get a litter of pups with 1 pup in it that has an SOP in the 96.80 - 96.85 range, but the others are within 96.30 - 96.60 range or lower if you count low show shine. I gather tighter decimals would mean a more even distribution of SOP percentages in the litter (ex. all pups 96.70 - 96.85 SOP).

I think I'm going to check out this line breeding thing and see what that does. So far, I've only been breeding for traits. I've noticed that Save A Dance has influenced a lot of lines around here, is that going to shoot us in the foot later?

I had an odd litter born today. I only consider it odd because it's the first litter I've ever seen where the best dog in the litter was not the highest SOP pup in the litter. There was a lot of low show shine going on with this litter, but in terms of traits I had a 9.8 Gait girl in the litter and a 9.5 TNB girl in the litter. I don't often see this.

9.8 Gait girl

9.5 TNB Girl

These were both sired by Drakes boy Drakes Awake and Alive. Thank you Drake happy :)

I also got another 96.85 girl this morning. I seem to be seeing a trend here. I've gotten a lot of really nice girls in my litters, but not so many boys. Hence my lack of contributing good studs to the gene pool. I'll be so excited when I can finally place one of my studs up lol

She is from a Star Wars themed litter. You know cause I'm a nerd and the new movie was released last night happy :)

Wouldn't you know that as soon as I go to post this I remembered there was one more litter due today that was born whilst I type and I got a BOY! YAY!

I will get to put a stud up someday happy :) Merry Christmas and Happy Yule (if you celebrate that on Monday) everyone.


 Tenacity Kennel
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12/21/2015 4:09:32 PM reply with quote send message to Tenacity Kennel Object to Post

My family pulls names so we only had to get gifts for two people on that side. laugh :D My husband's side we only get gifts for his grandpa. We don't get anything for his parents and they don't get things for us as we are starting a lavender farm so we each buy the other half of our plants. laugh :D

Did you find the perfect gift, Serenity?

Two more studs to announce. laugh :D

Spunky Special Dance 96.6 Sable and White $50

Spunky Arctic Gait 96.5 Red and White $50
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12/24/2015 3:45:54 PM reply with quote send message to Xi-Chi Object to Post

OMG! OMG! Virgina there is a Santa Claus! (little old movie reference there) I got my very first 97.05 pup!

I would like to thank Drake for his sire, awesome! And SKL (if you're watching) for his mother. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am. I've been trying to accomplish this for a few months now.

I also got a nice female out of the same litter

Yes, I found gifts that I think everyone is going to love. My daughter and I both vape (not sure if you guys know what that is). I got her a new mod that I think she's going to be thrilled with. My son is having his first child so he and his wife mostly got baby stuff, but I also got them a gift certificate for a date night after the baby is born. Those are the two that I'm most excited about. Can't wait to see their reactions.

Oh and my birthday is on the 30th and I added a Mal specialty to celebrate happy :)

 Howling Wolves Kennels
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12/24/2015 3:49:24 PM reply with quote send message to Howling Wolves Kennels Object to Post

I don't know how to paste dog info links on the phone, so I will just post the names of my 97's. HWK Dancing In The Shadows at 97.05 and HWK Dancing On The Ceiling at 97. That litter also produced a pair of 96.95 males. My litter born today produced a 97.15 male I haven't named yet. They are all by HWK Shadow Dancing.
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12/25/2015 2:20:45 PM reply with quote send message to Xi-Chi Object to Post

Merry Christmas everyone. Figured I'd drop in really fast to let you guys know that I put the sire of my beautiful 97.05 boy up just in case anyone is interested. He's got 9.7 Feet and has thrown 9.8 coat pups for me on a few rare occassions.

Congrats HWK! They are some pretty puppies you have there happy :)

 SKL Returns
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12/28/2015 5:21:45 PM reply with quote send message to SKL Returns Object to Post

I'm back... wink ;)

Thanks to everyone for giving my dogs such great homes!
 Northern Lights Siberians
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12/29/2015 7:23:58 AM reply with quote send message to Northern Lights Siberians Object to Post

Welcome back!

 Drake Creek Meadows
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12/30/2015 12:07:58 AM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! I know I did happy :), getting behind on here again, but I guess it can’t be helped. I just finished sorting out my kennel, getting behind can be rough. -.-‘ Worth it though. happy :) I didn’t have to cook at all this year so I got an even better deal than you Serenity. wink ;) I actually do like to cook though, but this time I just wanted to be out in the thick of it. I got some nice things, mostly money which of course I’m fine with, also some awesome new tack, clothes and a few games. happy :)

Anyway, huge congrats on your 97.05% boy! He’s absolutely gorgeous! shocked <img src="> Amazing SD present for you, and no kidding, Santa really did pay you a visit. ^^ That’s awesome; your program is doing so well. happy :)

Congrats to you as well HWK! Wow, a 97.15%! I think that may be the highest SOP in the breed right now, am I right? I’m pretty sure. Can’t wait to see all these new 97%+ dogs out in the ring. More importantly, I want to breed to them! happy :) Shadow Dancing is an amazing stud. I would breed to him if it wasn’t for the $150 fee, just don’t want to slide that, still trying to save money after all.

Serenity, I’m glad one of my boys sired so well for you, I will be sending a girl his way for sure, he’s more compatible with my dogs anyway. happy :)

I have yet to join the 97% club yet myself, but I know my time is coming so I’m not worried. happy :) At this point I do think everyone has beaten me there though. razz :p Oh well, as long as my pups are better than their parents and I can pick a keeper I consider that a victory. happy :)

As for Save a Dance’s over-saturation in the lines coming back to shoot us all in the foot later… it is a possibility for sure. I quit breeding to him quite a while back for that very reason; I thought he was getting over bred. However, like I said, it’s not a bad thing to heavily line breed on a dog that has done amazing in the ring, the definitely have qualities you want to saturate within a line. My original line was very heavily based on At Last the Time has come, still possibly the most prominent dog in the breed as he can be found in every single pedigree if one goes back far enough. He was possibly the best dog I ever bred, and my line was the strongest show line for many years with his influence. He never sired many pups over his own SOP, but he did go on to be directly responsible for several of the biggest campaigners the breed has ever known. I never saw the breed suffer from all the line breeding I did on him.

Speaking of ALNJ Save a Dance For Me, unfortunately I must announce that he has been retired. He had a very strong campaign though, so he went out strong. He didn’t manage to make it to #1 all breed dog this month, but he did manage to take 4 BISs over the course of his campaign, he achieved Silver GCH and Bronze Sire. So far none of his offspring have shown as much promise in the ring as him, but many have been amazing producers which indicate that he’s passing something good along. Evacuate the Dance floor has done rather well though, he’s taken a back seat through his show career to other dogs so it’s hard to say what he could have done in the spotlight. I will apologize to anyone that wanted to breed to him for retiring him so suddenly, but he finished his campaign and I need the space. I would like to thank Stanza for selling me this amazing boy, and I hope I did him justice and that that you return someday. happy :) I'm sure Stanza would be elated to see how much he has influenced the breed. ^^

Also, welcome back SKL! laugh :D I knew you couldn’t stay away. ^^ Hope restarting goes smoothly for you, I know from experience that, that’s the hardest part. Look forward to seeing you post here again. happy :)

Oh and, I have a couple new studs to announce:

Drakes Marathon Dancer:

96.7%/96.8% adjusted SOP 19.8ss, red and white, 12.05 Supreme!, Unproven stud $100
This is a well balanced boy, which hails from the temperament branch of my line, and is therefore guaranteed to sire pups with high temperaments. Will also most likely pass a long curve to his prospective pups; useful for pulling that factor up in your own lines. With emphasis on overall balance he should be useful for repairing weaknesses on otherwise strong traited bitches.

Drakes Last Dance:

96.3%/96.8% adjusted SOP 19ss, gray and white, 11.85 Supreme, unproven stud $50
Fairly well balanced boy that sports a 9.8 coat which is special along with a ten range head. His showshine is a bit low, but won’t have an effect on his pups. He most likely is long curved, and should pass that along.

Thanks to all who wish me a merry Christmas, happy New Year! It’s early, but I won’t be around on the actual day to say it, so I’ll say it now. happy :)
 SKL Returns
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12/30/2015 8:34:02 AM reply with quote send message to SKL Returns Object to Post

I am still catching up, but wanted to chime in on line breeding and heavily used sires.

Take a look at Save a Dance's pedigree.
He is linebred on a dog of mine, Skl Shameless, that was a phenomenal show dog and went on to be a very popular and somewhat successful sire. I have always believed the great show dogs (BIS winners) have something special (high hidden decimals maybe? Something).. Whatever it is, it is passed on... and I love to linebreed on such dogs.

That being said.. take a look at Save a Dance's worst traits...then look at Shameless. They are both weak in hindquarters and topline. This is no fluke, as linebreeding fixes both the good and the bad.

This is where my trait breeding comes in... what did I concentrate on my friends? Topline and Hindquarters wink ;) That was not a coincidence, and I have slowly combined the lines trying to improve those areas of my show lines.

I bred to Save a Dance a lot before I left, and sadly some of his top offspring were never shown. SKL My Way would have likely been a top special if shown. I am glad to have the opportunity to use him now. Another son, Skl Moving on up has 9.5 topline and I will be using him as well in the future.

Luckily in SD we do not have to worry about genetic bottlenecks in regards to the health of dogs...just traits. In smaller breed populations, over breeding can fix traits (all 9 or lower HQ for example in Malamutes). Luckily there is enough diversity we can find a stud with 10+ HQ.. maybe not the highest sop..but he is there. That is your key to raising that stat...

Ok...hope that made sense!

 CS bauhinia
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1/1/2016 7:36:37 AM reply with quote send message to CS bauhinia Object to Post

Welcome back SKL!! And Happy New Year all! I wish everyone happiness, love, and good health in the new year-as well as some dark blue dogs!

I am happy to say that thanks to HWKs Shadow Dancing I am also now in the 97

I'm still a little hit and miss myself with keeping up with my kennel, but the real life puppy is doing great and getting some interesting opportunities at work. I'm still working on too many projects in this kennel so space and money are always tight!

For anyone interested in trait breeding, I just put up my stud with 10 Gait (Smooth Move) and I will have a stud with 9.9 TNB up tomorrow. Will be interesting to breed these dogs back to high SOP and see what combos come up! I also have a hindquarter line in the works, best so far is 10.2 boy but he's pretty far behind in SOP.

I will also have this boy up in a couple of out of SKL My Way (I still love your lines by the way-and this litter was absolutely fabulous!)
10 Fore and a 10 in the pedigree on size one generation back. I know the hindquarter is painful but I'm hoping he will produce well in multiple traits.

His brother Highway will also be up, with 10 size and nice overall traits.

 CS Animalia
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1/1/2016 8:54:17 AM reply with quote send message to CS Animalia Object to Post

I added some specialties in the next month too-hope to see you all there!
 Howling Wolves Kennels
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1/1/2016 2:54:54 PM reply with quote send message to Howling Wolves Kennels Object to Post

Congratulations on that pup, CS. Thanks for the specialties.
I have two more 97 sop dogs:

and my first female 97:
 Drake Creek Meadows
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1/5/2016 11:05:21 PM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Congrats on joining the 97 club CS! ^^ and thanks for the specialties happy :), I too look forward to the day I can start sponsoring again. Specialties are always appreciated, best of luck to all who are entered. happy :)
Congrats to you as well HWK; you are just in fire lately, wow! ^^ You’ve set the bar quite high, but there’s nothing wrong with the breed setting its sights higher. happy :)

As for me, none of my recent litters have come through for me, so unfortunately I’m not a card carrying member of the 97 club yet. However, my first would-be 97% mal took BIS last night so I can be proud of that instead. happy :) I have high hopes for my upcoming litters, a pup from one of those might just be the one; fingers crossed. happy :)

I will need to look into your studs CS, as I have taken more to trait breeding lately now that I realize it doesn’t set my progress back. That’s the power of strong decimals; there are no worries. I too love SKL’s line; they have brought so much to the breed, and prevented the inevitable down slope that most breeds face from time to time.

Speaking of SKL, that is my point exactly, you get it. happy :) We all eventually lock the bad down along with the good, that is, unless we think ahead of that problem with future thinking and insert fail safes into our lines with careful out crossing. I think each major breeder is specialized enough that it behooves us as a community to pass our work around. As far as traits go, you are most certainly the authority on trait breeding as you have managed more success in that regard than anyone, and this is great advice. happy :) I appreciate you taking the time to offer up your input to the community. You are absolutely right; there are too many fixed traits in mals. For the longest time high ranges were missing for fq, hq and size, but thanks to your efforts those ranges are back. I believe high ranges for tnb, coat, temp and feet have still been lost however. Before I left the game for a couple years I worked hard to reintroduce high range temps to the breed, but when I returned high range temps had been lost again, which is a shame. Truth be told, at one point every high and low range trait existed in the breed, but popular studs eventually fixed most of the traits into the low range. So a breed can definitely get into some trouble like that. Though you can till improve upon traits with low to low range or high to high range breeding, because people did and in some ways it’s more reliable to breed that way as going high range to low range has the side effect of throwing more variables into the equation and loosening the decimals up, even though it does in fact move traits up faster. I’ve noticed that the breed has slowed down making progress SOP wise lately, and I think we may have hit a wall for the time being, but that’s also normal for breeds with high SOP. At some point you will always receive diminishing returns, but once the wall is scaled those improvements will start coming rapidly once more. I still believe of all the high SOP breeds mals are improving the fastest, and I believe that, that is thanks to the combined efforts of a strong community. happy :)

I breed a bit differently from others as I breed strictly by my formula, and while I steadily increase that number with emphasis on tightening decimals I notice that it slows my progress as far as actually SOP jumps go. I have however, found success doing this in both the past and the present so even if it leads to setbacks on occasion I still find it to be the most reliable way to do things.

So really I think it’s a mix; breed for strength in the most important traits inside and out, retain balance, use future thinking to tighten decimals, linebreed heavily on top show dogs, but also outcross from time to time to maintain diversity, never allow any one trait to slide too far behind the others, evaluate every dog, breed nothing that doesn’t bring enough to the table, trait breed when possible, and as long as you do these things you are always improving the breed never setting it back.

On that note, I realize that I forgot to get the averages at the end of the month and post the update, and for that I apologize. I’m still going to update the averages based on what’s in the ring now; it won’t be as accurate, but will be corrected at the end of this month anyway, so no harm done really. I won’t get that up right away, but you can expect the update sometime tomorrow.

In other news, I must report that Secret to Success has died, that truly marks the end of my first bout of success after returning to the game last year. He leaves behind a lasting legacy influence over my line. Truly one of the greats.

Anyway, here are my latest studs:

Drakes Drift into the Sound:

96.8%/20ss, red and white, 11.95 Supreme, unproven stud, $100
Well balanced, long curved

Drakes Live Wire:

96.65%/20ss, sable and white, 11.65 Exceptional AAA, unproven stud, $50
High fq, high range hq, high size, reasonably balanced, unknown curve

Drakes Apparent Horizon:

95.15%/96.6% adjusted SOP 17.1ss, red sable and white, 12.05 Supreme, unproven stud, $50 limited
High range head, 9.5 hq, 9.4tnb, 9.7 temp, strong overall balance at face and by blood, strong low line traits are a staple of his pedigree, has low showshine but high value. All Drake constructed three generation pedigree, guaranteed to pass along a long curve.

happy :)
 CS bauhinia
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1/6/2016 7:18:15 PM reply with quote send message to CS bauhinia Object to Post

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Congrats on another BIS Drake!

I'm having a lot of fun with the trait breeding-especially now that some of the trait lines are starting to become consistent. I can't wait to start crossing and see what I come up with-hopefully will be some good combos! Oh, and I do have a couple of dogs in the high range for TNB, but they are both female so will breed them to my 9.9 boy and see if what comes. I also did have a female with a high range temp-and she produced this boy with a 9.9 temp, who is up at stud.

I also have some 10 gait female puppies out of my 10 gait stud if anyone is interested. Both have 10.2 size but low SS. and

Last edited by CS bauhinia on 1/6/2016 7:39:34 PM
 CS bauhinia
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1/6/2016 7:28:38 PM reply with quote send message to CS bauhinia Object to Post

And sorry to hear Secret died...he was an awesome dog with a huge influence on the breed.
 Drake Creek Meadows
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1/6/2016 7:52:50 PM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

As promised here are the averages for… well technically last month, but really early this one:

Head: 9.8 +0
FQ: 9.5 +0
HQ: 9.2 +0
Gait: 10.3 +0
Tnb: 9.3 +1
Coat: 9.6 +0
Size: 9.8 +0
Temp: 9.6 +0
Feet: 9.6 +0

The breed gained a bit of noticeable ground this time around with a full point increase in tnb. Good job pulling those weaker traits up guys. happy :) There were improvements all; around as well just not enough to round up. Like I said this won’t be as accurate as it would have been from the end of the month but I will be doing the averages again as usual at the end of this month. Anyway, the ring average increased by quite a bit this time around and is now 96.55% and the formulaic average is now 10.825 which rounds to 10.8; so no changes.

Thanks CS happy :), she got another one last night too, really happy with her so far. ^^ I do think I want to pull her for a litter at some point as opposed to showing an entire campaign straight without breeding like I did with Stars Align, since I’m curious about what she could produce. Kind of don’t want to interrupt her campaign though; not sure what to do.

Congrats on all your trait breeding success CS! That’s awesome to hear. laugh :D Great job bringing back a couple of those missing high ranges, that’s a huge asset to the breed. ^^

So tempted to take one of those pups, but I just can’t -.-‘, I have too many dogs as it is, so I’ve already got my hands full making cuts. I hope that they both find homes and contribute to the gene pool though, because they are really too exceptional to go to waste.

Also, yeah I was bummed about getting that message. Secret wasn’t a real dog, but he was special, and I know Oracle won’t be too far behind him so there’s that too.
 Howling Wolves Kennels
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1/7/2016 10:43:13 PM reply with quote send message to Howling Wolves Kennels Object to Post

 Tenacity Kennel
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1/8/2016 3:15:39 PM reply with quote send message to Tenacity Kennel Object to Post

Hi guys,

I have posted everyone for sale in my kennel. There are pregnant girls, fully sessioned kids, almost fully sessioned kids, and a stud quality boy. Any offer will be accepted. Turns out I can't keep Mals in a kennel with other breeds.

Good luck in all of your projects!!

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Did you know?
The third obedience title is a UD, or "Utility Dog", which is earned through competition in the Utility obedience class