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8/26/2015 12:50:27 AM reply with quote send message to Makavelis Object to Post

Hi all I have been MIA for a little while now as I've had a lot go on in my personal life. I try to keep active on here but fail to look at this thread quite often XD I can see a lot of improvement in the breed from above posts which is excellent! And I've been lucky enough to have this lovely girl come out of one of my recent litters, can't wait to get her in the ring. Hopefully I'll have more time to assign handlers for her unlike my past dogs happy :)

 Drake Creek Meadows
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8/26/2015 3:23:02 AM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Awesome guys, simply awesome! laugh :D Oh and Stanza, maybe I’d know things about you guy’s kennels if you would ever post anything. I had no idea you, Kianya or Makavelis had those pups, I don’t often poke around in others kennels, so this thread is how I learn of things going on in the breed mostly. Also, my girl was actually born a day before yours, but that is a moot point. wink ;)

At any rate, it was good while it lasted, but honestly SOP is secondary to me anyway, I still like my girl more than both of yours, though Kianya’s girl edges her out slightly wink ;). That 9.8 coat on Kianya’s girl is something else also; very awesome.

Congrats on you girl also Makavelis, it’s great to see you post here again. It would appear that you have won, as your girl was born before anyone’s and will be entering the ring first. I see that you are a fellow fan of Linkin Park, so that’s cool. happy :) Really digging the 9.9 size on your girl, that is so awesome. I knew that mals couldn’t be too far off from achieving that trait in a show line. ^^

It’s kind of a bummer all these dogs are female huh? razz :p Theoretically based on traits that have popped up on litter mates within the same litters, a mal with SOP over 97% could exist right now; it just seems like no one has struck upon the combo that will bag them the coveted perfect roll. I wonder who will break that barrier first? Let’s make it a race with no prices. happy :)

I feel as though people only post here when they have something major to brag about; don’t do that guys, just get in here and chat once in a while. happy :)

Anyway, congrats to all on all your recent successes! So great to see the breed progressing so fast. ^^
 Rosa Nera
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8/26/2015 3:47:35 AM reply with quote send message to Rosa Nera Object to Post

Sorry Drake. I honestly haven't been playing. I have not been intentionally ignoring this thread. I don't even have any dogs scheduled for showing right now. (although I should try and make time to get them in the ring.)

I have been busy on this sculpture for my husband. I have been working on it for almost 3 weeks now and probably wont finish it for another 2-3 weeks. Believe it or not, it is an alien creature, 4 foot from the soles of his feet to the top of his eye stalks. LOL My husband sketched out what he wanted and I have been in my craft room every spare minute since trying to bringing his crazy sketch to life. Just figuring out the anatomy of a 3 legged, 3 armed creature with 3 eyes and 3 more eyes on stalks has me going batty. I must really love that man!
 Drake Creek Meadows
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8/27/2015 6:17:17 PM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Tis fine Stanza, I have't been playing much either; real life should come first. Anyway, I had no idea that you're an artist, or maybe I did and forgot, but either way that's awesome that you and your husband share your talents together like that. happy :) I wish I could sculpt; I have many hobbies, but sculpting is not one of them. I've tried it before and the result was kind of, really bad. razz :p I enjoy wood working, so I thought I'd be a natural at sculpting; not so, very different. I can whittle, but not sculpt, guess 'm just more comfortable working with wood. Though, lately I haven't had time for any of that.

Anyway, that's a lot of dedication towards a gift, and something you won't make money for, you really must love that man. ^^ I'm sure he'll love it; personal gifts are the best kind. happy :)
 Skylos Elysium
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8/27/2015 7:09:25 PM reply with quote send message to Skylos Elysium Object to Post

this post has been edited 5 time(s)

The sculpture is a modified version of paper mache. First you create an armature from cardboard, wire, crumpled paper, aluminum foil and lots & lots of masking tape lol Once you have the armature done, you make a mache clay out of dissolved toilet paper, glue, flour and joint compound (drywall mud). You coat the entire thing in clay and let dry, then paint etc.

This is the most recent picture. I am currently working on the arms and claws. It is almost ready to be covered with the clay. YEAH!

(you can see the sketch under his claw that I have been working from lol.

Last edited by Skylos Elysium on 8/27/2015 7:23:34 PM
 Skylos Elysium
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8/27/2015 7:11:33 PM reply with quote send message to Skylos Elysium Object to Post

Sorry didn't mean for it to be that big. I will see if I can fix it.
 CS Riverflow
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8/27/2015 8:19:09 PM reply with quote send message to CS Riverflow Object to Post

That is seriously awesome! My artistic talents are along the lines of the Bob Ross school of painting. Fun but not exactly something to hang on the wall!

Congrats to all for the stunning pups! amazing how far we have come so fast. Not too long before that 97 bets for me, will just be happy if I get one with good SS along with the high traits!
 CS Astronomical
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8/28/2015 2:29:38 PM reply with quote send message to CS Astronomical Object to Post

Well he may not be the highest SOP, but I'm VERY pleased with this boy....9.7 TNB!

Going to breed his mom back to one of the high SOP dogs and see if I can get it all lined up!
 Drake Creek Meadows
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8/30/2015 11:11:34 PM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Looking good, way, way better than anything I could do, and the process you described still sounds like it would take an insane amount of practice to get even decent at it. I'm with CS, I draw, and I enjoy it, but I do not believe I have 'the gift' and I'm okay with that, because I do have 'the gift' in other facets of life, so it all works out. happy :) Be sure to show us what it looks like when you complete though, I'd love to see. laugh :D
If anyone wants to see some of my art, I have a thread up in the banner making forum.

Congrats on that boy CS! That 9.7tnb blows my mind, never thought I'd see the breeds weakest trait on par with all the other traits; just really goes to show what you can accomplish if you work at it. ^^ I do believe that HQ is now the breeds weakest trait, since the highest I've seen is 9.5. Hope re-breeding his mom will work out as well as you hope. happy :)
 Drake Creek Meadows
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8/31/2015 4:06:30 AM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

It's the end of the month again, and here are the results for this month:

Head: 9.7 +0
FQ: 9.4 +0
HQ: 9.1 +0
Gait: 10.4 +0
Tnb: 9.1 +0
Coat: 9.6 +0
Size: 9.8 +0
Temp: 9.5 +0
Feet: 9.5 +0

No visible improvements this month that is a real bummer sad :(, guess mals have stagnated a bit... but surely all these awesome dogs getting ready to enter the ring this month will change a thing or two? Only time will tell.

To better see the trends for improvement in the breed here are the un-rounded charts:

Last month:

Head: 9.70
FQ: 9.41
HQ: 9.11
Gait: 10.37
Tnb: 9.13
Coat: 9.58
Size: 9.77
Temp: 9.53
Feet: 9.50

This month:

Head: 9.74
FQ: 9.40
HQ: 9.11
Gait: 10.36
Tnb: 9.14
Coat: 9.59
Size: 9.77
Temp: 9.52
Feet: 9.52

As you can see, some traits have actually dropped a bit, and that's not a good sign. -.-' It's only by an infinitesimal amount though, so it should be okay. There must be more dogs out there with low traits in theses areas.

Well at any rate if the dogs that I've seen being prepared for the ring are any indication, this off streak for the breed shall end. happy :)

The ring average remains 95.95% and the formulaic average remains 10.4 unfortunately.
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9/1/2015 11:09:33 AM reply with quote send message to shadowbrook Object to Post

I'm can't draw my mom and sister can my sister makes paintings for gifts whenever there's a baby shower they are good to me and my mom they look like the one's for kids rooms and that's with only junior high and practice she can also write I think she's good enough to make books I can't to save my life the only thing I'm really good at is animal's I know a lot about them and I love horses when I took lessons in both English and western they said I was a natural
 SKL Kennel
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9/1/2015 11:07:04 PM reply with quote send message to SKL Kennel Object to Post

I think working on weaker traits both helps and hurts the overall stats in a breed.

High Sop, but more even stats overall... We will see a big jump as those stats even out.

Love this girl...

I also have two with 9.9 in Topline, and a 10 in size in my trait breeding account. wink ;) I am working on building Sop with those dogs.. So soon I hope to get something special..

 SKL Kennel
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9/2/2015 5:41:11 PM reply with quote send message to SKL Kennel Object to Post

I just put up quite a few puppies, they are mostly even stats... great to breed to your high SOP dogs and raise hind/topline...
 CS Astronomical
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9/6/2015 7:56:29 AM reply with quote send message to CS Astronomical Object to Post

Well I spied a 96.9 puppy in someone's kennel this very pretty!

And would like to congratulate Raven on finishing his career. Though he wasn't the highest SOP and never won a specialty, he finished with 2 Best in Shows (and multiple show placements), 23 Best in Groups and 281 grand points. Would have loved to see him finish out his actual gold GCH, but very happy with his career. He will be retiring to the couch today, he has more than earned it!
 Arctic Lights Kennels
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9/8/2015 11:50:02 AM reply with quote send message to Arctic Lights Kennels Object to Post

Who has the 96.9?
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9/8/2015 9:09:23 PM reply with quote send message to Myths Object to Post

I believe the 96.9 in question is this boy from Rosa Nera:

I don't breed Mals but I'm currently working with one of Drake's bitches in my basic to try and finish her... Two months in and I just need three more points! XD I sort of failed, but I'm hoping to get done soon lol.

Then I finished a 96.3 boy of Rosa Nera's as well, and am working with another of theirs (96.6). happy :) So that's my excuse for getting involved. XD
 SKL Kennel
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9/9/2015 1:14:16 PM reply with quote send message to SKL Kennel Object to Post

10.1 Size and 9.5 HQ... getting there! A litter brother had 9.6 HQ, keeping him I think...
 CS Astronomical
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9/9/2015 3:18:11 PM reply with quote send message to CS Astronomical Object to Post

Yep, Rosa Nera's pup is the one I saw-just wanted to give her a chance to brag on her boy before I totally spilled the beans! LOL

And SKL, so jealous of that 10.1 size! Will keep working on getting closer!
 Drake Creek Meadows
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9/11/2015 1:54:12 AM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Whoa, miss a lot of news on improvements lately! Should have been checking this tread more. happy :)

Huge congrats to all on your accomplishments, and pushing the breed forward! laugh :D Rosa Nera for getting the new top SOP, that boy is absolutely fantastic, and I will admit to being jealous of him razz :p because male. I hope I will have the money by the time he is ready to go up for stud to send girls his way. happy :)
SKL, that 10.1 is the most impressive trait I’ve seen on a mal, especially because it’s on a show line mal, the high range traits had been lost from the show lines for generations, but this is proof that you have been working very hard to bring it back. Your dedication to trait breeding will be a huge asset to the breed; dogs like this are game changers. You win the best trait on a mal award hands down, keep up the good work. laugh :D

And last but not least, CS for Ravens show career ^^, he did awesome out there, even beating out Secret in GCH points. Here’s hoping one of his successors can be as good out there. ^^He definitely earned his place on the couch, speaking of which, I really need to clean up my retirement couch a bit,; food bill is getting quite high. Thanks for reminding me; going to be hard to press that FH button though. -.-‘

I enjoy watching this breed grow, and best of all, improvements seem to happen at a steady rate. happy :) Keep up the great work all. ^^

As for me, I put some new dogs up for stud:

Death of a Sun:

95.25%/96.3% adjusted SOP 17.9ss, gray and white, unproven stud 11.6 Supreme, $25 limited time

One of the trio of 11.6 rating dogs with low showshine, he boasts very balanced traits and a stellar pedigree comprised of my ‘sun’ line with strengths that he will almost certainly pass along, including his best trait his 9.5tnb. With the right mate he has a lot of potential as my ‘sun’ line is geared toward overall balance of traits. He will only be available for a few days, so act fast or miss out

96%/96.25% adjusted Sop 19.7ss, red and white, unproven stud 11.15 Exceptional AAA, $50 limited time

The latest boy in my ongoing temperament project, his stats are relatively even, but he has a high probability of passing along his best trait his 9.7 temperament, or even having a pup improve upon it with the right mate as 9.8 temperaments have emerged from this line. Don’t let his slightly low showshine put you off; this is not a problem.

Standing the Storm:

96.05%/20ss, gray and white, unproven stud 11.1 Exceptional AA, $50 limited time

One look at his all CH and GCH pedigree will tell you all you need to know; he has been bred to show with a focus on tightening hidden decimals his offspring will most certainly have the ability to surprise as tighter decimals also lead to better rolls for traits in pups. He himself has never been shown, but this is through no fault of his own, but rather my shortage of sessions to go around. I have no doubt he would have been an easy champion, and probably GCH too. His traits aren’t the best specifically, but nothing to sneeze at either.


95.95%/20ss, gray and white, unproven stud 11.3 Exceptional AAA, $25
Full brother to Death of a Sun, a perfect showshine alternative as a route into the ‘sun’ line, his traits aren’t as nice, and he has a weak tnb opposite of his brother, which is an oddity in this line so it’s hard to tell if he’d pass that weakness on or not, but I highly doubt it. There is a lot to like about him though, and at that price he is not much of a risk to take.

Texas Blizzard:

96.35%/20ss, red and white, unproven stud 11.4 Exceptional AAA, $50

A son of Everything’s Big in Texas, has a better rating than his sire, but only just. His Linage is mostly non Drakes dogs as he is an out-cross, so it’s hard to say what kind of curve he could throw how tight his decimals might be where his strengths are and such. He is however balanced and the Drakes side of his pedigree is built upon dogs that are closely related to the late great At Last the Time has Come. He’s the result of an offshoot of another experiment that is pulling my original line forward into the modern breed. There is zero proof this has any bearing on show ability however. This dog will most likely never be shown due to shortages of sessions, but I’m sure he would have done great out there in the ring.

All my boys are most likely to pass along a long or mid curve in their pups, with zero chance of passing along a short one. More studs will go up tomorrow; be sure to check out my other studs.
 Rosa Nera
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9/11/2015 7:02:05 PM reply with quote send message to Rosa Nera Object to Post

Hey guys, I am going to have to take a break from the game for a while. Long story... I am now raising two of my grandsons indefinitely, 2 1/2 and 10 months.

Any way, all the dogs in my kennel are up for sale as I don't want them just sitting there. $100 first come first serve. And yes that includes that pretty new boy pup.

Gonna Miss you guys, save a dance for me... I may be back.

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Did you know?
A specialty show may be regional or national. A "Best in Show" win at a national specialty show is tremendously prestigious, indicating that the winning dog or bitch triumphed at a contest which attracted entries from the most serious fanciers of that breed in the country or continent. Some specialty shows attract international entries.