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 CS bauhinia
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1/8/2016 7:02:28 PM reply with quote send message to CS bauhinia Object to Post

I got another 97 in this kennel

and my first in CS astronomical

Sorry to see you go Tenacity! I only have room for one. best of luck in your other breeds!
 Howling Wolves Kennels
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1/9/2016 3:01:49 PM reply with quote send message to Howling Wolves Kennels Object to Post

I keep looking at this dog to make sure I'm not seeing things:
 CS bauhinia
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1/9/2016 6:46:43 PM reply with quote send message to CS bauhinia Object to Post

Dayum HWK-that is awesome!! Congrats on her and all of your success!!
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1/10/2016 5:47:47 AM reply with quote send message to Xi-Chi Object to Post

I've been busy the last few weeks and have neglected my kennel some as a result, but I did have an almost 97.00 born in the chaos. If not for her poor show shine, she'd be a 97.00

Congrats HWK! You keep coming up with these amazing dogs. Keep up the good work happy :)

Welcome back SKL! Great to see you back.

 Arctic Lights Kennels
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1/10/2016 8:48:44 PM reply with quote send message to Arctic Lights Kennels Object to Post

Thanks everyone!!
 Arctic Lights Kennels
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1/10/2016 8:49:13 PM reply with quote send message to Arctic Lights Kennels Object to Post

Darn, I keep forgetting which kennel I'm in. This is HWK.
 Drake Creek Meadows
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1/15/2016 12:31:49 AM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Oh no, you're leaving again Tenacity? sad :( But you only just came back -.-', I'm sorry to read this, and also apologize for being late to see it or I would have wished you well a lot sooner. Hope you found good homes for all your dogs, and I wish you the best going forward and remember you are always welcome to return, and you will be missed. sad :(

Wow, I must say that you guys are on a roll! Look at all these awesome new 97%+ dogs, especially your incredible girl Zumba HWK! Talk about setting the bar high; she’s a stunner laugh :D. Congrats to you all! Look forward to seeing more outstanding mals in the future ^^

Also I have finally joined the 97% club tonight with this boy: very happy to finally have crossed that barrier happy :), look forward to getting him in the ring at 12.25 he’s not the highest rated mal I’ve seen, but he’s pretty close.

Out of curiosity; has anyone bred a mal with 9.9 head yet? I don’t think I’ve seen one, but it feels like they should be popping up by now, so that’s why I’m curious. happy :)

Oh yeah, and might as well post my newest stud:

Drakes Chanticleer:

96.7%/20ss, gray and white, 11.85 Supreme, unproven stud $50
Hails from the temperament centric branch of my line, boasts tight decimals in this area, will pass along a high temp, has the potential to throw 9.8 temp pups. Semi-balanced, needs to be bred to mates with high hq, and gait. Will pass along a long curve.

I also lowered the prices on a bunch of my older studs, so check them out happy :) Lots of supreme rated pups are also available for sale from my latest litters.
 CS Astronomical
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1/15/2016 6:33:32 AM reply with quote send message to CS Astronomical Object to Post

Congrats Drake!

I have not yet bred a dog with 9.9 (or 10.1) head, but I think I have seen one...maybe Kianya or SKL? I think that is going to be my next focus since there are a good variety of 10.2s out there. I have started seeing a bunch of 9.8 coats lately though.

Was surprised by a dark red dog in a litter in my other kennel yesterday That must have been quite a recessive! And this boy out of the same litter with 10.1 TNB...will keep him around for stud
 Drake Creek Meadows
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1/15/2016 8:56:38 PM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Thanks CS happy :), and wow! Congrats on getting a Dark Red dog, how rare and unexpected! ^^ I’m not sure how it happened, but it’s cool to know rare colors can pop out of show lines like that. happy :) I’m guessing that it’s a side effect of breeding from color lines to introduce traits, but honestly I thought those colors were lost when breeding any other color dog but those dark colors, so it’s cool that you can get Dark colors from non-dark colors. Also, he’s probably the highest SOP dark red in existence to boot, so huge congrats on that too! One step closer to showable dark colored mals, and I’m really fond of the dark colors if you can’t tell, he’s gorgeous. ^^ Awesome 10.1 tnb on that other by too! So close to 10 for one of the breed’s worst traits, awesome job for bringing that up so high!

As for the 9.9 or 10.1 head if anyone’s got a dog with those traits in a show lines please share it on the thread I want to see. happy :) I have seen a lot more with 9.8 coats too which is great, and I have seen 9.8 feet as well. Haven’t seen 9.8 temp in awhile but I’m certain it exists; though getting that in my own kennel is what I’m currently working on. We really need to get all these high traits together on one dog. wink ;) (If only it was that easy razz :p)
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1/15/2016 9:21:54 PM reply with quote send message to BlackDahlia82 Object to Post

Hi all!

I'm back after years of being away from the game. I was last here in 2011 I believe. I've always bred mals with this kennel and recently started again! I'm excited to get back into showing as well. I just wanted to pop by and say hello. happy :) I see a few familiar faces and lots of new ones. So great to meet you guys!

- Melanie
 CS bauhinia
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1/16/2016 5:44:06 AM reply with quote send message to CS bauhinia Object to Post

How's this for temp? LOL He's the one out of my high temp female. curious what he would throw with a bitch with solid temp, that is one trait that I haven't focused on much.

Welcome back Black Dahlia! Lots of friendly folks still here, this is a great breed!
 CS bauhinia
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1/16/2016 8:15:33 PM reply with quote send message to CS bauhinia Object to Post

I put this boy up for sale out of that same litter, dad has 9.9 TNB and mom has 9.8, this boy has 10.4. He also has high hind and high size.
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1/17/2016 2:01:55 PM reply with quote send message to Xi-Chi Object to Post

It's been a while again and I have had to neglect my doggies. My first grandchild was born and I didn't realize she was going to take up so much of my time. Now that I'm giving you all the image that I'm a 60 something person, I will tell you that I'm only 42 lol

I've had a few more would be 97's if not for that dang show shine. I guess that comes from trait breeding. Although I do think that I get better results from trait breeding. I'm working on tightening my head traits in the hopes of getting a 9.9/10.1 pup. I got a 9.8 feet pup recently and was really excited about that. He was a result of tightening the decimals in that trait. His parents both had 9.7 feet.

The rest of his traits are kinda sad, but I think if I breed him to one of my better females that should solve that problem.

Drake, I was wondering if you might be able to elaborate a bit on the concept of breeding low to low or high to high. I've been breeding dogs with traits above 10 to dogs with traits below 10 in order to improve traits. I suppose that would be high to low breeding. If there's a better way, I'd really be interested in hearing about it.

She is my most recent would be 97+ dog. She has a 9.9 size to boot.

I've placed a few dogs up for stud:
He must have that something special because he finished his championship title in 2 days. That's the fastest that any dog of mine have finished. He would most likely do well with a female that has a high HQ, TNB and Feet traits.
He was bred by Drake and has a 10.0 Size trait. He has thrown 9.9 Sizes when paired with 9.8 females.

I've been working on Head, HQ, TNB, and Feet traits in my line - not all at once. I'm also trying to get one pup born with all traits over 9.5. That dog would be a 97.05, but still would be cool if I could pull it off. I'm sure some of you guys that are much better at trait breeding have already done it.

 CS bauhinia
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1/18/2016 7:37:35 AM reply with quote send message to CS bauhinia Object to Post

Congrats on the grandchild Xi-Chi!

I will likely be using your 10 size boy in the near future.

I also just put this girl up for sale-10 size out of both parents with 10 size.
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1/19/2016 7:14:18 AM reply with quote send message to Xi-Chi Object to Post

Thank you CS. I couldn't resist your girl. I swear trait breeding is addictive.

I was wondering something here. I was looking through some of my recent litters and noticed that when I've breed high trait to high trait, it has forced the numbers higher. Let's take head traits for example, during the times when I've bred 10.2 to 10.2, then I get 10.3. Can that be bred to move down instead? Like 10.2 to 10.2 and produce 10.1? Or would I have better luck breeding 9.8 to 9.8 in order to get 9.9?

 CS bauhinia
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1/19/2016 6:26:34 PM reply with quote send message to CS bauhinia Object to Post

this post has been edited 1 time(s)

I think that that just happens sometimes, like 9.8 to 9.8 will produce 9.7. I have had numbers closer to ten produced from high to high breeding, it just takes time and since you don't know what the underlying decimals are, you are guessing for the most part within the range of that number.

My understanding is that breeding same to same will produce a tighter range of numbers in the offspring, and that pup is more likely to reproduce a similar number. Breeding low to high will have much greater variation in the offspring (including outside of the range of the two parents) but is also likely to produce something closer to 10 by chance. That pup is less likely to reproduce that number though (because the parents also contribute to the genetics and they have that variation at that trait). Not sure that is a good explanation!

Hadn't realized that pup you bought also had 3 out of 4 grandparents with 10 at size-will be interesting to see what she and her sibs produce!

Last edited by CS bauhinia on 1/19/2016 6:30:05 PM
 Drake Creek Meadows
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1/23/2016 12:33:43 AM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Really need to check this thread more; I say that all the time and still I get behind on everything anyways. razz :p

I’d like to extend a formal welcome back to you Melanie, thanks for dropping by and introducing yourself. happy :) I hope you will continue to chime in from time to time and keep us all up to date on your kennel. If you need any help you will have no trouble finding it here; this is an awesome and supportive community. Look forward to seeing you in the ring. ^^

You’ve outdone yourself yet again CS, that temp is incredible and certainly outclasses anything I’ve been working on. happy :) Though with these dogs who are so close to color lines I have to wonder how well things will actually be passed along and stick. These lines can throw these crazy good traits, but because they come with so many variables the real trick is getting such traits to stick on a showable dog.

Congrats on the grandchild Serenity ^^. Also, congrats on the 9.8 feet boy, he’s very nice, and the rest of his traits aren’t kind of sad they are fine; those traits should come right up. Your girl Stolen Dance is amazing, she’s going to make beautiful pups. happy :)

Oh and, nope you’ve got it; high to low is breeding a 10 range trait to a 9 range trait. In this regard it is better to pair opposite that are closer to 10 to avoid have many more variables thrown in on the resulting pups and therefore weaker decimals all around. So a 10.2 to 9.8 pairing is really good, while a 10.2 to 9.6 or 10.4 to 9.8 not so much.

Also, I have yet to see a mal with at least 9.5 in every trait across the board that would be an impressive feat and possible a first since the reset; to have a dog with all dark blue traits, and I’ll be rooting for you to accomplish it. happy :)

As for your question, CS already answered it brilliantly, but I will touch on it a little anyway; in general for decimal tightening breeding a 10.2 to 10.2 or 9.8 to 9.8 is always better than breeding a 10.2 to 9.8 for instance, because like CS said this can bring a trait forward faster but also set you back on progress with the decimals, and in the long run it’s better to make slower progress with traits to maintain tighter decimals. Doing both types of breeding in your line is vital; breeding high to low to get the traits up faster and then reintroducing the dog that is a low to low or high to high back to tighten the decimals.
The dogs have at least eleven decimal as stated by Jeff in the past, so with that in mind, let’s say you are breeding a 10.2 to a 10.2 and this is what the parents actually look like:
Parent A: 10.29901111187
Parent B: 10.29800111199
The numbers can and will round up to 10.3 in the pups who might look like this 10.3000000011
Just for an example since in reality there would be all kinds of different numbers in there.
Getting a high range trait to round down means improving the numbers within those ten places after the place you can see low enough to round down instead. Naturally you’d want the opposite with low range traits, you’d want them rounding up. Ideally the pup you eventually produce would be more like: 10.10000000001 ready to round down to 10. What you don’t want is to get those decimals locked into the middle because then they don’t go up or down they just become stagnant and you hit a breeding wall which is sort of complicated to fix since decimals can only be guessed at and you’re not seeing the improvements or damage until they change the one decimal point you can see. It’s likely that if you breed a 10.2 to 10.2 and get 10.3 pups that both parents have weak decimals in that area or it could just be one and the pups happened to inherit the weaker decimals. Keep track of the dogs producing worse traits than their own and weed them out to set up your program for success in the future.

My 10 size girl I believe is the full sister of the boy you bought from me Serenity, so I won’t be able to breed them. I kind of want to breed her, but she’s doing so well in shows that I won’t pull her. However I am interested in doing a little more trait breeding of my own so I will keep all the trait studs that have been posted in this thread in mind. happy :)

Just going to list my newest stud since I don’t have anything else to report, it’s been a bit slow in my kennel other than some recent BISs that I’m quite pleased with happy :) :

Drakes Mystic Song:
96.55%/20ss, red and white, 11.9 Supreme, unproven stud $50
Well balanced, 9.5hq comes from linage of dogs with high low line traits; feet and coat are a bit weak but should come up.
 CS bauhinia
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1/23/2016 10:05:07 AM reply with quote send message to CS bauhinia Object to Post

Congrats on the BISs and BISS Drake! Also thanks for clarifying further on the trait breeding...I did not know there were 12 decimals in play, that definitely explains how some traits get stuck if there isn't any variation. I'm trying to work out how often to breed in an opposite number to try to keep moving closer to tens-without getting stuck in too much of a COI for those traits where there are only a few that are opposite of the general population.

Anyway, I did get this boy recently-only one tick low in temp (and low SS) or he would have been 9.5/10.5 or better across the board...been working on that too.

Did I mention I had too many projects? LOL
 CS bauhinia
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1/23/2016 10:38:07 AM reply with quote send message to CS bauhinia Object to Post

I also put my 10 gait stud up for sale-out of 2 litters, he has produced 3 pups with 10 gait.
 Drake Creek Meadows
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1/25/2016 1:44:54 AM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Thanks CS, and no problem. happy :) There are actually eleven decimal places as far as I know; it includes the one you can see. That’s not important, what is important is that if there are a lot of zeros among those hidden decimal numbers than that trait isn’t moving up anytime soon.

That boy is very nice happy :) ; I’ve gotten some kind of like that as well:

Though mine are more than one tick off in the non-dark blue area, so they are not as close, but they do have the capacity to produce pups that come up to dark blue in those missing areas. I haven’t been working on it so they are happy accidents; though I do a lot of breeding for overall balance which is basically the same thing, so I guess I have been doing it on purpose in a way. happy :)

You do have a lot of projects, I only have a few, so that’s not a problem I share. Though I wouldn’t mind sharing it; really need to make some room for a couple more projects of my own. happy :)

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Did you know?
The third obedience title is a UD, or "Utility Dog", which is earned through competition in the Utility obedience class