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Premium Member
Posts : 431

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7/17/2016 11:30:32 AM reply with quote send message to Shelador Object to Post

Pride and Joy
 Jumping Jacks of Glory
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Basic User
7/17/2016 8:08:24 PM reply with quote send message to Jumping Jacks of Glory Object to Post

Easterly Squall
 Lace Dreams
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Posts : 428

Basic User
7/18/2016 9:54:30 AM reply with quote send message to Lace Dreams Object to Post

 Afterburner Kennels
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Posts : 218

Basic User
7/18/2016 9:57:26 AM reply with quote send message to Afterburner Kennels Object to Post

Cold as Stone
Premium Member
Posts : 500+

Premium Member
7/20/2016 3:36:39 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

Dancing Waters
 Lace Dreams
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Posts : 428

Basic User
7/21/2016 12:34:53 PM reply with quote send message to Lace Dreams Object to Post

Wild Summer Rose
 Clay Creek Falls
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Posts : 353

Premium Member
7/22/2016 12:17:25 AM reply with quote send message to Clay Creek Falls Object to Post

Road To Surrender
 Afterburner Kennels
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Posts : 218

Basic User
7/22/2016 9:45:14 AM reply with quote send message to Afterburner Kennels Object to Post

 Jumping Jacks of Glory
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Posts : 1,000+

Basic User
7/22/2016 3:05:26 PM reply with quote send message to Jumping Jacks of Glory Object to Post

Chalk Outline
 Afterburner Kennels
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Posts : 218

Basic User
7/23/2016 3:46:54 PM reply with quote send message to Afterburner Kennels Object to Post

Ready Set Show
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Posts : 233

Premium Member
7/25/2016 4:57:45 AM reply with quote send message to Rensvik Object to Post

Pass the Torch
 Jumping Jacks of Glory
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Posts : 1,000+

Basic User
7/25/2016 2:03:41 PM reply with quote send message to Jumping Jacks of Glory Object to Post

Rendezvous in Rio
 Wabi-Sabi Kennels
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Posts : 154

Basic User
7/28/2016 6:28:24 PM reply with quote send message to Wabi-Sabi Kennels Object to Post

Premium Member
Posts : 206

Premium Member
7/30/2016 8:22:40 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolf Object to Post

Bleeding Heart
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Posts : 1,000+

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7/30/2016 6:38:09 PM reply with quote send message to Gallaxy Object to Post

Just Wild
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Posts : 54

Premium Member
7/31/2016 3:11:37 AM reply with quote send message to Kjelvik Object to Post

Fire In My Heart
 Nefarious Kennels
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Posts : 101

Basic User
8/1/2016 1:55:09 PM reply with quote send message to Nefarious Kennels Object to Post

Lord of the Ocean
 Lace Dreams
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Posts : 428

Basic User
8/1/2016 2:14:14 PM reply with quote send message to Lace Dreams Object to Post

Hey There of my favorite songs!
 Afterburner Kennels
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Posts : 218

Basic User
8/2/2016 8:57:56 AM reply with quote send message to Afterburner Kennels Object to Post

Get your game on
Premium Member
Posts : 500+

Premium Member
8/3/2016 3:43:15 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

Pass the Torch

Replies in this thread : 1978
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Did you know?
Judges are generally certified to judge one or several breeds, usually in the same group, but a few "all-breed" judges have the training and experience to judge large numbers of breeds.