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 Lights Kennels
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3/25/2014 4:43:00 PM reply with quote send message to Lights Kennels Object to Post

Pawnshop Wedding. I Googled it and it's not even a song! laugh :D that's very creative!
 Animal Farm
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3/25/2014 6:54:18 PM reply with quote send message to Animal Farm Object to Post

May Day
 Shining Sun Kennels
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3/26/2014 1:49:01 PM reply with quote send message to Shining Sun Kennels Object to Post

Jealous Wishes
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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3/26/2014 3:18:51 PM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Sunshine and Roses


Haha, actually, Megan, the "Rings" forgot to jump's Pawnshop Wedding Rings--Derailers. And I didn't care enough to have it reset and I think she's too old now, lol,
 Lights Kennels
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3/26/2014 4:16:09 PM reply with quote send message to Lights Kennels Object to Post

Pineapple Mai Tai! It sounds yummy!
.....and Google tells me it's alcoholic.....someday razz :p

(Oh, that makes more sense, Alexandria! It sounds fine as it is but I just didn't find that on Google! Now I feel like I Google ever dog name I see.....)
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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3/27/2014 8:32:01 PM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

†Rest in Peace†


HAHA! Yeah, I decided to go with an alcoholic drink theme for Rotties. Drink names are so cool!
 Lights Kennels
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3/27/2014 11:04:37 PM reply with quote send message to Lights Kennels Object to Post

Blue Diamond! Pretty happy :)

And yeah haha, I love doing "themes" for litters but I only ever keep one or two so it rarely works..... I do have an "Aloha" and "Mahalo" though.
 Animal Farm
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4/4/2014 6:55:21 PM reply with quote send message to Animal Farm Object to Post

Red and Green
 Lights Kennels
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4/5/2014 1:46:07 PM reply with quote send message to Lights Kennels Object to Post

Hershey's Chocolate! Yum!
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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4/7/2014 10:42:54 AM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Midnight Warrior laugh :D

 Lights Kennels
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4/7/2014 1:21:27 PM reply with quote send message to Lights Kennels Object to Post

Your Captain Hook, because I am weird and LOVE Tinker Bell (never seen Peter Pan...)!
 Europa Black
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4/8/2014 2:10:13 AM reply with quote send message to Europa Black Object to Post

Autumn Equinox! (There was a few I liked)
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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4/8/2014 9:02:52 AM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Moon Lyte (such a cool way of spelling it!)

 Animal Farm
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4/9/2014 2:25:03 AM reply with quote send message to Animal Farm Object to Post

One Bright Star
 Lights Kennels
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4/9/2014 2:57:15 PM reply with quote send message to Lights Kennels Object to Post

Omega Cupcake! It sounds really yummy! (I am hungry right now)
 Animal Farm
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4/9/2014 8:55:37 PM reply with quote send message to Animal Farm Object to Post

 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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4/10/2014 9:49:45 AM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Moon Blossom

 Europa Black
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4/10/2014 10:01:55 AM reply with quote send message to Europa Black Object to Post

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High cotton!! (I remember that song xD)

Edit: cause my phone hates me

Last edited by Europa Black on 4/10/2014 10:02:27 AM
 Lights Kennels
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4/10/2014 2:09:19 PM reply with quote send message to Lights Kennels Object to Post

Are You Sirius because it liked, reminds me of the dog star, and Harry Potter, and it's awesome! laugh :D
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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4/10/2014 2:42:26 PM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

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Jet Black...I mentally added "and Jealous"...I LOVE that Eli Young Band album...Jet Black & Jealous...


Last edited by Laffy-Taffy Kennels on 4/10/2014 2:46:19 PM

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Did you know?
The third obedience title is a UD, or "Utility Dog", which is earned through competition in the Utility obedience class