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 Shadowstorm Kennels
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3/15/2014 10:52:09 AM reply with quote send message to Shadowstorm Kennels Object to Post

Guardian of the Mystic Being!
Such an epic name btw
 Lights Kennels
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3/15/2014 11:31:59 AM reply with quote send message to Lights Kennels Object to Post

You have a lot of awesome names so it's hard! But Infinite because my "We Are Infinite" just died sad :( (and I miss her I'm not creepy...)
 Little River Kennel
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3/15/2014 11:54:15 AM reply with quote send message to Little River Kennel Object to Post

I really like "Cómo Creer".

I only have two choices for you sorry xD
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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3/15/2014 2:48:15 PM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post


 Lights Kennels
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3/16/2014 12:34:23 AM reply with quote send message to Lights Kennels Object to Post

A Snowman's Life!
 Europa Black
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3/16/2014 8:26:09 AM reply with quote send message to Europa Black Object to Post

May Day
 Lights Kennels
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3/16/2014 1:02:13 PM reply with quote send message to Lights Kennels Object to Post

Sunny and 75! Even though I'm curious as to what it means laugh :D
 Animal Farm
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3/16/2014 2:50:49 PM reply with quote send message to Animal Farm Object to Post

Pixie Dust
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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3/16/2014 3:19:32 PM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Girl On Fire

(Lights, I'm pretty sure Sunny and 75 is after the Joe Nichols song from last summer wink ;))

 Lights Kennels
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3/16/2014 6:08:09 PM reply with quote send message to Lights Kennels Object to Post

Shoot For the Moon! I love anything to do with the moon!

(and thanks Alexandria, I haven't heard that song but I guess I'm just lame then..... Still now I'm totally going to listen to it laugh :D )
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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3/17/2014 11:22:51 AM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Mirror Mirror

(You're welcome, lol. Tell me whatcha think! I really liked it, until they played it overly much...there is a point that a song is played way too much and gets annoying razz :p But, I know me and Emma both love it!)

 Animal Farm
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3/17/2014 6:33:20 PM reply with quote send message to Animal Farm Object to Post

Wild Montana Skies
 Lights Kennels
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3/17/2014 10:50:02 PM reply with quote send message to Lights Kennels Object to Post

Once in a Blue Moon (what did I say about moons laugh :D)!!!! I love it!

(and it's pretty good! Haha I feel like I've heard it before and just didn't know the name, but it's not one I ever disliked! Lol it's been out since April of last year and I'm officially behind the times..... razz :p)
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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3/18/2014 10:16:32 AM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Snow Angel

(Haha! It was one of the "songs of the summer" along with a few others...though I liked We Were Us the best of all those summer songs razz :p)

 Animal Farm
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3/22/2014 6:16:01 PM reply with quote send message to Animal Farm Object to Post

Pineapple Mai Tai
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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3/23/2014 12:20:27 PM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Panda Bear, (an old nickname of mine!)

 Little River Kennel
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3/23/2014 3:02:27 PM reply with quote send message to Little River Kennel Object to Post

I love "Faithful Old Flame"!
 Animal Farm
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3/23/2014 8:19:03 PM reply with quote send message to Animal Farm Object to Post

Rex Merlin
 Europa Black
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3/24/2014 3:10:37 AM reply with quote send message to Europa Black Object to Post

Sound The Alarm
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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3/24/2014 9:01:32 AM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Overnight Success!


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