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 Selma Kennel
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1/11/2014 8:59:52 PM reply with quote send message to Selma Kennel Object to Post

Chandelier of Stars.
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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1/11/2014 9:43:25 PM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Locked Out Of Heaven

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Posts : 17

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1/14/2014 12:58:56 AM reply with quote send message to Fire_Soul Object to Post

CH Alexandrite Wild In Your Smile

(love the name by the way XD)
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1/25/2014 3:57:29 PM reply with quote send message to Euphorias Object to Post

To get this back on track lol

Starter Bitch 2

 Europa Black
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1/25/2014 5:55:51 PM reply with quote send message to Europa Black Object to Post


Beyond Belief
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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1/25/2014 10:50:26 PM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Triplet Tricks

 Inspirational Kennels
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1/27/2014 10:53:25 AM reply with quote send message to Inspirational Kennels Object to Post

Bittersweet Love
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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1/27/2014 4:06:49 PM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Silver Lining

 Lights Kennels
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1/31/2014 10:32:01 PM reply with quote send message to Lights Kennels Object to Post

Springsteen! I don't know if the dog is named after it but I love that song!
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1/31/2014 11:17:40 PM reply with quote send message to Makavelis Object to Post


Love it!!
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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2/1/2014 2:56:45 PM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Burning Bridges.

And yes, Lights, Springsteen is the Eric Church song wink ;).

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2/11/2014 6:16:30 AM reply with quote send message to Fourlorn Object to Post

Hulluva Heart.
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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2/11/2014 9:16:12 AM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Baretta Misfire

 Animal Farm
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2/11/2014 2:27:35 PM reply with quote send message to Animal Farm Object to Post

Star Witness
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2/16/2014 1:38:27 PM reply with quote send message to sableteeny Object to Post

Maid of fire
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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2/16/2014 8:47:13 PM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Apache Warrior.

 Animal Farm
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2/16/2014 9:47:48 PM reply with quote send message to Animal Farm Object to Post

Neon Moon
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2/18/2014 5:35:36 AM reply with quote send message to Exalted Object to Post

God Of Secrets
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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2/18/2014 9:24:01 AM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Days Of Gold

 Dreisaiah Hundehutte
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2/21/2014 1:37:08 AM reply with quote send message to Dreisaiah Hundehutte Object to Post

Sting of the Rain

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Did you know?
The figure 8 exercise requires the team to heel in a figure 8 pattern either on or off leash. Generally two of the ring stewards will assist the judge with this exercise by acting as "posts", standing 8 feet apart, that the team walks around to form the loops of the figure 8.