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 Lights Kennels
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9/11/2013 10:18:59 PM reply with quote send message to Lights Kennels Object to Post

Sandwich! It made me laugh laugh :D laugh :D laugh :D
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9/12/2013 5:32:29 PM reply with quote send message to †Creed† Object to Post

posted by Shutterfox
Mad Hatter!

Interesting naming theme you have. Different forms of/ways to say or describe crazy is unique!

Thank you. Lol. It's a great use of Thesaurus.

We Are Infinite
 Inspirational Kennels
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9/12/2013 5:39:27 PM reply with quote send message to Inspirational Kennels Object to Post

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9/12/2013 5:44:56 PM reply with quote send message to Foursaken Object to Post

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9/12/2013 8:25:13 PM reply with quote send message to Shutterfox Object to Post

Crown Royal (yum)

Good to see London and Tom again hahaha
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9/12/2013 10:58:58 PM reply with quote send message to †Creed† Object to Post

posted by Shutterfox

Good to see London and Tom again hahaha

laugh :D Yus, they are doing so very well. I don't know how I wasn't aware that you were also Canterbury. >.> Or maybe I did know many people. Lol

I have to say Sound of Silence is my fav.
 Lights Kennels
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9/13/2013 12:15:11 AM reply with quote send message to Lights Kennels Object to Post

:O no offense, but you have some generally creepy names. Um..... Institutionalized I guess....?
 Canterbury Ridge
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9/13/2013 8:23:00 AM reply with quote send message to Canterbury Ridge Object to Post

I think Creed's names are unique and creative. They aren't creepy at all to me. No offense, but I don't think it was very nice to openly associate her choices with negativity. If you didn't like any of her names, you probably should have waited for someone else to post. I personally haven't posted after someone on this thread for that reason, because I didn't need to openly express my dislike.

Not trying to stir up an argument. My apologies if you take my reply in the wrong context.

Anyhow, I like Wallflower (and you have a Winter Solstice too!) happy :)
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9/13/2013 8:33:19 AM reply with quote send message to †Creed† Object to Post

Creepy? That's the first time I've heard anyone say that. I guess I don't see how they're creepy. If anything, I find the majority of them rather funny. Either way, no offense taken. I'm quite satisfied with my theme and that what matters. happy :) Thank you Canterbury for your thoughtful approach in my defense.

YIang YIang. Although I'm having a hard time pronouncing that. Lol
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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9/13/2013 10:06:56 AM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

She's Gone Batty (I sometimes think I haverazz :p)

I don't think Creed's names are creepy. Everybody's got a right to name whatever they want as long as it goes by the SD naming rules.

 Inspirational Kennels
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9/13/2013 10:43:44 AM reply with quote send message to Inspirational Kennels Object to Post

Shadow Dancers

lol I love Creed's names...they all make me laugh laugh :D
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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9/13/2013 2:45:32 PM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Cowboy Casanova (I knew one of these...he even had the hypnotizing eyes, I'm not kidding...and yeah, I fell for him...)

 Lights Kennels
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9/13/2013 5:06:14 PM reply with quote send message to Lights Kennels Object to Post

Dragon of Mine!

posted by Canterbury Ridge
I think Creed's names are unique and creative. They aren't creepy at all to me. No offense, but I don't think it was very nice to openly associate her choices with negativity. If you didn't like any of her names, you probably should have waited for someone else to post. I personally haven't posted after someone on this thread for that reason, because I didn't need to openly express my dislike.

Not trying to stir up an argument. My apologies if you take my reply in the wrong context.

Looking back over my comment, that was really thoughtless and I didn't mean it to! The names personally were just a bit surprising to me, but they are very unique and creative, and just took me by surprise is all. It wasn't my intention to criticize! I know I could never think of names as original and imaginative as those! I'm sorry, Creed! And Canterbury Rose, thanks for pointing this out to me!
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9/13/2013 10:22:00 PM reply with quote send message to †Creed† Object to Post

happy :) no harm done on this end. Thank you for the apology, however. My names are somewhat...bizarre I imagine, but I am actually pretty proud to have thought up such a naming theme that seems to have endless selections. happy :) thank you Laffy~Taffy, Inspirational and Shutterfox for your compliments! happy :)

That said,
Friday The Thirteenth is EPIC!
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9/14/2013 5:36:03 PM reply with quote send message to Shutterfox Object to Post

Mere Shadows!

Lights, it's so great that you are understanding. I applaud you for your open mindedness and maturity! I wish more Internet users were like you happy :)
 Inspirational Kennels
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9/14/2013 7:11:36 PM reply with quote send message to Inspirational Kennels Object to Post

Livin La Vida Loca

lol I love the song razz :p
 Lights Kennels
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9/15/2013 5:57:19 PM reply with quote send message to Lights Kennels Object to Post

Sunstone! happy :)
 Laffy-Taffy Kennels
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9/15/2013 7:14:39 PM reply with quote send message to Laffy-Taffy Kennels Object to Post

Mirror Mirror (on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? Lol)

 Secret Kennels
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9/15/2013 10:32:20 PM reply with quote send message to Secret Kennels Object to Post

She's Like Texas. I really like that name! happy :)
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9/15/2013 10:38:00 PM reply with quote send message to Amoroso Object to Post

Burning Bridges! happy :)

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