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Basic User
Posts : 27

Basic User
5/9/2018 10:52:49 AM reply with quote send message to Fleetwood1 Object to Post

Spicy Secret
 Berry Brits
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Posts : 263

Basic User
5/10/2018 8:38:13 PM reply with quote send message to Berry Brits Object to Post

Oh My Goodness
Premium Member
Posts : 500+

Premium Member
5/11/2018 2:32:22 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

Steel Tempest
Basic User
Posts : 14

Basic User
5/11/2018 9:56:02 AM reply with quote send message to WonderPaw Object to Post

Ghost Bride
Basic User
Posts : 27

Basic User
5/11/2018 10:49:12 AM reply with quote send message to Fleetwood1 Object to Post

On Cloud Nine
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Posts : 54

Premium Member
5/11/2018 10:13:00 PM reply with quote send message to Kjelvik Object to Post

Just Gettin Started
 Clay Creek Falls
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Posts : 353

Premium Member
5/13/2018 2:51:08 AM reply with quote send message to Clay Creek Falls Object to Post

Ice Demon
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Posts : 233

Premium Member
5/13/2018 7:41:53 AM reply with quote send message to Rensvik Object to Post

Island In The Sun
 Clay Creek Falls
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Posts : 353

Premium Member
5/13/2018 10:26:36 PM reply with quote send message to Clay Creek Falls Object to Post

Gold Summer Rose
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Posts : 75

Premium Member
5/14/2018 4:17:19 AM reply with quote send message to Taymyr Object to Post

Chase the Sun
Basic User
Posts : 27

Basic User
5/15/2018 3:30:55 PM reply with quote send message to Fleetwood1 Object to Post

Out on the Town
 Clay Creek Falls
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Posts : 353

Premium Member
5/16/2018 11:47:56 PM reply with quote send message to Clay Creek Falls Object to Post

Sapphire Blues
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Posts : 206

Premium Member
5/18/2018 2:29:56 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolf Object to Post

Island In The Sun
 Berry Brits
Basic User
Posts : 263

Basic User
5/18/2018 8:46:14 PM reply with quote send message to Berry Brits Object to Post

Space Viking!
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Posts : 500+

Premium Member
5/19/2018 5:21:16 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

Winds of War
 Berry Brits
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Posts : 263

Basic User
6/1/2018 8:03:02 PM reply with quote send message to Berry Brits Object to Post

Dancing in Fire
Premium Member
Posts : 161

Premium Member
6/5/2018 1:29:31 PM reply with quote send message to terryterrier Object to Post

Captive Audience
 Clay Creek Falls
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Posts : 353

Premium Member
6/7/2018 8:32:56 PM reply with quote send message to Clay Creek Falls Object to Post

Crowned With Laurel

oh my god laugh :D this doesn't have to do with that Yanny vs Laurel video does it? LOL
Premium Member
Posts : 54

Premium Member
6/9/2018 4:11:17 AM reply with quote send message to Kjelvik Object to Post

Set Me On Fire
 Berry Brits
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Posts : 263

Basic User
6/14/2018 7:57:38 PM reply with quote send message to Berry Brits Object to Post

Princess for Hire

Replies in this thread : 1978
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Did you know?
Additional points may be awarded to the Best of Winners, or a class dog that goes Best of Breed or Best of Opposite Sex, again depending on the number of dogs competing