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3/8/2015 5:51:23 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

Spirit of St.Louis
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3/8/2015 4:41:31 PM reply with quote send message to Gallaxy Object to Post

Kiss and Tell
 Drake Creek Meadows
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3/9/2015 10:43:53 PM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Jealous Moon happy :)
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Posts : 233

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3/10/2015 2:38:19 AM reply with quote send message to Rensvik Object to Post

Edge of Eternity
 King Blazzo Kennels
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Premium Member
3/11/2015 12:28:45 PM reply with quote send message to King Blazzo Kennels Object to Post

dragon trader.
 SparkleLee Kennels
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Basic User
3/14/2015 12:11:45 AM reply with quote send message to SparkleLee Kennels Object to Post

Walking in Darkness
 Drake Creek Meadows
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3/14/2015 3:14:59 AM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Casablanca happy :)
 Clay Creek Falls
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3/14/2015 7:44:59 AM reply with quote send message to Clay Creek Falls Object to Post

Wicked Dreams
 Treestand Kennel
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3/14/2015 3:10:46 PM reply with quote send message to Treestand Kennel Object to Post

Flame Dance
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3/14/2015 4:51:49 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

Burning Ember
 Clay Creek Falls
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3/15/2015 11:36:02 PM reply with quote send message to Clay Creek Falls Object to Post

Silver Wings
 Drake Creek Meadows
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3/16/2015 3:35:51 AM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Light Of The Day happy :)
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Posts : 233

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3/16/2015 2:47:54 PM reply with quote send message to Rensvik Object to Post

Winter Oracle
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3/16/2015 3:02:31 PM reply with quote send message to Spyte Object to Post

Black Sea Mermaid
 Clay Creek Falls
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3/17/2015 7:15:14 PM reply with quote send message to Clay Creek Falls Object to Post

From One Comes Many
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Premium Member
3/18/2015 2:37:27 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

Flame Dance
 Almost Heaven
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3/18/2015 10:40:56 PM reply with quote send message to Almost Heaven Object to Post

Twinkle Toes
 CountryStrong Kennels
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3/19/2015 8:52:26 AM reply with quote send message to CountryStrong Kennels Object to Post

Little Hippie Chick
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3/19/2015 2:37:42 PM reply with quote send message to Rensvik Object to Post

Winter Warlock
 Drake Creek Meadows
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3/19/2015 3:06:36 PM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Silent Enchantment happy :)

Replies in this thread : 1978
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Did you know?
The second obedience title is a CDX, or "Companion Dog Excellent", which is earned through competition in the Open obedience class.