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9/27/2015 9:04:46 PM reply with quote send message to Xi-Chi Object to Post

YAY! I just found out that I am officially upgraded to a premium account! So, just as soon as my doggies are old enough, I'll be able to begin breeding and contributing to the breed happy :)
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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9/27/2015 9:07:03 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Congrats Xi-Chi!

And surprise surprise to me, I finally got my first really nice, competitive dog in a long time. 96.45, although Im not too impressed with her coat. Hopefully she'll finish quick and make some nice (and better coated) babies!
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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9/27/2015 9:11:20 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Also- selling this 96.05 boy that I sessioned when I literally had nothing better to session but I dont know if I have the patience to see if he'll be competitive. Just needs a few more obedience sessions, if someone wants to give him a shot.
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Basic User
9/28/2015 6:45:50 PM reply with quote send message to Xi-Chi Object to Post

Congrats Gypsy! She's a pretty little girl happy :)
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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9/28/2015 8:02:33 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

TY! I am very excited! happy :)
 Winter Heart
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9/29/2015 2:58:03 PM reply with quote send message to Winter Heart Object to Post

Very nice girl Gypsy. I'm very envious of that size on her. I think she will produce nicely. happy :)
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9/30/2015 2:49:06 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

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Very, very unhappy (maybe a bit mad even) - Wesley Eubanks has been retired!!!!!!!!!!!!

Was hoping he would be allowed to stay around for at least a year, since some judges have been here for years. Would like to know how it is decided that a judge will be retired.

Last edited by Aussiewolfsister on 9/30/2015 2:52:14 AM
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Basic User
9/30/2015 3:04:26 AM reply with quote send message to Analeyn Object to Post

Oh no sad :( that's very bad news indeed. I agree - sometimes the 'random' selection on this game doesn't appear to be so random after all.

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9/30/2015 6:41:38 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

Can't win -- have had some lovely traited pups that have had low SS recently -- but this one is really sad. Has a wonderful collection traits, but horrible SS. Don't know whether to keep or FH.

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Basic User
9/30/2015 7:00:05 PM reply with quote send message to Xi-Chi Object to Post

I might keep to breed with others in the future that have 20 show shine or if you have lower traits in those areas. I guess that's more of a personal preference. A while back when I was more actively breeding I remember keeping dogs with low SS if they had good traits that I was trying to improve upon.

On another note, does anyone happen to have any brood females that they might be willing to part with? I need to find 2 or 3.

-Serenity of Xi-Chi
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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Basic User
10/1/2015 12:44:08 AM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Xi-Chi, if you need a broodie, go ahead and pick any one of my unsessioned, non pregnant females and submit an offer. Happy to help. happy :)
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Basic User
10/1/2015 4:04:55 AM reply with quote send message to Lycaons Object to Post

I'm sure I can find you a broodie or two. I'll PM you with who is available. I think I'm a bit behind others in SOP though...
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Basic User
10/1/2015 5:31:50 AM reply with quote send message to Analeyn Object to Post

Hazardous Game just sired a 96.70 bitch! happy :)

Plus a couple 96.40's / 96.30's!

Thanks again to Winterheart - Two Step gave me another two 96.35's happy :)

Xi-Chi - I've PMed you because I have a 96.35 bitch puppy that you might like?

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Basic User
10/1/2015 6:02:38 AM reply with quote send message to Analeyn Object to Post

I also have this 96.25 dog with a nice 9.5 size and 9.7 gait. I don't have room, but maybe another kennel might? happy :)

 Yippee Yahoo Kennels
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10/1/2015 9:25:52 AM reply with quote send message to Yippee Yahoo Kennels Object to Post

Congrats Aussiewolfsister on winning Best In Show at the Barktober Bash Kick-Off with GCH CH DenKees Celtic Storm God!
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10/1/2015 3:36:21 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

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Thank you Yippee Yahoo happy :)

Just a shame we are loosing our favourite judge.

Congrats on your puppies Analeyn, they are lovely.

I am going quite green *lol*, all my best traited pups are coming in with low SS. My highest full SS is only 96.35. How is everyone else going?

Last edited by Aussiewolfsister on 10/1/2015 3:39:58 PM
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Basic User
10/1/2015 4:30:00 PM reply with quote send message to Lycaons Object to Post

I'm with you Aussie. My highest full SS is 96.35. I'm definitely in a bit of a lull, but haven't had as much time online lately which doesn't help!

What does everyone think is the current showable SOP? I've been sessioning some dogs, and do want to try my low SS dog to see what she does, but not sure if mine are really going to be competitive or not.
 Winter Heart
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Basic User
10/1/2015 6:22:59 PM reply with quote send message to Winter Heart Object to Post

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Congrats on your best in show Aussie and to Analeyn as well for the awesome puppies. Maybe my boy Two Step can get a merit sire from all these lovely puppies he is producing. happy :) Still trying to get one on Mind Your Step. He is so close!

Even though Two Step isn't giving me anything, Do a Step is producing for me. Got a 96.45 boy, 96.40 boy and 96.30 girl tonight:

Also, All About Me (96.45) is now up for stud:

And a 96.20 boy for sale:

Last edited by Winter Heart on 10/1/2015 7:09:10 PM
Premium Member
Posts : 206

Premium Member
10/4/2015 6:45:45 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolf Object to Post

Put up the first 9.9 coated male for stud duties, and forgot to tell you all. Just in case anyone wants to try for a 9.9 coat.

He is only 95.80 adjusted SS (18.2 real SS).

AusWolf Solitary Walker

There is another boy who should be up for breeding a bit later 95.95 adjusted SOP.

Basic User
Posts : 115

Basic User
10/4/2015 6:46:59 AM reply with quote send message to Xi-Chi Object to Post

Thank you all for the wonderful brood females. Congrats Analeyn on the amazing puppies and Aussie on the Best in Show win, that's awesome.

I've been doing a sort of average in terms of SOP. I added the top 10 Keeshonds from last month and got an average of 96.25 SOP so I'm assuming that is the baseline for show quality. However, it seems that 96.00 or higher is finishable or that's what I'm seeing here.


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