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12/28/2015 2:38:15 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

 good stuff
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12/28/2015 3:32:37 AM reply with quote send message to good stuff Object to Post

Holy shicow, 96.9! And a 9.8 gait to boot!

*kneeling with hands in the air* I Have Found A New Religion.

Does anyone know of any 9.9 heads? I would be willing to buy, or even trade this guy, for one.
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12/28/2015 3:50:43 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

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Congratulations -- I am a very green-eyed breeder. You just seem to do so well turning out lovely pups -- and that boy is just the best.

How do you keep the puppy gods happy? I would love your secret *lol*

Last edited by Aussiewolfsister on 12/28/2015 5:29:57 AM
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12/28/2015 4:52:12 AM reply with quote send message to Lycaons Object to Post

Congrats on the pup! We'll be at 97 soon I think.

No 9.9 heads here yet. Maybe it's time to do another "high trait" list, it's been about 6 weeks. (And nice to see that I went up in a few traits since last time!)

Head - 9.8
FQ - 9.5
HQ - 10.4
Gait - 9.7
TNB - 9.7
Coat - 9.8
Size - 9.5
Temp - 9.7
Feet - 9.6
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12/28/2015 5:02:10 AM reply with quote send message to Scalawag Object to Post

Here are my top traits in this kennel (where I'm focusing on better size and feet)

Head - 9.8
FQ - 9.5
HQ - 10.3
Gait - 9.7
TNB - 9.7
Coat - 9.8
Size - 9.6
Temp - 9.7
Feet - 9.6
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12/28/2015 5:36:29 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post


Head: 9.8
F/Q: 9.7
HQ: 10.3
Gait: 9.8
TNB: 9.7
Coat: 10.00
Size: 9.6
temp: 9.6
Feet: 9.5

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12/28/2015 6:02:08 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolf Object to Post


Head: 9.8
F/Q: 9.6
H/Q: 10.3
Gait: 9.7
TNB: 9.6
Coat: 10.00
Size: 9.4
Temp: 9.6
Feet: 9.5
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12/30/2015 3:14:21 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolf Object to Post

Just found this rather nice boy just whelped in this kennel, nowhere near the top puppy SOP wise, being only 96.70, but has 9.7 F/Q with 9.7 Gait --- and the best part --- a 9.9 Coat.

The best puppy yet, I am finally getting some very nice pups in this kennel at last.
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12/31/2015 6:37:55 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolf Object to Post

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For Sale if anyone is interested. SOP is only 96.35 --- but he is full SS with a 9.9 coat.

Or a low SS male (-96.10) with a 10.00 coat.

Last edited by Aussiewolf on 12/31/2015 6:38:16 PM

Last edited by Aussiewolf on 12/31/2015 6:40:44 PM
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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1/1/2016 1:53:58 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

So Im not quite sure what to do with this boy. He has a 10.0 coat, but only a 96.15 adjusted SOP. His father already has a 10.0 coat and a 96.10 (non adjusted, 20ss) SOP. I cant decide whether to keep the new boy to replace his father, FH him cause I dont generally breed low SS at all/already have a 10.0 coat. I must admit part of my is curious how he would do in the ring with that 10.0 coat, but not curious enough to waste sessions on the rest of his mediocre stats and low ss.
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1/1/2016 2:29:16 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolf Object to Post

Don't think I would show him myself, I was showing a full SS 96.20 bitch with 10.00 coat and she did't do very well, just a bit too far behind in stats.

I have not had great success in getting many 10.00s in coats - and they are all either low SS or low SOP so far. My 10.00 coated males are all low SS: -96.55 adjusted, -96.50 adjusted and -96.30 adjusted SOP, with the exception of the only full SS male with a 10.00 coat so far who has 96.20 SOP.

My highest 10.00 bitch so far is 96.20 SOP and that is both full and adjusted SOP's. I keep trying to pull the SOP up with breeding to higher males and females.

My current 10.00 male stud (-96.55) has had a couple of really nice high bitches, from outside, bred to him, so will be very interested to see the resulting puppies.

I might consider parting with the 10.00 coated -96.30 adjusted male if anyone is interested.
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1/1/2016 6:11:25 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolf Object to Post

New boy up for stud duties. He is only 96.30 SOP, with only a 9.7 coat --- but has 9.5 feet.
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1/1/2016 7:30:19 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

Just had a Hazardous Treasure x Celtic Charmer litter whelp.

I have a 95.25 male with 9.9 coat available for sale:

The same litter produced a couple of low SS 10.00 coated males: - -96.65

and - -96.40 --- just might part with this one if anyone wants to chance a low SS male.

Not to mention two 10.00 coated bitches, one with low SS - -96.60 - full SS but only 96.35

I am getting some good results, but cursing the fact that the best of them are coming in low SS.

One one pup out of the lot with 9.8 coat, and she would be full SS and 96.45

 good stuff
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1/2/2016 8:41:10 AM reply with quote send message to good stuff Object to Post

Lol Just weekly prayers to the falling moon while surrounded with all things dogly, daily *strictly under the table* offerings of food and deliciousness, as well as shows of extreme devotion every other day, for good measure, should do the trick.

Really, showdog, like most other games (say monopoly), is a game of chance and your ability to seize those chances and maximize the good rolls to the best of your ability with the parameters you are given. In the bare and at the moment, I'm still using, for the most part, a modified "maximum lottery ticket" strategy (which is pretty nice when just getting started in a open community, kinda like blowing at embers of a fire) where my bitch and pregnancy count are "lottery tickets". That can't really capture the emotional level of what I am doing because of my attachment to these said pixels and codes as well as the people surrounding me (I want to be of use to everyone, I want my breed to be the best in both community and rank, I want to be recognized and to help, I want to keep this line alive no matter what; the basics that promise of a good game), but that strategy kinda makes the boney structure of what I'm doing... I guess. Hope I didn't lose anyone with the maze of metaphors and similes

Top stats:
Head - 9.8
FQ - 9.6
HQ - 10.3
Gait - 9.8
TNB - 9.8!
Coat - 9.8 <I'm having some trouble here, I think I'm going to have to be more strict with it.
Size - 9.5
Temp - 9.7
Feet - 9.4
 Winter Heart
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1/3/2016 12:32:31 AM reply with quote send message to Winter Heart Object to Post

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Got three treasures from my last breedings. Thanks for giving them good homes lycaons and Aussie!

96.85 girl:
96.80 boy:
96.65 girl with a 9.9 coat:

A few 96.60 and 96.50 broodies are for sale as well.

Last edited by Winter Heart on 1/3/2016 1:48:36 AM
 Winter Heart
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Basic User
1/4/2016 9:36:41 PM reply with quote send message to Winter Heart Object to Post

My entire kennel will be going up for sale this Sunday after my litters drop. If there are any dogs you wish to reserve, message me.
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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1/6/2016 1:11:27 AM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Just had my first 9.8 TNB and 9.7 FQ pups born tonight. Too bad theyre not on the same dog!
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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1/6/2016 4:21:41 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Mostly sessioned (just needs a few more points in training) 9.9 coat, 96.4 SOP boy for sale. I decided that my plate is full enough with dogs for the ring right now, in case anyone else wants to give him a crack. I just cant justify the entrance fees right now.
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1/7/2016 4:18:17 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolf Object to Post

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Just found a lovely surprise in my AusWolf kennel tonight.

A 96.60 bitch with a 10.00 coat.

Last edited by Aussiewolf on 1/7/2016 4:21:15 AM
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1/7/2016 1:24:39 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolf Object to Post

Some 10.00 coated boys for sale, one is 96.20 SOP, and the other is low SS, -96.30 adjusted.

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Did you know?
In the American Kennel Club, a dog needs 15 points to become a Champion, with each win gaining anywhere from zero to five points depending on the number of dogs competing and the area where the show is held.