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 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/21/2014 1:35:53 AM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Welp, my boy finished his Ch tonight, giving Analeyn's House of Cards his 10 champions sired!! Congrats Analeyn!
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11/21/2014 1:42:27 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

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Congratulations -- very well done, to you and Analeyn.

Now if I can only get a 3rd GCh for him with Butterfly............

Last edited by Aussiewolfsister on 11/21/2014 1:43:39 AM

Last edited by Aussiewolfsister on 11/21/2014 1:44:35 AM
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11/21/2014 12:39:18 PM reply with quote send message to Analeyn Object to Post

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Thank you everyone for your contributions to House Of Card's Bronze Sire title happy :) It was a shared effort.

VanIsle, welcome to the breed! And what a lovely first litter, well done!

Well done to Spyte on the lovely litter happy :) & to Gypsy for the new champion!


Last edited by Analeyn on 2/11/2015 8:09:20 PM
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11/21/2014 1:30:47 PM reply with quote send message to VanIsle Object to Post

Thanks for the welcome all and congrats to everyone for all their great achievements.
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11/22/2014 3:04:13 AM reply with quote send message to Spyte Object to Post

Congrats on Cards! So awesome! I'm looking forward to getting the new boys up and going.
 Winter Heart
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11/22/2014 7:04:18 AM reply with quote send message to Winter Heart Object to Post

Wow, VanIsle! Congrats on your awesome litter! Welcome to Kees!

 Winter Heart
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11/22/2014 7:04:58 AM reply with quote send message to Winter Heart Object to Post

Congrats to Analeyn on your merit award too. That's fantastic! happy :)

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11/22/2014 2:23:26 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

To Analeyn - congrats on your merit award happy :)

To VanIlse - Welcome to our happy little band. And that's a lovely litter to get you started happy :)
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11/22/2014 5:11:34 PM reply with quote send message to Analeyn Object to Post

Thank you happy :)

I've reduced his stud fee down to $25, if anyone else would like to use him.
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/22/2014 5:57:56 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Ya just keep us comin back eh? lol. I'll probably still use him a time or two.
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11/25/2014 3:15:47 PM reply with quote send message to VanIsle Object to Post

Thanks for the congrats on my litter but really, if my timing hadn't been so good on looking for a new breed, I wouldn't have found such nice dogs to start with and without everyone being such a great bunch and having such great dogs up for stud and sale I wouldn't have got this litter.
I am really just building on what you all have done and I am very grateful. happy :)
Looking forward to being able to contribute my own good line eventually.
Thanks again group.
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11/25/2014 4:00:27 PM reply with quote send message to Spyte Object to Post

Sessioning is so slow...I am ready to get my new babies in the ring lol

Ana ~ is Cards gonna be around as a stud for a bit still?
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/25/2014 5:14:12 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

I also had very good results with House of Card's nephew, out of his sister, by the way.
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/25/2014 8:09:04 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Indeed, I had 2 litters due today by Analeyn's Play The Game (House of Cards newphew out of his litter mate Poker Face), and between the 2 litters, I got 3 94.6 pups!
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11/25/2014 9:40:35 PM reply with quote send message to Analeyn Object to Post

Spyte - Yes. One dog doesn't take up too much space. I'll post here before I retire him regardless. happy :)

Gypsy - Nice puppies! Hopefully Play The Game will continue to produce well.

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11/26/2014 3:09:29 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

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Congrats on the puppies Gypsy happy :)

I have a dog and two bitches, Bojangles, Crystal Ball and Gheimhridh (when the girls are not having pups) who I won't be sessioning any further at this stage as I have two new pups I want to get sessioned up.

If anyone needs a couple of extra points, let me know and I will enter them while I can afford it.

Last edited by Aussiewolfsister on 11/26/2014 3:12:09 AM
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/27/2014 5:08:26 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

94.5 dog for sale, cause I just dont have room after getting my 4th 94.6 this week. happy :) /humblebrag
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11/28/2014 12:19:08 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

That House of Cards line is still doing well.

My girl Butterfly has just whelped to Winterhearts Livin It Up.

A daughter of House of Cards to a son of House of Cards. A rather nice litter.happy :)

Four out of the six pups:
94.80 Bitch, 94.75 Dog, 94.70 Bitch and a 94.40 Bitch.
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Basic User
11/28/2014 3:47:40 PM reply with quote send message to VanIsle Object to Post

What lovely litters! Congrats to both of you. happy :)
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/28/2014 5:41:49 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Damn Aussie! happy :) NICE! I wont pretend Im not green with jealousy. happy :)

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Did you know?
Additional points may be awarded to the Best of Winners, or a class dog that goes Best of Breed or Best of Opposite Sex, again depending on the number of dogs competing