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11/30/2014 5:01:06 PM reply with quote send message to Spyte Object to Post

I'm jealous too Gypsy! I wish my dogs were that nice!!!
 southern Mist
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12/3/2014 5:25:24 AM reply with quote send message to southern Mist Object to Post

I am happy to get a 94.75 bitch
I am only keeping her she has a 94.40 sister I am selling
 Winter Heart
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12/3/2014 6:48:04 PM reply with quote send message to Winter Heart Object to Post

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Just a heads up, my two 94.95 boys are now up for stud. Check them out. wink ;)


Last edited by Winter Heart on 12/3/2014 6:48:31 PM
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12/3/2014 6:55:04 PM reply with quote send message to Noveria Object to Post

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Congrats Southern Mist on your puppy girl!


Edit: This is Winter Heart btw.

Last edited by Noveria on 12/3/2014 6:55:41 PM
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12/4/2014 1:02:37 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

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@ Winterheart -- Checked them out .... and am now trying them out happy :)
Thanks for putting them up.

You have a very nice bitch pup there Southern Mist.

Last edited by Aussiewolfsister on 12/4/2014 1:05:09 AM
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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12/4/2014 9:57:23 AM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Im waiting, with less patience rather than more, for a bitch to come into heat so I can try your new studs Winter! happy :)
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12/4/2014 1:06:42 PM reply with quote send message to Spyte Object to Post

Tried one out. Will be trying the other boy out when I have another girl. laugh :D I'm excited to see what they throw!
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12/4/2014 6:11:02 PM reply with quote send message to Analeyn Object to Post

Congratulations to everyone on your recent successes happy :) I have been a little inactive lately happy :) It's nice to see that we are filling up atleast two shows each night, usually with majors!

 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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12/7/2014 1:42:45 AM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

94.6 boy for sale, very finishable but I just don't have the time or sessions available. Out of the House of Cards line.
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12/7/2014 4:18:33 AM reply with quote send message to Analeyn Object to Post

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I'm going to retire House Of Cards soon...

happy :)


Last edited by Analeyn on 12/7/2014 6:13:06 AM
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12/7/2014 6:26:31 AM reply with quote send message to Analeyn Object to Post

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Two lovely new dogs out of Analeyn/Winterheart pairings...

& something that I am particularly proud of; the first of my line with a 9.3 Forequarter...

It's nice to see some progress of trait breeding! happy :)


Last edited by Analeyn on 12/7/2014 6:26:57 AM
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12/7/2014 9:01:46 AM reply with quote send message to Spyte Object to Post

Wow! 94.90?! How exciting! My bitch better be cooking up some good ones to compete with these guys!
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12/7/2014 1:18:15 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

Congratulations --- lovely puppies happy :)
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12/8/2014 9:41:35 AM reply with quote send message to VanIsle Object to Post

Congrats to everyone on their lovely puppies.
Analeyn, you should be so proud of how strong an influence your House of Cards has had in the breed. happy :)
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Basic User
12/8/2014 1:25:33 PM reply with quote send message to Analeyn Object to Post

Thank you, he certainly has been quite influential. He is also a credit to PPKeeshond, Winterheart & Dragonuv - dogs from these kennels feature in his pedigree happy :)

 Winter Heart
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12/8/2014 2:49:32 PM reply with quote send message to Winter Heart Object to Post

I'm happy my boys threw some nice pups for you!! Congrats.

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Basic User
12/8/2014 11:14:45 PM reply with quote send message to Spyte Object to Post

I got a 94.45 boy I'm selling.

Keeping this boy out of the litter ~
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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12/9/2014 12:40:35 AM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Have you guys seen all the new breeders we have lately? Im impressed!
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12/10/2014 1:16:14 AM reply with quote send message to Analeyn Object to Post

Yes I have! Very encouraging happy :)

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Basic User
12/10/2014 3:29:57 AM reply with quote send message to Analeyn Object to Post

I'll be retiring House Of Cards tomorrow - his offspring and extended offspring are producing very well, more so than he has recently. There are countless dogs from his line to choose from too. Thank you to everyone for helping with his Bronze Sire effort - well done happy :)


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Did you know?
In multi-breed and all-breed shows, the winners of all breeds within the kennel club's breed Groups then compete for Group placements.