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 Winter Heart
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11/17/2015 5:58:54 PM reply with quote send message to Winter Heart Object to Post

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Just got a 96.75 boy today:

Here are my stats:
Head: 9.8
Coat: 9.9
FQ: 9.6
Size: 9.5
HQ: 10.3
Gait: 9.8
TNB: 9.7
feet: 9.3

Highest bred bitch SOP: 96.60
Highest bred dog SOP: 96.75

And this boy with the 9.8 gait is up for stud:

Last edited by Winter Heart on 11/17/2015 6:02:41 PM
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11/18/2015 3:26:37 AM reply with quote send message to Lycaons Object to Post

I added a few specialties over the next month from one of my other kennels, since we didn't have any. I'll add payouts too shortly.
 good stuff
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11/18/2015 4:41:59 AM reply with quote send message to good stuff Object to Post

Awesome, entering now.
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11/18/2015 5:50:11 AM reply with quote send message to Xi-Chi Object to Post

I'm feeling very discouraged. I really love the community here, but not real sure that the breed is loving me.

My best dog: 96.35 SOP

My best female: 96.50 SOP

Head: 9.8
FQ: 9.4
HQ: 10.3
Gait: 9.7
TN&B: 9.7
Coat: 9.8
Size: 9.5
Temp: 9.6
Feet: 9.3

I have some females that will be coming of age soon so perhaps things will get better happy :)

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11/18/2015 1:26:03 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

Hang in there Xi-Chi -- I know that feeling very well, its only recently I had a couple of males whelped at 96.60 (one is only 96.60 adjusted) and I am still trying to get a female over 96.35. And I have bred a lot of litters. Guess I am just stubborn. I seem to get there eventually. Cross fingers that you have some stunning litters coming soon.

 Winter Heart
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11/18/2015 5:29:42 PM reply with quote send message to Winter Heart Object to Post

Don't get discouraged xi-chi! You will catch up. I don't have that many high SOP dogs/bitches, only a couple. The rest of mine sit around 96.35 and 96.40.
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/18/2015 6:44:46 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Thanks Lyc! Ive wished for more specialties lately, but am digging out of a financial hole so couldnt sponsor them! Youre the best.

Xi, I JUST got my first homebred 96.5 this week. Average is 96.4. Really, you're doing fine. happy :)
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11/19/2015 4:03:15 AM reply with quote send message to Lycaons Object to Post

I have one kennel that has a very healthy balance (it's a color breeding kennel, so nothing even close to showable, so full salary and minimal food).

How often do people like specialties? Is weekly too much? (Not doing one the week of the National). I can likely sponsor one a week for a while, maybe not doing payouts on each but at least we'll have a show.
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11/19/2015 1:33:03 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

Whatever you wish to do would be lovely -- thank you very much.
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/19/2015 6:40:52 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Im not picky, grateful for whatever
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/20/2015 12:57:50 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Dayum! Beyond the Sky might have been kinda a dud in the show ring, but look what she just whelped! Anyone have a higher SOP in their kennel, or is this the highest currently?
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11/20/2015 2:59:15 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

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Congrats on a very pretty girl Gypsy happy :)

Now I am very green eyed!

In breeding - my highest SOP boy is 96.60 and the highest girls are 96.35 (kinda stuck).

I did get a 96.40 bitch from Analyen, but she has a poor coat.

Last edited by Aussiewolfsister on 11/20/2015 3:02:37 PM
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/20/2015 4:43:38 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Thanks Aussie. Ive had better luck with dogs than bitches for a while (my last particularly good bitch was Two Dreams, 96.45 who's over 50 days now.) so Im excited. This is my male or female over 96.5 at all other than the bitch I bought from Anaelyn. But I think we've all been hanging around 96.4 for a while, with a few outliers. It feels like in keeshonds we settle into a plateau for a little bit, and then shoot up quickly, plateau again, etc. I'll keep you in mind if I get any nice bitches to part with happy :)
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11/20/2015 11:04:16 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolf Object to Post

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Forgot to mention this boy, who I put up for stud a little while ago. He is 96.25 SOP, with a 9.9 coat.

And this boy will be going up when he turns 30 in a few hours time happy :)

And just in case anyone is slightly interested - bitch puppy up for sale with 95.75 SOP and a 9.9 coat.

Last edited by Aussiewolf on 11/20/2015 11:11:25 PM
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11/21/2015 7:51:38 PM reply with quote send message to Lycaons Object to Post

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I'm thinking of starting up a second Kees kennel to trait breed a bit more. I have one kennel sitting empty rebuilding the balance. The balance there hasn't fully recovered yet, so I may be a bit picky to start as to who I buy.

I'm thinking I'll try to raise feet and size, which I've been doing overall here, but not as a main focus.

I'll look through the dogs for sale to see what's there, but if any of you get any good feet/size dogs that aren't keepers otherwise let me know and I'll check them out. I'm thinking 9.4 or above.

Last edited by Lycaons on 11/21/2015 7:54:48 PM
 Winter Heart
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11/21/2015 9:53:26 PM reply with quote send message to Winter Heart Object to Post

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Congrats Gypsy on the 96.75. She is very lovely. happy :)

My highest right now in SOP is a 96.75 boy and a 96.60 girl that I bred. The rest sit between 96.35-96.50.

Last edited by Winter Heart on 11/21/2015 9:55:20 PM
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/21/2015 10:51:03 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Id love to breed your 96.75 boy to my 96.75 girl when the time comes Winter. We could make beautiful babies together.
 Winter Heart
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11/21/2015 11:12:21 PM reply with quote send message to Winter Heart Object to Post

He will definitely be up for stud once he is old enough. I'm crossing my fingers, hoping that he will produce well. happy :)
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11/22/2015 4:55:07 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

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Good idea Lycaons, if I get any suitable pups that you might like - will let you know. Although that is the weakest area in most of my dogs.

Another nice boy from my latest litter, still no nice girls, but I like this boy, even if he is not quite at the top!

96.65 SOP

Not a bad effort for his 96.20 SOP daddy and my Analeyn girl (with the poor coat).

Last edited by Aussiewolfsister on 11/22/2015 5:00:53 AM
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/22/2015 2:54:02 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Bitch with 9.8 gait for sale. Her ss and the rest of her stats are kinda janky, but she could introduce that gait into your lines.

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