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11/4/2015 3:33:24 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

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He will go up when he is old enough happy :)

Look forward to seeing you back Spyte. Fingers crossed for your interviews!

Last edited by Aussiewolfsister on 11/4/2015 3:34:49 AM
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/4/2015 12:11:42 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Hes lovely Aussie!
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/4/2015 11:59:35 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

I need a 96.35 male like I need a hole in the head. So this fine fellow is up for grabs.
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11/5/2015 2:18:27 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

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Breeding to my low SS boy has not been a roaring success. He has sired some 20 SS pups, but they are in the 96.10-96.15 range. His best traited pups are all low SS. I just about cried seeing the pups in this one 6 pup litter:

and the only 96+ 20 SS pup in the litter:

One other very nice low SS pup in another litter.

I have one more litter to come, and am now wondering if it is worth keeping and continuing to use him, or the pups he produced.

Last edited by Aussiewolfsister on 11/5/2015 3:34:34 AM
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11/5/2015 10:45:54 AM reply with quote send message to Xi-Chi Object to Post

Congrats Aussie, that's a very nice boy you have there happy :)

As for me, my first month in Keeshonds has not been very eventful. It's been about average I suppose so I can't really complain. I had a litter of pups this morning. I got all excited because they were all boys, however, the rash of show shine issues continue. This makes no sense to me because I'm breeding perfect show shine pairs. My best boy in the litter was a 96.35

I have one more litter due tomorrow so I'm going to cross my fingers. If I don't get anything worthwhile out of that litter, then I may be training my boy for the show ring to see how he does. Although, a 9.7 coat really doesn't seem promising to me.

I did get a 96.50 female with the first litter I bred so I'm thinking perhaps that could be chalked up to beginners luck lol I'm hoping that this month will get better.

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11/6/2015 2:26:39 PM reply with quote send message to Xi-Chi Object to Post

I put the boy I purchased from Analeyn up for stud services today.

I figured I'd mention it in case anyone was interested happy :)

 Triple Deke
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11/6/2015 11:22:04 PM reply with quote send message to Triple Deke Object to Post

Hi everyone! I just joined so I wanted to say hi! I love Kees! I just purchased a puppy from Winter Heart. I'm interested to see if I'm better at this than in the real conformation ring lol!
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/7/2015 1:59:33 AM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Welcome Triple! If you need anything, please dont hesitate to let any one of us know happy :)
 Winter Heart
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11/7/2015 2:30:51 AM reply with quote send message to Winter Heart Object to Post

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Welcome Triple. Feel free to message me if you need anything and enjoy the girl! I will be having more litters this weekend.

Last edited by Winter Heart on 11/7/2015 2:31:52 AM
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11/7/2015 7:43:16 PM reply with quote send message to Xi-Chi Object to Post

Hi Triple. Welcome to the breed. I've recently started myself, but if you need anything let me know.

-Serenity happy :)
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11/8/2015 1:43:04 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolf Object to Post

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Firstly - welcome Triple Deke - to the best breed happy :) - from Aussiewolf and Aussiewolfsister.

Secondly - three rather special new boys up for stud duties (9.9 and 10 coats) if anyone is interested, two are low SS:

Last edited by Aussiewolf on 11/9/2015 3:26:01 AM
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/9/2015 4:49:34 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

So ive got this boy. SS is lowish, coat isnt great...but he has a 9.8 gait. Ive already got a dog with a 9.8 gait so I dont need to keep this fellow for stud duties. Anyone ineterested? To the best of my knowlege, the one Ive kept, the one I sold to Winter, and this one are the only 9.8 gaits Ive seen....
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/11/2015 1:45:01 AM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

I see a bunch of new names on the breed directory. Just wanted to say WELCOME! Please hit me or anyone else up if you need anything.
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11/13/2015 7:04:48 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

Totally fed up with all the pups I am getting in the 96.30's, in my DenKees Kennel. Have only managed one decent male pup above 96.35, and can't bred a bitch higher than that at all.

At least I finally managed a couple of nice boys in AusWolf, including a 96.45 SOP boy with 9.9 coat, but no high females there either.

Ah well, fingers and toes crossed for the next group of litters due! Keep thinking - must start getting some more decent pups soon.
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11/13/2015 7:10:16 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolf Object to Post

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Here is the shining light in my latest litters:

96.45 SOP (full SS) and a 9.9 coat with it. He will go up for stud when old enough.

And this girl is not too bad (although shocking feet), she is only 96.20 SOP (full SS), but with a 10 coat. Be very useful for breeding.

Last edited by Aussiewolf on 11/13/2015 7:13:11 AM
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/13/2015 2:19:50 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

WOOT WOOT WOOT! GOT MY FIRST 10.0 COAT!! Thanks so much to Aussie for the stud!!
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/13/2015 2:20:46 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

And Lord of Memories is a very nice looking pup Aussie. I look forward to using him for stud when hes old enough happy :)
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/13/2015 2:27:15 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

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Daaaamn. Do you ever just have a day when the puppy gods smile upon you? 10.0 head and TWO 96.5 showable pups, male and female, from separate litters, separate lines. I had been in a mini rut lately, so this feels gooood. Put a bunch of puppies up for sale, including this 96.3 bitch who would make a good broodie for someone.

Last edited by Gypsy Wind Kennels on 11/13/2015 2:28:24 PM
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11/13/2015 2:28:02 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolfsister Object to Post

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Congrats on your boy -- I am officially green-eyed happy :)
Thanks, yes, Memories is the bright spot in an ordinary bunch of pups.
Glad I started the second kennel, if only for the lucky accident that has started this line of coats. It came from an old bitch still on sale in Cherry Creek Kennels.

I am waiting for the puppy gods...........

Last edited by Aussiewolfsister on 11/13/2015 2:28:48 PM
 Gypsy Wind Kennels
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11/13/2015 2:28:56 PM reply with quote send message to Gypsy Wind Kennels Object to Post

Im glad you started that second kennel for the nice coats too! Isnt it funny how things work out sometimes?

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